Be proud Philippoy, the glorious Vasileos Makedon,
Rejoice, Makedonia, our dearest land,
Why you are the father of Alexandoy,
And you are called his homeland.
MAKEΔNΩN - Ancient Makedonian (Koinon Makedonon) alphabet - the letter '' Г - G '' was number 3, the number sign ''3'' is Arabic, meaning later
It is the official name and is unique, there is no need for "numbers"
Philippoy and Alexandroy Makedonon
Father& Son
Be proud Philippoy, the glorious Vasileos Makedon,
Rejoice, Makedonia, our dearest land,
Why you are the father of Alexandoy,
And you are called his homeland.
Оy, оy, оy, we are few in number,
Оy, оy, оy, in battle we are stronger.
Alexandroy Makedonon, leads us,
Оy, оy, оy, Vasileon Маkedon, ON, ON - (he is).
By the Mercy of God,
until to India, all trampled, eternity gave us.
Alexandroy, Alexandroy Makedonon, from God for us the holy gift,
Alexandroy, Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon.
Damn it is,.. Damn it is,.. Damn it is !
Damn it is who poisoned Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon.
Еy, Makedonians,.. ey, Makedonians, miserable you are,... miserable you are ,... nobody you are, nobody we are and nothing we have without Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon.
Blood nourishes the earth, in blood all people die and are born. Blood is the food of the gods. Down there for centuries we offended,...
Еy, we Makedonians give the holy word:
From Makedonia and Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon, we will never give up.
Glory Makedonian We will bring back,
Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon we adore, Makedonia, our dearest land we respect.
Where is the flowing water,... it will still flow,
Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon, he said so.
Alexandroy Makedonon, it's Маkedon,
Маkedon it's Alexandroy Makedonon, ON, ON - (he is).
Еy, to know, Alexandroy Makedonon, our glory Vasileon Маkedon, is Makedon,
Makedon is Alexandroy Makedonon.
Hei to know: Alexandroy Makedonon glory Vasileon (king of kings) Makedon, we Makedonians don't give.
oy, oy, oy, we don't care for your number,
oy, oy, oy, in the battle we are stronger.
EI, Alexandroy, OY, OY!
EI, Makedonon, ON, ON!
Alexandroy Makedonon glory Vasileon Makedon, us lead.
ALEXANDROY - A LE XAN DR OY - , here "XAN - KSAN", is interpreted as "holy".
А - for
LЕ - medicine
XAN-KSAN - holy
D'R - gift
ОЈ - оy
For cure holy gift oy - Аlexandroy.
The Vasileos
Makedonon Alexandroy, Vasileon of Vasileondon
Makedonia - private collection
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy - Copies Medusa and Nicaea - Archaeological Museum of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
''The world belongs to the brave''
''Fame is not achieved by other's hands''
Vasileon МakedononАlеxаndroy, oy, oy
VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY in Battle - Taranto, National Archaeological Museum, Italy - 3rd century BC
This is not an antique medallion, but has been presented as such by forgers
How it should look approximately then ''aspida'' (sword) of the aVsileon Makedono Alexandroy
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was born in BELLAS - светол, illuminated, BELLASTI - the illuminated), Makedonia on month said ''LOY'' in Makedonianand that on the sixth day (July 20, 356 BCafter the new reckoning of time), was the ruler of Makedonia from the Argeadi lineage and ruled from 336 323 BC., Vasileon of Vasileondon Macedonia.He was one of the most successful military leaders in human history, liberator, unifier and lord of lords of the ancient world eternally glorious.
The name of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy - Aleksandar Makedonski is unique and there is no need for the addition as like "Third'' and negative political names should absolutely be avoided: "veliki", "the great", "magno", "magnus" etc.. which have the main goal of denying the Makedonian identity.
- Vasileos - you're light (king),
- Vasileon - you're the brightest, you're unique light of light (king of the kings).
Vasileos (king - you're light in Makedonian) after Vasileon (king of the kings), ''Makedonon'' - is the title inheritedfrom his father the Makdonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, so this is not a surname but the title, and after his son there are others are not ''MAKEDONON - HE is Makedon'', it can be said that all others afterwards are usurpers of the Makedonian throne.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was born from the marriage of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and the Makedonian Vasilitsa Olympia, otherwise a princess of Molossia, in three hundred and fifty-six years BC at the beginning of the month of ''Loy'', on the sixth day. On that day the temple of Artemis in Ephexion (not Ephesus) was burned. From this Hagast of Magnetion uttered the saying which with its cold could extinguish the fire in the temple:
“ Of course, that temple must have burned down when Artemis became a grandmother at the birth of Vasileon Alexandoy ”.
His coming into the world was a sign of victory.
Plutarch say that his birth was foretold to Vasileos Philippoy and Vasilissas Olympia.
Namely, Vasilissas Olympia dreamed that a thunderbolt hit her body and set it all on fire.
Vasilitsas Olympia, fantasy 14th century AD - museum in Madrid
Understandably, her mystical mind immediately associated thunder with DZE - the God of light, the ILE god of the Sun, and regarded it as an expression of the personal interest of this god - protector of her family and her future fertility.
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, dreamed a dream in which he sealed the womb of Vasilissas Olympia with a seal bearing the imprint of a lion.
When the dreams of the court prophet Aristander of Telmes were told, he immediately concluded that Vasilisis Olympia was pregnant and carrying a child who would have a lion character.
On the same day that his son Alexandroy was born, messengers arrived to Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy informing him of the victory over the Illyrians and the victory of his horse at the Olympic Games. The special qualities that Alexandroy possessed and showed from a young age justified Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy hope that his son had the desired heir.
Alexandroy in it he merged the many character traits of both his parents.
From his mother, a temperamental woman subject to the faith in magic inherited a passionate and less stubborn person, an irrational longing to meet the unknown and a belief in a special heroic glory, which decided his fate.
He inherited from his father the indomitable will and energy, indomitable character, courage, fame, military gift and extraordinarily practical spirit.
His mother was closer to his soul and the influence of this temperamental woman left an indelible mark on him.
His father's diplomatic, military, and political success, in turn, fueled his ambition and ignited his dreams of leadership and fame.
Plutarch mentions that:
“Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did not want to receive gold, luxury and enjoyment from his father, but wanted a state that would give him the opportunity for battles, wars and deeds full of honor and glory”.
However Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy owed him much more than one state. No one could direct him better in the military skill than the man whose power was constantly winning, and the army created by his father was the most perfect weapon one could only desire to achieve his desires. Although busy with himself and his affairs, indifferent and rude to his closest, Vasileos Philippoy obviously had weaknesses towards his successor and followed with pride and enjoyment the development of his strong individuality.
The young prince Alexandroy was raised by Lenka, the sister of Klito the Black, his future general and bodyguard in battle.Later by Leonid who was very strict.A relative of his mother Vasilitsas Olympia who was Lisimahoy uncle.
One of the young prince Alexandroy first teachers was Leonid, a relative of Vasilitsas Olympia, who struggled to control the defiant boy. Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy hired Leonid to train young people in math, archery, and horseback riding (training and caring for horses).Alexandroy favorite teacher was Lisimachoy. This teacher devised a game in which the young prince Alexandroy imitated the hero Achil, АCH (ah) - IL - the god of the sun.
Achil was a hero-warrior from a famous ancient poem called The Iliad, or - ILI YADA - War of ILI . Achil became the model of the noble warrior for Vasileos Alexandroy, and he set an example for this hero. This game delighted Vasilitsas Olympia because her family claims the hero as an ancestor.
When prince Alexandroy was 10 years old a horseman from Dzetsalia (Thessaly) brought a horse to Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. The horse refused to be ridden, so Vasileos Philippoy ordered it to be removed. The young prince Alexandroy, however, asked to try to ride the horse and tame it. Vasileos Philippoy initially refused but then agreed. The young prince Alexandroy saw that the horse was afraid of his shadow, so he positioned the horse opposite the sun, then calmed him down and ride the horse. He named the horse Bukefil - Buka head, hard head - hard faithful.
Alexandroy and Bukefil - Buka head, hard head - hard faithful
Buke F Il - More stubborn (Beech tree) - the strongest - and brighter
The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy told to he son Alexandroy after this event:
'' My dear son, find another country to rule, because Makedonia is too small for you ''.
An ancient stone statue of a horse v. Bigla - Makedonia
Bukefil - Buka head, hard head - hard faithful
At the age of 13, the vasileos Makedonon Philippoy thought that his son needed to be educated at a higher level. Many teachers were rejected by the vasileos Makedonon Philippoy such as: Isocrates, Speusipus.He entrusted that work to Aristotle of Stagira - Halkideon. The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy undertook to rebuild this city previously destroyed by him. Thus Aristotel, who had previously resided from the Dzenica (Asia Minor) the island of Lesbos, came to Makedonia in Madze (most likely ''Miezi,'', the original inscription of the name of the territory should be seen) where the young prince Alexandroy was educated with other nobles.
Born of such a mother and father, the young prince Alexandroy also had the good fortune to become a student of the greatest philosopher and scientist in antiquity. When the prince Alexandroy was fourteen, the vasileos Makedonon Philippoy brought Aristotel to Makedonia and entrusted him with the upbringing of his son.Aristotel born in Stagira, Halkideon (Halkidik) - Makedonia.
VERYIMPORTANT:should be noted thatalthoughAristoteleducated in Adzena(or Adzana) he isMakedonian,and provesand the AdzanaUniversity hasnot receivedAristotl asequalsince Aristotelwas Makedonian.
(The Adzaians, intoxicated with joy over the death of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy. The Adzaian priest Eurimedon files a lawsuit against Aristotel. Aristotel, sentenced to death, returns to Makedonia, more precisely, to the island of Eyvoya (Euboea), where he dies ... here are the Adzaians.)
Aristotel was then about forty years old and was still one of Plato's most prominent students, far from his further glory. He was the son-in-law and friend of the ruler of Dzenika (Asia Minor), Hermiy, who maintained good relations with the vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. After the death of Plato, Aristotle retired to the court of Hermiy, where he was when the vasileos Makedonon Philippoy invited him to Makedonia.
Aristotle's meeting with the young prince Alexandroy is described as "one of the greatest moments in the history of mankind”. Although prince Alexandroy was still a child and a potential heir to the throne, and Aristotle had not yet begun his fruitful scientific activity which would glorify him through the centuries, we can not but see in them what will later become: an ingenious, heroic military leader, unifier of Adzeia (Asia) and Dzeia (Europe), and an ingenious philosopher, in which it merged, matured and culminatedlong-standing philosophical and scientific mind.
Aristotle the Makedonian
In the small town of Madze, in the interior of Makedonia, in the city of Nympheon, the future vasileos-ruler and his fellow peers were brought up. Aristotel did not think that the future ruler needed special instruction that would practically prepare him for the duty that awaited him. Gymnastics, horseback riding, hunting, and games have been replaced by poetry readings and poetry readings, as well as geometry, astronomy, rhetoric, and heuristics. Aristotel instilled in his young student a great love for poetry. He recited Homer's poems for him, and prince Alexandroy never separated himself from these works. His favorite heroes were Arakle (Makedon) and Achil, whom he considered his ancestors.
Aristotel influence on the Makedonian prince Alexandroy teaching can also be attributed to his great interest in the natural sciences, after which his conquering wars often took the form of research expeditions that enriched geography, ethnology, biology, botany, meteorology, andmany other sciences.
However, in what seems most important to us when it comes to the future vasileos (ruler) and military leader, in political terms, there was never a real understanding between the Makedonian prince Alexandroy and his teacher.
In his attitude towards the Makedonians, the Makedonian prince Alexandroy was primarily a follower of the Antisthenes school which was a long tradition of the Makedonian court, and not of Aristotel. However, the teacher's task is not only to convey his / her ideas to the student, but also to broaden his / her horizons and prepare him for independent thinking. Aristotel remained on the Makedonian court until prince Alexandroy accession to the throne of Makedonia, but his teaching mission lasted a maximum of three more years.
The young vasileos, despite the teachings of Aristotel, remained Makedonian, but he learned to respect all cultures and saw the positive side of all of them.
When prince Alexandroy was 16 years old, his lessons with Aristotel were interrupted. When Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy went to attack Py (not Vyzantion), sixteen-year-old prince Alexandroy was left as regent in Makedonia. While he was regent and his father When Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was condemned, the Thracian Maedai tribe is rebelled. The prince Alexandroy responded quickly, quelling the rebellion of that tribe and settling Makedonians on their territory and rebuilding the city of Alexandreon. When Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy returned from Py, prince Alexandroy, with a small army, was sent to quell several more revolts in Thracia. He was then sent to secure his father's life during the siege of the city of Berintion (not Perinthion). Meanwhile, the city of Amphisa began plundering the holy lands of the god Dze near Delphi. Still occupied in Thrace, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy ordered prince Alexandroy to gather an army to prevent attacks by this city-state, but Makedonia was attacked by the Illyrians. This Illyrian attack was repulsed by Makedonian army led by prince Alexandroy.
The Makedonian prince Alexandroy was brave always wanted to be the first, buth for DESERVED and very jealous of his father, .. saying:
'' If my father continues to win like that, there will be nothing left for me to win ''.
THE NEW military tactic of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy
338 BCVasileos Makedonon Philippoy with his army and prince Alexandroy marched towards Dzermople (Thermobili), where they collided with a garrison at Dzeva (Thebes) and set out to occupy Elatia. Meanwhile, Adzana under Demosthenes voted to unite against Makedonia. Adzana sent emissaries and asked Dzeva to unite and become allies. The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, supported by ''the Holy League'', marched on Amphisa, blocked the mercenaries sent by Demosthenes, and accepted the surrender of the city. Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy then withdrew from Elatea and offered peace with Dzeva and Adzena which was rejected by Dzeva and Adzena. The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy with 30,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry welcomed them at Aroneia - Voia (Boeotia). The combined Dzevan-Adzaian forces numbered about 30,000 troops. After a long confrontation with them, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy ordered the right side of the Makedonian army to withdraw, where the Adzaians were, a gap was opened in the middle from where the Makedonian cavalry - HETAIROI - Battalion Heroes under the leadership of prince Alexandroy attacked the Dzevns - The Sacred Dzevan Battalion, their most elite army, but also attacked the Adzaians from behind, while Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy attacked them even harder now, the Adzaians began to escape. The Adzaians under Demosthenes and Stratokle, who was an amateurs and they did not understand military tactics, but in provocations, insults and gossip, yes.
After a strong fight, prince Alexandroy managed to TOTALLY destroy the holy Dzevan company. 254 Dzevan soldiers from the Sacred Dzevan Battalion were killed. The other captured Dzevn soldiers were sold as slaves, with which Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy set up a military base in Dzeva. From Dzeva, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy went to Adzana and handed over the captured Adzaian soldiers. For this gesture, the Adzaians made a life-size statue of the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. He then marched on Qudze or Gorindze (Corinth) where he formed The League of Dze (not ''Corinthian League''), WHICH LEAGUE OF DZE SHOULD SERVE THE MAKEDONIAN RULERS. Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was elected a lifelong leader as well as the future Makedonian rulers. They agreed to support Makedonia AGAINST THE WAR AGAINST PERSIA, and only Sparta was against. After returning to Bellas, Makedonia, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy fell in love with a young noblewoman named Kleopatra Evrydika, who was the granddaughter of one of his generals, Atal. Then position od prince Alexandroy changed, as he succeeded of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. He could have lost that position.
During the festivities of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and Eurydice, Attal, drunk and asked the gods to give birth to a son, who would be the ruler of Makedonia.
Then prince Alexandroy shouted angrily:
... and he threw the cup from which he drank towards Atal.
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy drunk took out his sword and approached Alexander, but stumbled and fell.Then prince Alexandroy said angrily:
Then the prince Alexandroy fled Makedonia. He went to Dodona in Molossia to his Vasilissas Olympia mother's brother, then he went to Illyria where he was received as a guest, although they lost a few years ago.
The prince Alexandroy after six months THANK YOU FOR THE DIPLOMACY OF HIS FRIEND DEMETRI FROM QUDZEE, returned to Makedonia. The following year, the strpot - the governor of Dzenika,
PIXAODAROY - Pichodar, offered his older daughter for the wife of the epileptically ill prince Aridey the future Philippoy THIRD. The prince Alexandroy he did not agree with that and sent Dzetsaliy from Qudze to Pichodar with a that message::
When prince Aridey heard this, he rebuked prince Alexandroy, because he wanted to marry Pixodaroy - Pichodar's daughter. For that the prince Aridey sent four best friends of the prince Alexandroy into exile: Harpal, Nearch, Ptolemy, and Erigoy, and Dzetsaliy from Qudze sent him to prison.
336 BCAt the wedding of the daughter of the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, Kleopatra with she mother Olympia's brother Alexander FIRST of Molossia in the city of Aga (Aegea), Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was killed by Paysania in the theater. The two are said to have had an unresolved problem. Paysania he tried to escape but was killed by those who persecuted him, among those who persecuted Paysania were also two friends of the prince Alexandroy, Berdicca and Leonat.
Then the prince Alexandroy HE WAS PROCLAIMED OF VASILEOS (king) of Makedonia, VASILEOS - YOUR LIGHT of Makedonia, FROM THE MAKEDONIAN ARMY and the Makedonian nobles.
Coronationwith a fresh laurel wreath, the symbol of the God of the Sun - Dze
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy on the Makedonian throne
How his father contributes to perfecting the Makedonian phalanx, especially the Makedonian cavalry - HETAIROI - ''BATTALION OF HEROES'' AND FORMES ITS OWN BODYGUARDS UNDER THE NAME '' КUMITI '' - ''cumitatos'' as historians write, just like his father with '' The Silver Spears ''.
Among other important military innovations from the time of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy is the linen armor, which gave greater mobility to the army and voedo and adequate protection of the body, in contrast to the bronze and iron armor which was heavy and much less mobile.
Vasileos - YOURE LIGHT - Makedonon Alexandroy ruler of Makedonia
In 336 BCat the age of twenty the prince Alexandroy become Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy ruler of Makedonia..
Lorandite,is the foreign name for this mineral
According to scientists, thallium can lead to an inexhaustible source of energy.
There are 32 known thallium minerals, 17 of which can be found in the Alshar mine in the Republic of Macedonia. The most famous mineral of thallium is certainly lorandite.
According to legend, the power of lorandite was first discovered the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, it is believed that the Makedonian phalanx coated its shields with lorandite.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy began his reign by assassinating his cousin Amyntoy FOURTH, he then killed two princes of Aracleon Lynk, while the third was spared. Vasilitsas Olympia killed Kleopatra Evrydika with her newborn baby of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, who ordered them to be burned alive. When Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy learned of this, he became very angry with his mother. Atal, who was at the time in the Makedonian reconnaissance in Dzenika, was also ordered to be killed. Atal corresponded with Demosthenes about the situation in Adzena. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy spared his brother Aridey.
In the meantime, the news of the death of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in Adzenica (Attica is the future term named under Roman) was received with general relief, because no Danai's officer or statesman returned home from the Aga's celebrationdid not think that young Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, even if he manages to retain the throne, will be able to carry out the military plans of the slain ruler, everyone assumed that Makedonia would surely be quiet for many years now, city - states will be free to reject agreements with their aggressive northern neighbor or let them fail.
At the news of the assassination of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, Dzetsalia, Dzeva, Adzena in the south, and the Thracians in the north immediately revolted. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy responded quickly. He tried to use diplomacy first. He surrounded Dzetsalia with 3,000 horsemen.Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was behind Olymp and the Osa Pass. So the Dzetsalians surrendered, and the Dzetsalians cavalry joined the side of Makedonia.
Thus Makedonians continued down to the Peninsula of Dze. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy stopped at Thermobili Pass, where he was elected leader of the Holy League. Dzeva, who was most active against him, immediately surrendered when he and the Makedonian army appeared at its gates. Adzena asked him for peace, and in Qudez (or Gorindze) he was elected "Agamemnon" - leader of the League of Dze. While in Qudze, he received news that the Thracian uprising had spread.
335 BCVasileos Makedonon Alexandroy invaded Thrace to deal with the rebellion, which was led by the Illyrians and the Tribals. On the way to Agriani he was reinforced by a Payonin tribe led by Langar - the Agrianians special forces of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy.
The army marched to the Haem crossing where it encountered two Thracian garrisons stationed at high altitudes. The Thracians made combat devices with which they threw stones at the Makedonians. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy ordered them to attack in a diluted formation, with the help of the Makedonian archers who attacked the fortified place with fire arrows, so that the heavy infantry reached the top of the hill. Meanwhile, the Tribals, led by their ruler Surm, attacked the Makedonians from behind, but they were repulsed at on a clearing where they were run over by the Makedonian phalanx and cavalry, killed about 3,000 enemy soldier.
„ In the spring he (Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy) headed for Thrace, against the Tribals and the Illyrians; he knew that the Illyrians and the Tribals were belligerent, and because they were also his neighbors, he did not think he should leave them before leaving home so far away, without completely subduing them. Thrace, the territory of the independent Thracians, was invaded starting from Amphipolition ... They (the Thracians) had taken the peak of Chaimos (today's Stara Planina - Old Mountain) and were prepared to hinder the advance of the expedition ... They had assembled combat vehicles... to serve as a defensive fortification if they will be pressed. They also planned... where the steepest mountain is, to push the cars towards the Makedonian phalanx....
Ancient war chariot
... And it came to pass exactly as he commanded and predicted Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. Namely, one part of the battle cars passed the phalanx, and the others, rolling over the shields, did little damage and no one died under the battle chariots. And then, when they saw that the war chariots, of which they were most afraid, could not harm them, The Makedonians were also encouraged by the battle shout attacked the Thracians. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy he ordered the archers from the right wing to come in front of the rest of the Makedonian phalanx from which they would throw arrows at the Thracians during each of their attacks. He himself took the soldiers from the guard, the shield-bearers and the Agrians and led them to the left wing. There the archers repulsed with arrows the Thracians coming down and the phalanx fighting closehad no difficulty in displacing lightly protected men and poorly armed barbarians. However, they did not receive Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, who was attacking from the left, but threw down their weapons and began to flee who where can for the mountain. One thousand five hundred of them died; few were caught alive, yet all the women who followed the men were captured, and the children, with all their spoils ....
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroysent the spoils to the coastal cities... he himself, passing over the top, headed for Chaimos towards the Tribals and arrived at the river Ligina three-day march from Istar (Danube) to Chaimos. Sirmas, the ruler of the Tribals... When approached Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, the Thracians, neighbors of the Tribals, and even Sirmas himself and his entourage fled to that island; but many Tribals fled back to the river.
When he heard of their movement, he (Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy) returned to attack the Tribals, which he found already stranded. Caught on tight, they were deployed along the gorge of the river. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroyattacked them by deploying the Makedonian phalanx in a deep formation...
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy personally led against the center of the opponent the Makedonian phalanx of infantry and the remaining cavalry, which he had lined up in front of the phalanx. During the skirmish between the two sides, the Tribals did not back down. But when the packed phalanx launched attack on themand the horsemen no longer attacked them only with their spears, but also with the bodies of the horses themselves fell on them from all sides, then they fled through the gorge to the river. Three thousand were killed during the escape, and the survivors were little caught, because there was a dense forest in front of the river and the night that was coming prevented the Makedonians from seeing them clearly and following them safely.
Ptolemaoy Shotaros says that eleven horsemen and about forty infantrymen were killed by the Makedonians themselves.
On the third day of that battleVasileos Makedonon Alexandroyreaches the Istar River, the largest river in Dzeia, here, at the entry into the sea, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy took the warships that had arrived from Py from the Py Sey (Black Sea) for sailing on the river... He loaded them with archers and heavily armed infantry ... and headed for the island, where the Tribals and Thracians had fled...
Therefore Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroywithdrew his troops and decided to cross Istar to attack the Scythians - Ghettos...
And the Scythians - Ghettos did not withstand even the first attack of the cavalry, because they were shown incredible courage by Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, so easy to cross the Istar River, the largest river, in one night, without making a bridge across the river;and frightening was the thickening of the phalanx with a strong - the attack of the cavalry ... The Ghettos again left the poorly fortified city, riding as many children and women on horseback, as long as they could stand on their shoulders. Then they went as far as the river to the desert (шумата). Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroytook the city and all the spoils left by the Scythians - the Ghettos ... After destroying the city, on the coast of Istar he offered a sacrifice to Dze - Shotaros - Savior - the god of the light, to Aracle (Makedon) and to the river Istar - Danube itself....
In doing so to Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, deputies from other autonomous tribes near Istar and the tribal ruler Sirmas (probably his name was Dzemas) arrived. And they came from the Celts, who live in the Ionian Gulf. The Celts were big and proud of each other, but all expressed a desire for friendship with Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy.
Give to all and receive from all proofs of trust... He named them friends, made an alliance with them, and sent them home...”
Arian, Alexander Anabasa ..., book.1, preface, 1, pp. 2-5 ;
Then they headed for the Danube.There they clashed with the Getae tribe. With rafts 4,000 Makedonian cavalry and 1,500 phalanx managed to cross the other side of the Danube. To the surprise of the Makedonians, 14,000 soldiers from the Gaetae tribe withdrew from their city and left their city in the hands of the Makedonians. At that moment news came from Klito that the Illyrians and their ruler Glauki had revolted against the Makedonians.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonians oppressed the Illyrians in a fortress in Belum. The next day Glauki came to the aid of the fortress. Philota, a Makedonian general and friend of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, was blocked in Taulanti.Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy immediately went to help his friend and managed to scare Glauki who was attacking Filota. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was blocked by the Illyrians and the Taulants. The terrain was very uneven.The Makedonians started shouting their battle shout so the Tulants got scared and fled to their city. After the reconnaissance of Belium, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy retreated tactically but at night attacked the city and set it on fire. Clayt and Glauky fled with their army.
While Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was waging a victorious war, news came from Dzeva (not Thebes) and Sdzens (not Athens) that they were rebelling again.
The Dzevans and Adzaians rebelled again.Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy reacted immediately and harshly.
When he heard about the events in Dzeva (the revolt in Dzeva against Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonians), Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy thought they should be taken seriously, for he had long doubted the city of Dzeva, and was very much concerned about the attempt of the Dzevans; the revolt could spread to the Lacedaemonians and some others in the Peninsula of Dze and especially to the Phohians. Because of that he arrived in Dzetsalia in seven days. From there he entered Voioa (not Beotia) in six days, until he arrived at Onhest with the whole army.
...The next day Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy reached Dzeva ... There he camped, giving the Dzevans the opportunity to change their minds and send envoys to him. They, on the other hand, were far from showing any humility... Thus, leaving the city, the cavalry and a large number of lightly armed soldiers headed against the camp and shot at the front guards, killing several Makedonians. And Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy send lightly armed soldiers and archers to repel their attack... The next day he (Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy) raised the whole army and surrounded the gates leading to Eleuthera and Adzanika (Attica). Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, on the other hand, considering that he came more as a friend to the Dzevans than as an enemy, waited in a camp near Kadmeia ...
......Berdiccas was then hit and hardly healed from the wound. His men, joining the archers of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, pressed the Dzevans and followed the Dzevans until they retreated to Araclion. But when the Dzevans returned again with a fighting cry, the Makedonians fled. As soon as Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy realized that his armies were on the run, and that the Dzevans were in disarray during the persecution, confronted their Makedonian phalanx in battle line. The Dzevans were pushed inside the gates and fled so much, that while fleeing to the city they failed to close the gates. Like that, the Makedonians who were persecuting them entered the walls with them ...
Because the Makedonians were pressuring them from all sides and Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy appeared from one side, and after some time from the other side, the Dzevan cavalry rushed towards the field, and the infantry saved themselves as they pleased. Then, in a rage, the Makedonians, not only the Dzevans, but also the Phocians and Plataeans and the other Boeotians, although they did not fight with the Dzevans, killed them without any order.…
This Dzevan defeat both in terms of the size of the lost city and in terms of the severity of the action and in general, no less because of the unexpectedness of the event for both the winners and the losers, as much as it scared the participants in the event, scared all the other enemies of Makedonia. The Sidzeilia (Sicilian) defeat of the Adzaians, although according to the number of killed brought no less misery to the city, however, because the army was destroyed far from their home, and most of it was made up of allies instead of domestic soldiers, and their city remained, and later fought with the Lacedaemonians, the allies, and the great ruler (meaning Persia)...
On the other hand, among the Dzevans the uprising was raised hastily and recklessly, and the conquest took place without difficulty for the conquerors, and with numerous massacres, as is the case with kindred peoples because of old hatred. The complete enslavement of the polis, which was among the first in strength and military superiority in the Peninsula of Dze, it was quite naturally associated with divine wrath: that the Dzevans long and widely repayed the betrayal in the Persian Wars… (Both the Dzevans and the Makedonians were Persian vassals at that time, the author did not pay attention).
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy decided to entrust Dzeva to the allies who took part in the attack: to be stationed in Cadmia, and the city to be razed to the ground, the territory to be divided among the allies, and the sanctuaries to be preserved; children, women and survivors of Dzeva to be enslaved, except the priests and priestesses and those who were friends of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, or hosts of the Makedonians...
As soon as the other enemies of Makedonia understood the fate of the Dzevans, the Aitols sent envoys, tribe by tribe, to receive forgiveness.
The Adzaians (from Adzena) elected 10 deputies from all Adzaians, people known for their friendly relations with Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and sent them to convey to him the untimely congratulations from the citizens of Adzana, that he had returned safely from the campaign of the Illyrians and the Tribals, and that he had punished the Dzevans for the uprising. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy mostly in a friendly tone, he replied to the messenger, but wrote a letter in which he asked: Demosthenes, Lycurgus, Hyperidae, Polyeuctus, and Harit, because he blamed them for the defeat at Aroneia (not Cheroneia) and for the mistakes made later in death of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, against him and Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. He also showed them that they were no less guilty of the Dzevan uprising than the Dzevan insurgents themselves.
The Adzaians did not betray these people, but sent a second envoy to Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, begging him to reduce his anger at those he asked for.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did so, perhaps out of respect for the city, or because he was in a hurry for the campaign against Adzeia and wanted to leave behind that he could be trusted.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in just two weeks he covered 1000 km with the Makedonian phalanx. When they heard of this speed, the Adzaians and other city-states changed their minds and did not come to the aid of Dzeva, who counted on their help.
The war strategist Berdiccas attacked the main gate of the City after breaking the resistance, whereupon he was severely wounded, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy with the rest of the Makedonian phalanx entered the city, the Makedonians set fire to the city, flattening it, sparing no one. They killed 6,000 Dzevans and sold 30,000 as slaves. Dzeva, which offered the strongest resistance, was conquered by great bloodshed, the city was destroyed, and its territory divided among the other neighbors of Dzeva- allies to the Makedoniansе. The Dzevans were sold into slavery, and only the priests, the descendants of the poet Pindar and the supporters of Makedonia were spared.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was advised by the war strategist Parmenion to marry and have an heir before starting the campaign against Persia, but Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did not listen to him.We must emphasize that Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy here acted hastily in view of future events.
After great preparations, he left warlord Antipater with 13,500 troops to oversee the cities states, the Illyrians, the Thracians and headed for Ilepont, (which is a Roman-Latin name for HE ILE PONT - the passage of the God of Light XE ILE to Pontus - Ilepont), today, (the Dardanelles).
The war strategist Antipatar
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT A REASON FOR THE WAR WITH PERSIA IS THE PREVIOUS PERSIAN OCCUPATION OF MAKEDONIA FROM PAGEON THE SIDE OF THE PERSIAN RULERS, BECAUSE MAKEDONIA WAS OCCUPIED AND HUMILIATED BY THE PERSIAN RULERS ... in that war the Makedonians received support from the League of Dze, but, NOT FROM SPARTA,... NOT FOR SOME OTHERS 'INTERESTS AS SOME PEOPLE WANT TO SAY.We must add that however it was a military campaign for the liberation of the captured population of the Persdians. Here was a military campaign for the liberation of the oppressed populations.
The holy places of the Makedonians
The most important gods for the Makedonians before they took the Christian Faith and other religions were the belief in the GREAT MOTHER - MA (EARTH) and DZE THE GOD OF THE SUN (THE SUN).
MAIN CULTURE PLACE OF GOD ILE WS IN THE TEMPLE ON THE MOUNTAIN OLYMP - a temple located on the north side of Mount Olimp (Olympus is Latin) and where the Makedonian rulers organized the Olympic Games. The god of the sun - Dze was worshiped and by other peoples but also in the form of another name.
WHILE MAIN CULTURE PLACE WITH THE TEMPLE - a temple located on the east side of the Rhodope Mountains, WHERE WAS WORSHIPED THE GREAT MOTHER - MA, WAS ON THE PLACE - YBERICON - - YBER - YBERICON - THE MOST HOLY PLACE FOR MAKEDONIANS, which place was also mentioned in the book of Melegene (Homer): The Iliad and the Odyssey during the Ilion War (Trojan War). So the Macedonians were big fans of the Great Mother Ma and FROM HERE: MAKE (mother) D - DON (god) I (and) A (my) - Makedonia - country of the Great Mother Ma. The young Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy came to that place, where the priests told him that he would conquer the world, and the campaign against Persia would be successful.
Because peace was restored in the countries under the Dzermopole (Thermobili) pass, after returning to Makedonia (October 335), Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroyhe could finally devote himself to the preparations for the Adzeia campaign. But it was only forced peace that prevailed in the countries under the Dzermopole pass. After gaining experience from the last two years, no one saw it as clearly as Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did, so he made decisions regarding the preparation of war plans.
Because Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did not trust many of the countries under the Dzermopole pass, he left the faithful Antipatar in Makedonia with half of his recruits, 12,000 phalanxists and 1,500 cavalry. Antipatar was also responsible for keeping an eye on the League of Dze as a representative of the hegemon, with the title of strategist. The same suspicion was the reason for Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to limit the contingents of the League of Dze to no more than was necessary for the Makedonian campaign.
Except for the fleet of 160 triremes, as the Adzaian ''ancient fleet'' was called, but they were disbanded because Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy knew they could not be measured by the mighty Phoenician fleet, another 7,000 infantry and 600 horsemen from the League of Dze are mentioned as hostages, as well as 1500 Dzetsalian horsmens, which later, probably, joined the Makedonian army and gained its special trust, and played an important role in the great battles in Adzeia. Without cavalry, it is futile to place 7,000 infantry on the battle front. One gets the impression that, independent of the Dzetsalians, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy took the contingents of the League of Dze more as a guarantee for peace in the countries under the Dzermopole pass.
The League of Dze Fleet was initially cautiously kept out of action. This was inevitable due to the great superiority, both in number and quality of the Persian fleet of 400 warships, with their excellent Phoenician and Cenriot warships.
The naval superiority of the enemy had a significant impact on Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy plans for war.Because the Persian navy controlled the sea, but the great danger came from the possibility of the Great Ruler to transfer the war to the land under the Dzermopole (Thermobili) pass and with his vast wealth to force the Adzaians, Spartans and others to fight against Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and Makedonia.
The sea was not considered as a solution due to the insufficient strength and unreliable nature, for that Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy made a skilful plan to paralyze the enemy naval advantage by first conquering the Don Sey (Mediterranean) coast of the Persian state with the land army, in order to occupy the important places and ports of the Persian fleet, and above all the entire Phoenician coast.
At first the Makedonian warships followed the Makedonian army near the coas.
Unable to deal victoriously with the Phoenician navy, the Adzaians navy was disbanded in the summer of 334 BC in Milasion not (Milet) by Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, knowing full well that.
**** According to the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON, Persia is read ''BERSIA - BER S I A - White with and me, material for further research
He had just fallen from a boat crossing the Strait of the Strait of ILESPONT - the passage from Dzeia to Dzenika (Ile s P on T - Ile with Pon T, not "Hellespont", "hell" is a Latin word, Dardanelles - not "hellespont" ILL - ''hell'', ILL is the ancient god - ''hell'' which is the Latin name of the ancient crossing), stopping off the coast of Dzenika (Asia Minor), Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy exclaimed:
and struck the spear into the ground.
Because foreigners wrote or more accurately rewrote the history (because the Romans destroyed everything they could) of the peoples around Aga Sey and Don Sey (Aegean and Mediterranean Sea) they got 90% of the names of the cities, places and etc. wrong.That's why he will now correct those mistakes, in most cases.
The campaign of the Makedonian Phalanx under the leadership of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy
Мakedononian Phalanx - the army led by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy crossed the Ilespont with about 42,000 troops, of which 25.000 were Makedonians, 7.000 Illyrians and Thracians. The rest mix of 5.000 to 7.000 League of Dze soldiers and mercenaries, who were nothing but hostages of war and played no major military role in the Makedonian campaign against Persia.
Deputy of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was Parmenion, other important commanders were Berdicca, Crater, Coen, Meleager, Antigon, and Parmenion son Philota.
After the departure of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in a campaign against Persia almost the entire Dze Peninsula except Qudze and Arcadian Legaeput himself under arms to regain his freedom, following the authority of the Lacedaemonians, who alone refused to make peace with Makedonians Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and Alehandroy and rejected their laws, "the loudest" were the Adzaians, under Demosthenes.
Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was immediately greeted by the Persians, Spithradatas, Mithridatas and Memnon of Rody by the river Granica - Gra nica (the river in honor of the goddess of victory Nika, which gurgles loudly). Their names says that were rulers of the Makedonian colonies in Dzenika (Asia Minor).
A monthMa (May) 334 BC was the first great victory of Makedonia and Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroyagainst Persia.
- Makedonians and their allies under comand of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy with about 5,000 cavalry and 26,000 infantry.
- The Persians led by satrapies with about 12,000 infantry, 4,000 - 5,000 Danai's mercenaries from Nubia - African allies, allies of the Persians were also Danai's-Adzaians (of Adzena) surviving fighters after the battle of Aroneia 338 BC- Adzaians-Nubians mercenaries (all of them so said Danai's) and 15,000 cavalry.
The numbers vary considerably depending on the source (Makedonians from 18,000 to 43,000), (Persians with their allies from 23,000 to 50,000).
The battle took place on the road from Abid - Daskylyon (near present-day Ergili, Turkey ), at the pass of the river Granica (today's Biga Kaj).
The Persians, Spithradatas, Mithridatas and Memnon of Rody and others set up their cavalry in front of the infantry and positioned themselves on the (east) river bank.
Makedonian army intercepted them on the third day of the march from Abid in month Ma (May). It is not known whether Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy immediately attacked or crossed the river above and attacked at dawn the next day ( at the suggestion of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy deputy, Parmenion).
In any case, the Persians had a number of cavalry in contact with the first lines of Ionians, from Dzenika, and Adzaians and the rest of the battle of Aroneia (Cheroneia) survived, Danai's governor from Egypt with his army, Danai's mercenaries from Nubia- African allies (they administered Egypt on behalf of Persia) a total of 20,000 (all of them so said Danai's according to Rosetta Stone).
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy led the bodyguards elite cavalry of the vasileos (king) guard in battle - CHETA IROI - HERO UNITS in a winged assault, while the Makedonian infantry companions - shield bearers, The Agrians legally constituted the rest of the pillar around the Persians. The Makedonian line was lined with a heavy phalanx in the middle and cavalry on both sides.
The battle began with a blow to the light infantry from the Makedonian left side, the side of Parmenion. The Persians had quite strengthened that side and the blow was repulsed, but then Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy began to attack with his cavalry companions in the classical wedge formation and broke through the Persian center. The Persians retaliated with a squadron of nobles on horseback.
Persian cavalrman
The Persian cavalry
In this clash several important Persian nobles were killed personally by Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and his bodyguards, although the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was stunned by an ax blow given by a Persian nobleman. Before delivering the second and deadly blow, the nobleman was killed by the Makedonian officer Klito. Klyto saves the life of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy as Persian nobles Resak and Spithradatas try to kill him. The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy soon regained consciousness.
Then the Makedonian cavalry turned left and embarked on the Persian cavalry which at that time was fighting with the left side of the Makedonian line after the general attack. A hole was dug here and the Makedonian infantry rushed through it to attack the poor quality Persian infantry behind the line. After this, the two wings of the Persian cavalry retreated, noticing the collapse of the center. The Persian infantry also began to flee, many of whom were killed during the persecution.
The total number of Makedonian victims was from 100 to 200. The Persians lost 2,000 infantry in captivity, and about 1,000 cavalry and 3,000 infantry were killed, mostly during the escape.
Adzaianmercenaries who fought on the side of the Persians, were very motivated
From of 20,000 Danai's Numbians Upper Egypt from Africa and Adzaian-Danai's mercenaryes survived in Aroneia (Danai's formo Adzena), survived only 2000 who were sent to Makedonia as slaves.Danai's Adzai-Nubian force, lost his life with over 18.000 units.
The battle of the Granic River showed the Persians that the Makedonian army was a serious superpower. The immediate effects of the battle were the establishment of landing territory for further battles against the Persians.
The original relief (Makedonian style) Vasileos Alexander the Great and his dog Beritas in battle with Persians
Relief (Makedonian style), hunting Makedonians and Persians
Relief (Makedonian style), hunting Makedonians and Persians (symbolizes peace)
He (Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy) appointed Callas satrap in the area where Arsit ruled, ordering the population to pay the same taxes as he paid The Great Ruler Dario; from the Barbarians who had come down from the mountains to obey him, he asked them all to return home. He sent Parmenion to capture Daskyleyon (Daskyleyon is the capital of Pontian Phrygia, then ruled by Arsit, who committed suicide after the battle of Granica), which he did because the crew had left the city.
Arraan., 1, 17, 1-2 (Arian, War of Alexandroy)
Daskyleyon residues
After the initial victory against the Persian forces at the Battle of Granica, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy accepted the surrender of the city of Berga (not Pergamon) and the provincial capital and treasures of the city of Sardianon (not Sardis) and continued along the Ionian coast.
Sardianon, a coinage of later periods, it is only to ascertain the name
An ancient coin from the city of Sardianon, in the museum of Istanbul today.
Other coins of later periods from the city of Sardianon.
Sardianon residues
So Berga (not "perga" or "pergamon"), here's proof:
Berga, a coin from the time of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, that is to make sure of the name of the city.
This is a mint when the city was occupied by the Persians, the inscriptionBERG is clear (Pe = Bе).
Then the city was renamed BERGAMA - BER GA MA - THE BRIGHT OF MA (in honor of Ma - the Mother Goddess).
Even today, the Turks named the city as Bergama - ''Bergama''.
In the city of Berga Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was declared a deity, we must admit that the most beautiful coins with the image of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy were minted in that city.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and Artemida in attack position
Coined from Bergama, Artemida was the protector of the city
Bergama drawing
Then the city, renamed BERGAMANON, became the administrative center of the "State of Bergamanon", with respect to Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, but not to the rulers of Makedonia, who were not related by blood to Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, were in hostile relations, refusedto submit to the usurpers of the Makedonian throne.
One of the first major cities on the Agaseian coast to surrender without a fight was Efeksion, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian Phalanx took the city of Efeksion (not Ephesus or Hephes).
Efeksion, coinage is from that period, somewhere immediately after the liberation of the city from the Persians or thereabouts, it is just to make sure of the name.By appearance the coin is in honor of Nika - goddess of victory, the favorite goddess of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, the coin in honor of the city.
- E - is,
- FE - the strongest,
- KSI (KSE the god of light) - the most illuminated,
- ON - he,
EFEKSION - He is the strongest and brightest.
An ancient mint from the city of Efeksion.
Other coins of later periods from the city of Efeksion.
Now I will try to capture the moment when the city of Ephesion became Ephes, through the forges:
EF (Efeksion) DZEODOROS, means the name from the epoch of DZE.
EF APOLODOROS, so the name is from the time when the city fell under Roman slavery, it is recognized by the Roman god ''APOLO'',
EFE the snakes symbolize the "S", meaning Ephes, which is the later name of the city (a bit of mysticism).
Efexion was a very advanced city in antiquity, a pioneer, it had street lighting at night, everything in the style of "He is the strongest and brightest" - E FE KSI ON''
Relief, (Makedonian style) Fighting with Amadzeonians (Amazons), by Rodion from the Vienna Museum
Relief, (Makedonian style) Fighting with Amadzeonians
Relief, (Makedonian style) Fighting - Makedonian shield bearer
In Bergama, although everything is in ruins, there are still many evidences of the Makedonians (the relief is in Berlin - Germany)
This statue, of a Makedonian nobleman, is presented as a "Greek soldier from Athens", however "Greeks''did not exist at the time of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. At the time of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, the city was not called "Athens" butAdzena
In the south the Makedonian army as Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy says in his speech later at Opis, Milasion (not Miletus) resisted and it was the first city to be besieged by the Makedonian phalanx.
Milasion, coinage from later periods, it is just to make sure of the name.
An ancient mint from the city of Milasion, which was among the first city-states of ancient times, which began to forge silver and gold coins for the needs of economic development, not only in Dzenica but also in the world, and they were absolutely not Danai's from Nubia, but they were Whites (Pelazgins).
Milasion, coinage from later periods (Roman slavery), this is to prove that the base of the name is MILAS (MIL AS - dear me), not ''Miletus'' (which we cannot explain properly because it is a Latinized name).
After the military campaign over the capture of Milasion, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy he needed to rest his army a little from hard wars, at the same time it was necessary to give time to the wounded and sick to re-engage in military operations, for these reasons, a regiment composed of weak and wounded soldiers was sent up to Phrygia where the wounded and sick Makedonians surrounded by numerous flocks of sheep, the pine forests and the Phrygians who spoke their Makedonian language, felt at home in Makedonia, which helped them heal wounds and diseases very quickly.
We have two pieces of information, one authentic from Arod (Herodotus) and one from Harold Lamb. Both information unequivocally point to the fact that the Phrygians originated from Makedonia where they were called Brigi, and their language is the same as the language of the Makedonians.
Arod (Herodotus) from Alikarnatseon in "History, Polymia - book 7, chapter 73".has written:
“ The Phrygians had equipment very similar to the Paphlagonian one, and they differed very little. To the Phrygians according to the Makedonians at the time when they lived in Dzeia (Europe) and were neighbors of the Makedonians, their name was Briggs - Brigi , and when they moved to Adzeia (Asia), they changed their homeland and name at the same time and called themselves Phrygians''.
Makedonian - Phrygians protection
The Armenians (Phrygians because Armenians after the arrival of the Romans - R = ER ) were armed just like the Phrygians, because they are descendants of the Phrygians. (it can be seen that the source has been manipulated, the forgers have been caught) THIS PEOPLE were led by Artachmo, who was married to Darius' (The Great Ruler of Persia) daughter .”
Milasion remains
At Alikarnatseon (ne Halicarnassus),
Alikarnatseon, coinage from later periods, it is just to make sure of the name.
Other coins from later periods from the city, Alikar Est, that's just to make sure of the name, the name of the city on the mints varies a lot, there are many coins from this city from different time periods but the ALIKAR base remains the same.
Alikarnaseon, coinage from later periods, it is just to make sure of the name
... (today Bodrum in Turkey ), Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy successfully conducted the second of many sieges, forcing his opponents - the mercenary captain Memnon of Rhodion and Orontobates - the Persian satrap of Kariya - K ar i ya - as Ar (Ar the creator, a gigantic name) and I, to retreat over the sea.
Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy left Kariya to Ada, who was ruler of Kariya before being deposed by her brother Pyxodar - Piksadaroy, it can be seen that they had "old woes''.
The Mausoleum in Alikarnatseon drawing
Relief (Makedonian style) Combat, from the Mausoleum of Alikarnatseon
From Alikarnatseon Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continued into mountainous Lycia and the Pamphylian plain (near present-day Antalya - Turkey), taking control of all the coastal cities as far as Sidaton.
Sidaton, coinage from later periods, it is just to make sure of the name
Sidaton remains
From Pamphylia onwards, the coast had no significant ports and therefore Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continued inland.
ESTFEDIIYS A coin from the city of Estfediiys
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy ordered the Aspendians to send prominent men as hostages, to give the horses they promised as 100 talents instead of 50, to submit to the satrap he would appoint, to pay an annual tax to the Makedonians, and finally to acceptinterrogation on the territory of their neighbors for which they were accused of holding it illegally.
Arrian, 1, 27, 1-4 ).
At Ter
future Terma, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy he subdued but did not attack the Pisidian city.
In the ancient city of Gordianon, the capital of Phrygia, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy untied the previously unsolvable ''Gordianon knot'', a riddle that legends say could only be solved by the future "ruler of Adzeia". According to one story, he simply cut the knot with a sword.According to another, he untied it by removing the part of the chariot around which he was tied.
Gordianone residues
Then Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy with the Makedonian phalanx continued toANKYRANON, unfortunately this mint is from Roman times, today's Ankara.
From there Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy with the Makedonian phalanx descended towards the sea to the city Tarseon.
Tarseon remains
Coins from SINOPAS - Pont
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy with many of the peoples of Dzenika (Asia Minor) understood in the Makedonian language without the need for a translator, such as the Itites, Pontians, Phrygians and many others, .. proof that these were Makedonian colonies from an older period. He certainly ws helped by them because he had friendly relations with some satraps (local administrators) from those territories.
ITIE - The Hittites, speaking the same language as the Makedonians, have documented that the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy spoke to them without an interpreter.
Makedonian army of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy passed the Gates of Cilicia, met and defeated the main Persian army under the command of the Great Ruler Dario 3-th at the Battle of Is.
''WhenVasileos Makedonon Alexandroy anchored, sent Parmenion with a small army to announce the seizure of sea crossings leading from Silisia to Asaria (Syria), and he headed west to avoid the Trakea mountain range in Silisia, in order to conquer and taked the coast all the way to Lykia and to fully protect his background before meeting the Great Ruler.
The quick completion of this task in a few days showed that the former power returned to him. On the way to the old Xenian ancient city of Soloi, received the news that his warlords to whom he had entrusted the siege of the fortress at Alikarnatseon had won a great victory (This is evidence that Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy made a "blitzkrieg", meaning he left enough troops behind to besiege the fortress but continued the campaign, establishing future military tactics.).
In honor of the victory, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy prepared a feast, and expressed gratitude to the god Asclepius for the healing. In addition to the procession and torch races, there were gymnastics and music competitions, which were first organized here. There were soldier gymnastics competitions as well as art competitions featuring singers, musicians and artists who were probably brought from the military headquarters in Tarseon.
Then the main part of the army started the march from Tarseon to the east. When the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy came to Mal, he offered a sacrifice to the hero-prophet Amphilochon of Argos, who had a glorious prophecy here and was revered as the founder of the city. In Mal he heard from Parmenion, who had meanwhile conquered the Preslaps, that Great Ruler Dario and his army had encamped at Sohoy in the plain of Asaria, two days walk from the crossing they now call Bailan.
The Battle of the Pinar River in Asaria (Syria)
After Memnon's death, the Grand Ruler decided to personally take command and meet the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in a decisive battle. To that reason, he assembled a large army in Vavylon. Late in the summer of 333 BC, he was informed that the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was in the northwest coast of Asaria (Galicia is a later term when it was inhabited with Gal's), Great Ruler Dariy went to the Euphrat accompanied by a large retinue of luggage and then crossed the plain east of Mount Amman, o prepare when the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy enters the Bailan Gorge and here in Sohoy to begin a battle with his large army. Starting from his great superiority, Great Ruler Dariy believed in victory.
In addition, he realized that he should value the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy as an opponent, which can be deduced from the fact that some time before that, as a true ruler, he had encouraged Alexander the Lyncianto kill the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. As soon as the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy heard the news about Sohoy, when he was in Mal, convened a military council to agree on what to do and, with council approval, decided to oppose the Grand Ruler.
However, the battle was not fought on the other side of Mount Aman in Sohoy, but on this side of northwestern Syria, south of Iss. How did this come about? It is one of the most interesting and exciting parts of the history of the war. The road of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, formerly sent by Parmenion to spy on and occupy, led through the Silisia Gorges, along the Asarian (Syrian) coast. Then the road turns south, passing near Is, across the Pinar River (Deli Chai) and the small Pajas Riverto the Asarian Sea Pass and through the mountain pass Xeon continues to Miriandr (near present-day Alexandrion-Iskanderun). From here the road leads southeast through Amman from the Bailani crossing to the Syrian plain. This was the path that the young Great Ruler Karosh from Persia (not Cyrus) once took and was known to the ancient peoples of the Xeonophonic narratives.
After recovering from the disease in Is (in honor of the goddess of beauty Is, not Is Issus is Latin name), attacking to the south, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy came to Miriandr, where due to the strong autumn storm and the rain that fell at night, his units remained in the camp the next day, presumably in order to rest before the coming battle. There, on the evening of his great surprise, he was informed by the deserters that Great Ruler Dariy and his army were north of him, on the river Pinar. He found it hard to believe, and sent several officers to the north coast to check what he had heard: they confirmed the news.
How did this change of position come about? Great Ruler Dariy encamped a few weeks ago in Sohoy and was waiting for the enemy from Silisia. However, the departure of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was delayed by his illness and other events in Silisia. His contempt for the small army of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, which he thought he would run over with his numerous cavalry, together with the approach of winter and the difficulties in such conditions, doubts him and his plan.
In order to make his huge army more mobile, he sent to Damaskaos (Damascus) his wealth and the bulk of his luggage, and together with the army, accompanied by a huge retinue and his family, started east of Mount Aman north to the Lion Preslap (Arslan-Boghas), then southwest across the mountain, across the Aman overpass (Toprak Kalesi) to the coastal plain of Is, from there to advance towards Silisia.
By comparing the distance covered by the two armies and their different mobility, it can be assumed that Dario appearance began a few days before the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy left Mal. Almost at the same time as the Great Ruler Dariy arrives at the waterfall of Amman, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy rises in Miriyamdr.
Thus the two armies, separated from the mountain range of Amman, they suddenly diverged on different slopes on the same mountain, with the Great Ruler Dariy now to the north and the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to the south.
The Great Ruler Dariy was first informed of the accidental arrival of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in Issus who met with the army and learned that the Makedonian army had just passed and continued south. Soon he left too and are rightly encamped on the Pinar River, apparently intending to follow the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy through the overflow Bailan and so on in the end, according to the original plan, to start a fight in the wide Syrian plain that suited him much better.
Fortunately, the opposite happened.The moment the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was informed of the Great Ruler Dariy position on Pinar river, with the intuition of a genius he overlooked the advantage given to him by this unexpected situation and decided to go to war. the The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was cut off from its base, so Pinar's defeat would be catastrophic. However, he absolutely believed in victory, which until then had led him from one success to another.
He relied on the quality of military superiority and his fighting talent. The only danger he could face was being surrounded by a large Persian army. Even now this danger was not much less than that if he met the enemy in the vast Asarian plain. And in the plain by the river Pinar it could be trapped between the mountain and the sea.
Rapid action was needed. Therefore, with caution and composure that were his characteristics in the most important moments of the decision, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy took all necessary measures to meet the enemy the next day. Horsemen and archers were immediately sent to spy as far as the northern slope, and that was very essential to his plan.
After giving his units enough time to prepare before departure, he set out with his army, rose to the top of the crossing until midnight, set up a guard and allowed the army to rest among the rocks.
After the first morning rays, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy descended into the plain first in a narrow column with the infantry forwardwhich gradually expanded into a battle lineas far as the plane allowed. Here, again as on Granika, the advance to the battlefield was made in great silenceand precisely as if he were in a parade space, not in front of the enemy.
Thus, Pinar was the scene of one of the most mentioned battles, a duel of opposite actions. There is a good description of the battle by later authors based on two independent and original sources: Ptolemaioy, who was personally one of the soldiers at the front and Callisthenes who as a civilian could see it from afar.
The Pinar River, which has steep banks in its upper and middle reaches, was used by the Persians, as on the Granika, as an obstacle to defending their front. The mistakes of the substitutes at Granika were removed this time, so that the best units, the Adzaians and Nubians mercenaries, were placed in front of the center of the battle line. To the right and left of them stood the Orientals, the heavily armed Kardakians, whose right wing was behind the cavalry, which the Great Ruler Dariy placed across the river to mask the operations, and then retreat across the river''.
The Battle of Is (not Issus) 333 BC
- Makedonians and their allies, led by the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. Army: 5,000 cavalry, 26,000 infantry.
- The Persians led by Great Ruler Dario 3-th, Arsam, Reomitro, Atizij, Bubak and Sabakches with 30,000 Numbians from Upper Egypt and Adzaians from Adzena so called Danai's mercenaries led by of Sabaces strap from Egypt, 40,000 infantry (10,000 Immortals - Persian bodyguards of the Great Ruler - the most elite army in Persia) and 20,000 cavalry.
Immortals the Bersian ruler's bodyguards
The Bersian ruler Great Ruler Dareios The THIRD
Immortals the Bersian ruler's bodyguards - fantasy
The battle was fought south of the ancient city of Is - Itso (Issus), near the present-day city of Iskenderum - Alexandreon, Turkey, on both sides of the small Pinar River (probably today's Pajas River). The place was quite far from the Gulf of Is, and the surrounding mountains were only 2.6 km away, so that the Great Ruler Dareios could not use the large number of his soldiers frontally.
The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy embarked on a campaign in Adzeia (Asia) in 334 BC and defeated the local Persian satraps at the Battle of Granika.He then continued his occupation of Dzenika (Asia Minor).
While Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was in Tarseon he learned that the Great Ruler Dareios was gathering a huge army in Vavylon. If the Great Ruler Dareios wanted to reach the Gulf of Is (Issus), he had the support of Admiral Farnabaz, who was still operating in the Don Sey (Mediterranean), so that it would facilitate the supply and be able to reach the enemy from behind. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy kept his main army at Tarseon, but sent Parmenion forward to occupy the coast of Is (Issus). In November, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy received a report that a large Bersian army had already entered the Asarian city of Sochi. The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy decided to gather his divided army and march south of Is across the Xeon Gorge.
Persian infantry
Many modern historians claim that the Persian infantry were poorly armed, that the more numerous and hitherto undefeated, fear and trembling for others, the Persian army "was a child's game" for the Makedonians ... but that is not true, .. simply for the superiority of the Makedonians is that the Makedonian phalanx was perfectly trained, highly motivated and most importantly led by the most capable military leader at the time Makedonianruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy.... while the Persians were led by their Persian ruler - the Great Ruler Dariy, who had probably no military training ... they claimed to be a demigod.
The Great Ruler Dariy knew that Parmenion was holding the gorge, so he headed north. The Persians captured Iss without any problems and killed all the sick and wounded Makedonian soldiers who remained there. Now Great Ruler Dariy understood that he had managed to come from behind the Makedonian army and cut off supplies. He then ordered the army to a good defensive position along the Pinar River and waited for Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to attack. Persian archers
There are different opinions about the reasons for the battle. One convincing view based on Curtius is that Great Ruler Dario was forced to move the camp to a field suitable for Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy because the Macedonians fought defensively on Parmenion recommendation. Great Ruler Dario could not support the army during the winter, and there were already riots in his Phoenician cities over the arrival of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. Great Ruler Dario was forced to move his large army to a hill on the battlefield, a position which was of great benefit to the smaller army of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian phalanx won because they were active, they created the rhythm, the Persians were put in a position to defend themselves.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroyhe carefully planned the trap, it is not possible that he left the passage from the north (the Amman Gates) unchecked, he only drew the Persian into the battle site favorable to the Macedonian phalanx, which had been previously planned by Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy.
The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroyhe knew the terrain:
- '' From here the road leads southeast through Amman from the Bailan pass to the Syrian plain.It was the road that the young Karosh from Persia (not Cyrus) once traveled and was known to the ancient peoples from the Xeophonian narratives''.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy waited for Great Ruler Dario to come south of the Amman mountain range because the crossing that Darius would use, the Belen Pass, was much closer to Sochi and gave the best access to the territory that Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was defending. Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy waited 16 km west of the Belen Pass near Miriander to set a trap for Great Ruler Dariy at the Belen Pass or through the Xeon Pillar if he went north, where the Great Ruler Dariy army would be disorganized and scattered in the strait. But Great Ruler Dario was moving north from Sochi and around the mountains, coming from behind Makedonian army's position and shortening his communications. Thus Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was forced to march towards Dario, who caught him unprepared with a large wing maneuver. This gives the illusion that Great Ruler Dariy was playing defensively because Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was forced to march towards him.
The Makedonians continued through the Pillar of Ion.Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and his cavalry companions - Cheta Iroi were on the right wing, and the Dzetsalian cavalry on the left.The Makedonian phalanx was commanded by Parmenion.
Dario formed his line by placing the heavy cavalry along the shore to his right, then Danai's mercenaries from Nubia and Adzaians from Adzena12,000 in number. Near the Great Ruler Dariy, placed the Persian infantry, the Kardaks, along the river and at the foot, where they bent over the other shore and posed a threat to the right wing of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy (this formation was similar to the letter '' Γ '' - G). Arrian gives an exaggerated figure of 20,000 for these troops. Great Ruler Dariy settled in the middle with the best infantry, the Danai's mercenaries and the ruling cavalry guard. According to some historians, he wanted to imitate the Makedonian military formation seen at the Battle of Granika.
The Persian cavalry attacked Parmenion, and the Allied cavalry crossed the river to open the battle. The left wing of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy soon became essential, where Parmenion managed to hold the wing against a superior number of Persians long enough for the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to carry out a calculated cavalry attack against Great Ruler Dariy and defeat the Persian army. The shield-bearers - the Agrianians under the leadership of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy on foot attacked the Kardakas on foot at this time and managed to break through a hole in the Persian ranks.
Then the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy mounted a horse at the head of his equestrian companions - '' heta iroi - company of heroes '' and began to rush straight to Great Ruler Dariy.
''When the Battle of Is (Issus) took place (November 333 BC) Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and his horsemen fought their way through the enemy troops until they came in close vicinity to the Grear Ruler Dariy THIRD, whose life was therefore threatened. The Grear Ruler Dariy THIRD was protected by the most noble Persians, among them also Sabaces, who was killed.
The Adzaian mercenaries who fought on the side of the Persians, were very motivated, the world should know loud and clear that they have nothing to do with the Makedonians
Of the Persians were killed Arsames, Rheomithres, and Atizyes who had commanded the cavalry at the Granicus. Sabaces, the strap (viceroy) of Egypt, and Bubaces, one of the Persian dignitaries, were also killed, besides about 100,000 of the private soldiers, among them being more than 10,000 cavalry''.
— The Anabasis of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy by Arrian, translated by E. J. Chinnock, Book 2, Chapter 11 '' The Persian king fled because he feared for his life; therefore the Makedonians won the battle . ''
The Great Ruler Dario, who had fled from the battlefield. Because of this, the Persians began to retreat.The Makedonian cavalry pursued the Persians in retreat until it got dark. There was heavy bloodshed here due to the massive, unorganized withdrawal of the Persians, who lost about 80,000, and the persecution by the Makedonians. The Makedonians lost nearly 500 soldiers. The defeat of the Persians at the Battle of Granica marked the beginning of the end of Persian power.This was the first battle the Persians lost in the presence of Great Ruler Dariy.
Great Ruler Dariy fled across the river Euphrat, leaving his mother, wife and children at the mercy of the Makedonians.
Great Ruler Dariy was forced to flee the battle after his army disintegrated, leaving his wife, two daughters: Statheira and Dripetti, his mother Sisigamba, and an invaluable amount of wealth.
After the battle of Is, when they went to visit the captive family of Great Ruler Dario, the ruler of Sisigamba mistakenly knelt down to pray to Ephexion for her life,.. because he was taller, and they were both young and wearing almost the same clothes.When she realized the mistake she asked Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to forgive her, but Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy said:
IS, coinage by Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in honor of the goddesses and goddesses Is and to be sure of the name.
Near the site of the battle was founded the city of Aleksandeon, a series of cities, in honor of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian victories.
Next comes a parade of lectures on the coastal towns of the Don Sey (Mediterranean Sea).Throughout those cities there were already Makedonian colonies that wanted to join the Makedonian phalanx, but they were rejected, they were not accepted, why were they not trained soldiers in the way of the Makedonian phalanx, it is interesting to say about Vyvlon (not Biblos).
During the Persian occupation, the city uses the script "lines and drawings" - a demotic script,
Even after the liberation, the city of Vyvlon uses the alphabet ''lines and drawings'' - a demotic script,
But in Roman occupation, the city of Vyvlon uses the letter "KOINON MAKEDONON" and reveals the name more clearly for explanation.
Then the city of Vjvlon passes into VJVLOS and with the reforms of the alphabet it grew into BYBLOS and etc.
Next as one of the largest and most important is the city of Sidonion (Sidon): , which was later renamed to: SIDON DZEAS.
Continuing along the banks of the Don Sey, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian phalanx captured TIROYIEILS (Tyre, present-day Lebanon) by siege.
TYROYIEILS (TYR OY I E IL S) KIASYLOY, "the city of RA - TY R (a) - "he is Ra", most likely the city was dedicated to the god RA, but also to IL, meaning the light, however we will name it as "Tir", but to know what the real name of the city is, so is coinage from Tiroy (Tire) from the time of 126 - 57 BC.It proves that the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON" was used everywhere the Makedonians were.The coin was found in present-day Iran, the city of Hamedan.So it was used throughout the future Roman Empire.The coinage was used normally in Jerusalem as well, it is speculated that Judas was paid with such "silver coins".
At first Tyroy wanted to surrender to Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy,.. but Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy wanted to pray in the temple of Arakle in Tyroy... That wish of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was refused by the strap of Tyroy.
Siege of Tyroy
In 332 BC, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian Phalanx set out to conquer Tyroy, a strategic coastal base. Unable to attack the city, the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy laid siege to Tiroy for seven months, but Tiroy endured.
Fantasy - The Siege of Tyroy 332 BC
The letter from Great Ruler Dario
During the siege the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy received a letter from the Grear Ruler Dario THIRD offering a truce. He offered to pay a ransom for his family of 1000 talents and thanked Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy for their well-being. Great Ruler Dariy also offered to cede all his lands west of the river Euphrat and to create an alliance and friendship that would be of mutual interest.
- Warlord Parmenion advised the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to accept the offer.He told to Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy:
- '' I would accept, if I were Alexandroy. ''
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy he replied:
- '' Me too, if I were Parmenion!"
In response to the Grear Ruler Dariy THIRD letter, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy replied:
'' Your ancestors invaded Makedonia and harmed us without us being the first to harm them. I have been appointed AGAMEMNON (commander-in-chief) of the Makedonians and of the League of Dze, I went to Adzeia (Asia) to punish the Persians, because you are aggressors. You supported Berintion, who harmed my father and sent an army to Thrace, which was under our control. My father died at the hands of the conspirators ordered by you, as you yourself boasted to everyone in your letters; You killed Ars with the help of Bagoa and gained the throne unjustly, contrary to Persian customs, harming the Persians. You sent hostile letters to everyone about me, to push them into a war against me, and you sent money to the Spartans, money that no one but the Spartans would receive. Your envoys have corrupted my friends and tried to destroy the peace I have establishe.
For that is why I started an expedition against you and you started the argument. But now I have defeated all your satraps, as well as you personally and your army and "by the grace of God" I rule the World (So after the victory at the battle of Is Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy considered himself VASIOLEON - king of kings ). For all those who fought on your side and did not die in battle, but came to me, I am personally responsible. They are not on my side under duress, but participate in the expedition of their own free will. Therefore approach me as the master of all Asia. If you are afraid I will do something for you if you come in person, send some of your friends to assure you. Come to me and asks for your mother, wife, children. You will get them. Ask for anything else. Whatever you manage to convince me to give you, it will be yours.
In the future, when communicating with me, address me as the Lord of Adzeia. Do not write to me as an equal, but ask what you need from the owner of your property. If you do not, I will treat you as a sinner. If you want to become a ruler again, stand up and fight for the right , do not run away, because I will persecute youwherever you are''.
When the Makedonian army led by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy arrived in Jerusalem to seek help for the embankment for the siege of Tiroy, the city of Jerusalem was under siege ,.. in the end the Makedonians reached the holy temple,.. The temple was surrounded by Jewish soldiers led by an old priest with white hair and a beard, but he held a sword in his hand. The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy approached the priest, bowed to him and promised that the holy temple would be spared and if he wished he could spread the Jewish faith throughout VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA,.. The Macedonian military leaders asked him in amazement Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy:
''How is it possible for him to worship an old man?...
Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy replied:
The priest told to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy that he would do to him ''ETERNAL MONUMENT'' ... so THEN:
The future Jewish priests themselves took the name Alexander, and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and guaranteed freedom of religion.
From then on the Jews celebrated the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy as a liberator from the Persians.
Plutarch writes:
At that moment the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy received news from Adzana that the Adzaians and Spartans had revolted.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy wrote to him about it. So Ephexion was sent to carry out a reconnaissance.Ephexion meets with Aristo to make peace between the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Demosthenes and spartan avahto Agis 3-th. They were well inclined to this idea and temporarily Ephexion saved the Makedonian interests in the city states in the Peninsula of Dze and the small peninsula of Azenika.
The Makedonian phalanx used the shot from the abandoned city of Tyroy on the mainland to build a dike and when the walls of the island were within reach they began to bombard them with siege machinery and finally broke through the fortification.
There is a legend, and that is that the day before he conquered Tyroy, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy dreamed that a "satyr" - a mythical animal half man, half horse, attacked him and hit him on the shield with his front hooves, then he woke up,(this dream was positively assessed by dream interpreters, that it was a sign of the victory "sa tir" - now tir), the day after he won Tyroy.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was so angry because of the way the Tyrians had defended themselves and the loss of his soldiers, that he destroyed half the city as punishment.All 30,000 inhabitants were massacred or sold into slavery.
In the end, as if nothing had happened, he went to pray in the temple of Arakle.
When Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and the Macedonian phalanx reached Gaza which was governed by the Dani-Nubian straipia (governor), they again had to besiege this city as well.
332 Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy placed Ephexion in command of his fleet, tasked with escorting him by sea to Gaza.The task was not easy, because the fleet was composed of various nations.In Gaza, during the siege, the machines had to be unloaded, and the terrain was very difficult.
Coinage from Gaza which was under the administration of the Danai's from Nubia.
A coin from Gaza but from Roman times, to make sure of the name of the city
It is interesting that today the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is in the memory of those people there, BUT HOW HE WALKED WITH A GOAT HORN,.. because the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had a diadem of a goat horned figure... by imitating DZE the god of the light.
AFION - Coin with the image of the god DZE - the god of light
Makedonians knew the effect of opium in ancient times,.. and the Makedonian rulers dressed in purple cloaks like the color of young poppy leaves. (purple color, not violet) like the color of young poppy leaves (the original purple color was obtained from the blood of a sea crab, in antiquity).
.Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy imitates the god Dze (not Zeus) our brightest, our most divine, the Makedonian god of light Dze (image of Dze, Kyrana coinage and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy coinage of Berga
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, headed for Egypt, where he had been before, and marched from Gaza on the seventh day and arrived at Pelusium in Egypt. His fleet sailed simultaneously from Phenicia to Egypt. And in Pelusium he found the ships anchored. The Persian strapia (from Danai origin) Mazaches, who was satrap of Egypt appointed by Dariy, when he understood both the events of the battle of Is and the shameful escape of the Great Ruler Dario, as well as that both Phenicia and Syria and much of Arabia were occupied by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy(and the loss of Gaza, and the Danai's occupying army had no one to oppose him, he had no choice but to)... Receive it friendly the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroyin cities and in the country....
... He reached Ileagrad (Ileacity) through the desert. From there he crossed the Nile and arrived in Manphis (Memphis).From Manphis sail along the river, down to the sea... Stop at the place exactly where the city of Alexandreion is located now, named after the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy. And it seemed to him that the place was very nice to build a city and that the city would be prosperous. And he became thirsty for work, he set the basic plan for the city and where the agora should be set, how many temples should be built ... Where should the surrounding wall be placed ...
- It is omitted, in 331 BC.ja takes Kyrana.
.... After this, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroyhe was seized with a strong desire to visit Amon in Libya… the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy felt like a rival to Persey and Aracle (Makedon), because he was descended from both;but he also believed that he was descended from Amon, as the myths suggested that both Persey and Aracle were descended from Dze. It was with this thought that he turned to Amona, to learn more about himself, or to say that he had really learned...
As soon as spring came, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy headed from Manphis to Phenicia ... When he reached Tire, he discovered that the fleet was already waiting for him to meet him....
... He himself had already headed up the Tampasak and the Euphrat River ...
... From there continue inland ... Through the land called Mesopotamia ....
... After leaving the Tigers, he crossed the land of Aturia ... On the fourth day, the scouts told him that horsemen had appeared in the field ... ...
An interesting thing was that there were already Makedonian colonies before the arrival of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in Dzenika, and they asked to join the Makedonian army, but were rejected because they were not trained.
After the capture of the city of Tiroj in 332 BC.and Gaza, the road to Egypt was opened.At the same time, the cities of Phenicia, Palestine and Egypt opened their doors without a fight and proclaimed Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy as their ruler..
According to the evidence, those from Kryana were not Danai's, but Belasti - whites, believers in the god of the sun RA, they spoke a Venetian dialect and could understand Makedonians without a translator, they probably had similar genetic connections with the Copts from Egypt.
- КY - to,
- RА - the god of the sun RA,
- NА - upon or over (located),
- I - and
- ОN - he
So - "He is with Ra" - and they are with Ra.
KYRANAION, remains of the city from different eras, the name of RA is evident, while others translate the name as "mermaid", which is incorrect and illogical, they normally do not understand the language of the alphabet of the coin.
Macedonian military helmet from the Makedonian phalanx - cavalry - Tripoli Archaeological Museum - Libya
As a skilled politician, in Egypt Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy visited the temple of the Sun god Amun Ra, won over the priests oppressed by the Persian government, so they proclaimed him the son of their supreme god and pharaoh.
On the way to the temple of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Cheta Heroi got lost in the desert, but an eagle showed them the way by following its flight and directed them to the oasis of the temple of Amun О'rekol (The soothsayer).
Makedonian coinage by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy on that occasion
His warlord Parmenion proposed to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to stop further military campaigns, but he was determined to finally destroy the great Persian state.
Egypt was administered by the Danai, Sabaces on behalf of Persia. Namely, the Persian (administrator - strap) of Egypt with his army "of Danais " died in the battle of Iss, when the Makedonians came to Egypt, the deputy administrator - Danai, Mazaces surrendered because he had no army to oppose.
Sabaces (name variants: Sabakes, Sauaces; Sataces; Diodorus Siculus calls him Tasiaces; Aramaic: SWYK, died in 333 BC) was an Achaemenid satrap of the Achaemenid Thirty-first Dynasty of Egypt during the reign of the Grear Ruler Dario THIRD of Persia.
''When the Battle of Is (Issus) took place (November 333 BC) Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and his horsemen fought their way through the enemy troops until they came in close vicinity to the Grear Ruler Dariy THIRD, whose life was therefore threatened. The Grear Ruler Dariy THIRD was protected by the most noble Persians, among them also Sabaces, who was killed.
Of the Persians were killed Arsames, Rheomithres, and Atizyes who had commanded the cavalry at the Granicus. Sabaces, the strap (viceroy) of Egypt, and Bubaces, one of the Persian dignitaries, were also killed, besides about 100,000 of the private soldiers, among them being more than 10,000 cavalry''.
— The Anabasis of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy by Arrian, translated by E. J. Chinnock, Book 2, Chapter 11 '' The Persian king fled because he feared for his life; therefore the Makedonians won the battle''.
Portrait of satrap Sabaces from his coinage. Circa 340-333 BC. Achaemenid Egypt. Predecessor Pherendates 2, 31st Dynasty, under the Grear Ruler Dariy THIRD.
Coin of Sabaces, in imitation of Adzaian coinage, he was allowed to make his own local currency. Obverse: Head of Adze - the Danai's god of light. Reverse: the owl from Adzena (Danaic) . To right: Sabaces symbol and inscription SWYK. Circa 340-333 BC. Achaemenid Egypt.
Coin of Sabaces. Persian Egypt - Persian style. Circa 335-333 BC
When it was learned that Sabaces had died at Is (not Issus), the mercenaries in Egypt revolted and began to plunder Egypt, the Persians reacted quickly and appointed the Danai, Mazaces as the new strap of Egypt, meaning a foreigner, not an Egyptian. (shabbygame of Mazaces).
The deputy administrator - Danai, Mazaces, Mazaces, also Mazakes, in Danai - Mazdāka surrendered to Makedonians, because he had no army to oppose.
Coin of Mazakes as Satrap of Mesopotamia in the VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA, he was allowed to make his own local currency. 331-323-2 BC. Obverse: Adze - the Danai's god of light. Reverse: the owl from Adzena - (Danaai's), MZDK.
Mazaces succeeded Sabaces after the latter's death at the battle of Is (not Issus) (333 BCE). His office lasted less than a year: when Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy invaded Egypt in late 332 BCE, Mazaces did not have enough military force to put up a resistance. Counselled by Amminapes, who knew Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy well, Mazaces handed the country to the Makedonian without a fight, along with a treasure of 800 talents of gold. This event marked the end of the short–lived second Egyptian satrapy (343–332 BCE).
It is unknown what happened to Mazaces after this event, but Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy assigned the role of satrap of Egypt to the an other Danai, Cleomenes of Naucratis before leaving for the East.
Mazakes may have been nominated as satrap, but it is not known exactly where, it is assumed in Mesopotamia (maybe Medina or Parthia, because Mesopotamia was too important for the Makedonians) in reward for his submission, as coins in his name and in a style similar to his Egyptian predecessor Sabakes, are found in this region, and the satrap of Mesopotamia at that time is otherwise unknown. He was succeeded by Bleitor.
This development of the historical facts of Danai's interests us very much.
In the year 332BCVasileon Makedonon Alexandroy tried to conquer Nubia, but encountered a strong military formation led by their ruler Candace, so he decided to direct his forces to Egypt and Kyrana.
In the year 332 and the following 331, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was welcomed as the liberator of Egypt, which had hitherto been occupied by Persia. He was proclaimed the son of Amon, the Egyptian sun god, by Egyptian priests at the prophecy in the Shiva oasis in the Libyan desert. Since then, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy has often referred to Amon as his father, and his image on the coins was with bull horns as a symbol of divinity.
It is possible then at that moment (which needs to be further investigated) that the Coptic name of the city Manafar Ma na far - "The Brightest and Strongest of the Earth" was renamed to Manfis - Ma n f is - "The Most Beautiful and the Strongest of the Earth'', in honor of the battle of Is and the liberation of Egypt.
Manfis (Memphis) - "The Most Beautiful and the Strongest of the Earth''- fantasy
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy founded Alexandreion (Alexandria) in Egypt, which later, after his death, became the prosperous capital of the Ptolemaioik (Ptolemaic) dynasty.
Sketch of the Library of Alexandreion, burnt by the Romans
ЗDuring the two years after the battle of Is the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continued its occupation of the Don Sey (Mediterranean) coast and Egypt. He then left Syria for the heart of the Persia.There he crossed the Euphrat and the Tigris without encountering any resistance.
ALEKSANDR, mint from Manfis, it's just to make sure of the name
Leaving Egypt, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continued to Assyria and on 01. 10. 331. BC.defeated the Great Ruler Dariy once again in the Battle of Ara Bellas - White Ara (Gaugamela is an Arabic name).
From the Museum in England
And on the clay tablets found in Vavylon (BaBylon), the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is recorded as ALEKSANDR, not, how ''alexandros''.
On 1 Don (October) 331 BC.The Makedonian phalanx led by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy defeated the Persian army of the Great Ruler Dariy - 3 - th
The Great Ruler Dariy's entire army numbered: 40,000 cavalry, 100,000 infantry, 200 battle chariots - the scythed chariots, a few elephants ....With such an army Great Ruler Dariy encamped at Ara Bellas by the river Bumod...
The Great Ruler Dariy, when he was told that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy he had already set out, deploying the army as for battle. And the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy led the army deployed in battle order..
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ... before that battle, has explained:
''It is not about Lowland Syria or Phenicia, not even Egypt, but that it will be crucial for supremacy over all of Adzeia (Asia)''.
In fact, there was no great need to encourage them to great deeds with a long speech because it was innate to them, but more because everyone should think within himself of the order in danger and of complete silence... and for the strong fighting cry ... to follow the commands wisely and to transfer them quickly to the battle lines; most of all, keep in mind everyone; most of all, everyone should keep in mind that the danger for everyone depends on his carelessness, and that complete success depends on his consistency. With these words and the like, he briefly encouraged them, and the military leaders replied that they had faith in him. He then ordered the army to feed and rest.
Permanion came to him in the tent and advised him at night to attack the Persians ... Аnd the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy he replied:
'' It is a shame to steal the victory, and that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy should win openly and without deception....
Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy as a rule he risked in his battles, but still considered the night too dangerous, and also in the defeat of the Great Ruler Dariy,
'' covert attack under the veil of night would be an excuse for the Great Ruler Dariy not to admit he is the worse commander of the worse army ''.
The Great Ruler Dariy's army was deployed as follows:
On its left wing stood the Vaktrian cavalry and with them the Dais and the Arachots. The Persians lined up after them... the Suzutzi followed, followed by the Cadusians... From the right wing, on the other hand, were the cavalry from Koilesiria and Mesopotamia ... and the Medians, ... the Parthians and the Sakians, ... the Tapurs and the Hyrkans and .... the Albanians and the Sakians. In the center where the Great Rruler Dario himself and his relatives were, the bodyguards stood... The elephants and fifty horse-drawn carriages - the scythed chariots that were stationed near the Great Ruler Dariy's reign ... the Danai's mercenaries, were lined up on both sides of the ruler and the Persians nearby, just opposite the Makedonian phalanx...
The army - the Makedonian phalanx of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was lined up as follows:
Its right wing was occupied by the Makedonian cavalry of the "Hetairoi" - unit heroes, and in front of it stood the ruling detachment, led by Ephexion, was the commander of the bodyguards of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, who was not of a the ruler unit but WERE OBLIGED TO PROTECT THE RULER - THE Vasileos IN BATTLE paied from the Makedonian people. Until that time, Klito was in charge.... The commander of the entire cavalry of the "Hetairoi" was Philota, son of Parmenion. The phalanx of the Makedonians was preceded by the first auxiliary detachment of the scythed chariots of the Makedonian cavalry, followed by other shield-bearers, led by Nikanor, son of Parmenion ... On the left wing of the Makedonian phalanx stood the detachment of Krater, son of Alexander, and Krater himself commanded with the left wing of the infantry ... the cavalry of the allies lined up, led ... Erigoy, son of Larich. Next to them ... were the Dzetsalians, led by Philip, son of Menelay.The entire left wing was ruled by Permion, Philota's father, and the Farsal cavalry...
Such was the deployment of Makedonian forces on the front line. But he set up a second line, so that his phalanx would be two-sided ... Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered the commanders of the second battle line, as soon as they noticed, that the Persians were surrounding their people, to direct themselves against them and to take a blow at the barbarians. Where the front made a bend ... either to pull the phalanx deeper or to narrow it, half of the Agrianians of the ruling detachment were lined up on the right wing ... Next came the Makedonian archers ... and archers from the so-called mercenaries-veterans... In front of the Agrianians and the archers, the scout horsemen were lined up ... and the Payonians...
The Paeonian light cavalry led by Ariston also took part in the Makedonian campaigns to the east. The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian army were greeted everywhere as liberators by the conquered peoples under Persian rule.
Ariston in battle Paeonian coin
But before the whole battle line stood Menid's mercenaries ... In front of the ruling detachment ... stood half of the Argyans and the shooters of Valakras - Va la k ra s (not Balakros),...
VAlakrasson of Nicanor, he was a Makedonian, he was primarily one of the six bodyguards of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, then promoted to strapia of Silisia after the battle of Is, where he was also allowed to forge his own coins.(It must be emphasized at that moment that Silisia was very significant and of fundamental importance for the Makedonian campaign, the first on the ydar on the front with the Persians, it is especially important to ensure the background when Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was on a campaign against Egypt and Kyrania, Valakras must have beenvery capable).
,... These parts of the army took up positions opposite the scythed chariots.
The armies from all over the right camp were deployed of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy as follows:
At the left end ... on that wing the Thracians were lined up, under the leadership of Sitalk, followed by the allies cavalry ... In front of all the armies from that sector, the mercenary cavalry was lined up on the front ... under the leadership of Andromache ... Thracian infantry were added as reinforcements. And the whole army of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy consisted of 7,000 cavalry and about 40,000 infantry.
As the two armies approached, one could see the Great Ruler Dariy and the Persian bodyguards ... both the Kydeans (not Indians, ''india'' is Latin word) and the Albanians and the Cririans ... standing directly opposite the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and his ruling detachment.
Then the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, after encouraging his right wing to move forward, led his army, and the Persians moved forward, giving the greatest weight to their left wing..... When he saw that the Makedonians were moving on a steep, steep terrain, the Great Ruler Dariy was afraid that his war chariots would come out useless, so he ordered him to attack the left wing with the cavalry in the front of the right wing, commanded by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy himself and prevented him from moving further.
The attack of the war chariots
Then the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered the Payonians ... and the mercenaries to enter into battle with the Scythians, as a result of which the barbarians were repulsed.... However, the Vaktrians, and the other parts, approaching the Payonians and the strangers ... and managed to continue the fight the fight on horseback. And many soldiers of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy fell, repressed by the large number of Persians ... But the Makedonians withstood their attacks and attacking them according to the combat units, broke their battle order.
Meanwhile, the Persians sent their war chariots directly to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, ... to break up the fighting order of the phalanx. But here they were mostly deceived: because as soon as they approached, they started shooting at the Agrinians and the spearmen under the leadership of Valakras....
The Agriniansspecial forces of the Makedonian army
,.. And so it happened that the chariots remained unharmed, but also those against which they were directed ... But later these chariots were defeated by the cavalry of the Makedonian army and the ruling corps guard.
The Agriniansspecial forces of the Makedonian army, true view
When Darias had brought all the infantry, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered Aron to attack the cavalry that was circling around their right wing (typical of the Parthian cavalry). He himself led his army in a column;but when the cavalry was sent to help those who turned around on the right wing and somehow left a gap in the battle line of the Persians, the emptiness was given to them and, making a wedge-shaped battle line from the cavalry of the Cheta Iroi - unit heroes and from the part of the phalanx that was deployed at that place, he led them twice and with a strong fighting shout directly to Dariy .... there was a fight head to head;but then the Makedonian cavalry and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy himself strongly attacked the enemy, actually beating them with their fists, blinding them with the glare of the sun from their lorandite coated shields and cutting off the faces of the Persians with spears.
And the Makedonian phalanx, compacted and frightened by the Makedonian spears, had already attacked them and the Great Ruler Dariy... everything around him seemed terrible and he himself first turned and ran away.The Persians, who were trying to block the right wing with their horses, were frightened by the strong attack of Aron's army.
The Makedonian cavalry - Cheta Iroi in a wedge formation under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy struck with all their might, and the Makedonian phalanx, compacted and terrifying with the Makedonian spears - ''sor and osa'', has already attacked the Persians and the Great Ruler Dariy,... everything around seemed terrible to him, and he himself, the Great Ruler Dariy, first turned and ran away. Were frightened by the strong attack of the Makedonian phalanx and those Persians, who were trying to block the right wing with horses from the strong attack of the Makedonian army.
Part of a relief from Lymyra, Lycia.4th century BC, Makedonian phalanx - formation
,... There was indeed a great escape of the Persians in this place, and the Makedonians followed and killed the refugees ....
... it was reported that the left wing of the Makedonians was in trouble ... and there was a fierce action ... the captured Persians themselves, when they entered, joined them in the action and attacked the Makedonians. However, the commanders of the Makedonian armies that formed the reserve for the first phalanx ... wisely returned to the forehead, according to the original orders, and thus appeared in the background of the Persians;and there they killed many of those who had surrounded the animals with their equipment. Some turned away and fled. The Persian army on the right wing, having no idea that the Great Ruler Dariy had already escaped, rode around the left wing of the Makedonian army and attacked the Makedonian army led by Parmenion.....
''It is assumed that the dog of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy – - Beritas - (January) - white, snow, was a rare species of white sharplanine, was a Sharplanina dog.
There are such Sharplanins in Makedonia
The Adzaian ancient historian Plutarch in his biography of Vasileon Makedonon writes in one passage that Alexandroy's dog, named Beritas, died defending his master and fell mortally wounded in the master's lap. Thanks to Beritas, a city named after him was built.According to the preserved sculptures, Beritas looks like today's a rare species of white Sharplanina dog.
It is interesting that this dog probably wrote the ancient history, because without him Alexandroy would have lost his life. When Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was attacked in battle by a large number of Persian soldiers of Great Ruler Dariy 3-th, Beritas jumped and bit the lip of one of the war elephants that was rushing towards to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy thus saving the life of his master who went on to conquer the then known world ''.
,... At this, the Makedonians were primarily between two fires. Parmenion sent to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ... a messenger ... that his army was in a desperate position and needed help. When this was announced to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, he stopped the chase and after turning with the cavalry of the Companions - Company Heroes, he turned to the right wing of the Persians. And he first attacked the fleeing enemy cavalry, and from them the Parthians and the Indians, as well as the Persians.... And here took place one of the fiercest cavalry battles of the whole battle ... The Persians turned and clashed head-on with the Makedonian armies led by Alexandroy... everyone was trying to find their way through everything that would stand in their way... Without forgiveness, they were cut and cut as fighters who do not fight for the victory of another, but for their own salvation.
And here fell about 60 companions of Alexandtoy and was wounded by an arrow in the hand and Ephexion himself, as well as Koen and Menida. But the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy held on.And those Persians who broke through the armies of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy fled as headless. But Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was now ready to face the enemy right wing. Here, too, the Dzetsalian cavalry, gloriously fighting, was not below in the battle of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, but because the barbarians from the right wing had already fled,when Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy clashed with them, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy returned and began to persecute the Great Ruler Dariy again ... And the armies of Permionion pursued the opponents who fled before them....
From the Makedonian army died over a hundred, and wounds and stress from chasing a thousand horses ... And from the barbarians said that three hundred thousand had died, but that the number of those who had been captured was greater than the dead, as well as the elephants and chariots that had not been destroyed in battle.... And the prophecy of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy came true, that in the same month in which the moon will be eclipsed, there will be a battle of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and his victory...
Immediately after the battle, the Persian Ruler Dariy go to Media, and with him the Bactrian cavalry escaped ... the Persians from the ruling family ... 2,000 foreign (Danai's) mercenaries.
... And Persian Ruler Dario was not deceived, because after leaving Arbela, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy immediately went to Vavilon (not Babylon) ... when the Vavilonians met him en masse, with the priests and chiefs, each of them offering gifts to the city and the fortress and wealth....
Entry of the Makedonian phalanx into Vavilon - a scene from Oliver Stone's film "Alexander"
Entry of the Makedonian phalanx into Vavilon - a scene from Oliver Stone's film "Alexander"
Entry of the Makedonian phalanx into Vavilon - a scene from Oliver Stone's film "Alexander"
Entry of the Makedonian phalanx into Vavilon - a scene from Oliver Stone's film "Alexander"
,...When the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy arrived in Vavilon, he ordered the Vavylonians to rebuild the temples that Persian Great Ruler Xerxes had demolished ...
...From Vavilon to Susa the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy arrives in twenty days. And after he arrived in the city and took the fortune of about 50,000 talents of silver and everything else from the ruling property ... and all that Great Ruler Xerxes had brought from his campaign in Dzeia (Europe).
After rising from Susa and crossing the Passitigar River, it invaded the land of the Uxians.....
After this he went to Media and understood that the Persian Ruler Dariy was there...
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, when he realized that he could not catch up with the Persian Ruler Dariy in a hasty pursuit, he stayed there for five days and rested the army..... when he heard that, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy rushed even faster ... for the Persian Ruler Dariy understood that he was really captured and that he was carried in a closed car and that power had been handed over to Bes...
Those who captured Persian Ruler Dariy decided that if they understood that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was persecuting them, they would hand Persian Ruler Dariy over to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, in order to gain his favor.
If they understand that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is back, they will gather as much army as possible so that they can jointly defend the country...
After hearing that, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy decided to continue at the highest speed...”
One of the six famous helmets of Zapirion, war lord of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy (died 331 BC) was found in Olanesti, a village in the area of Stefan Voda '' Stafan cel Mare '', in Moldavia.
Makedonian warlord Zapirion leads 30,000 troops in Scythian-Ghettian campaign in northeastern of Makedonia.
So while Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was at war with Persia, he also waged a military campaign against the Scythians.The military campaign was successful, but on the way back the Makedonian army was decimated by constant attacks by numerous Scythians. Thus, in the late autumn of 331 BC, behind the border and the Istar River in present-day Romania, the Ghettians dealt the final blow to war lord Zopirion's Makedonian army.It was also considered as revenge for the campaign of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in 335 BC when he destroyed much of their land. And these archeological findings are from that period, for sure.
Already in the winter at the end of the same year, Zapirion and his army disappear through the fields of the Istar (Danube).
Source - History of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, book 10 by Quintus Curtius Rufus.It is also mentioned in Justin.
According to the archeological findings, Crimea was under Makedonian rule, a wrought iron helmet from the Makedonian phalanx with fragments of silver (of the Makedonian cavalry) is today in the museum of San Petrovgrad, meaning modern science, hiding.
According to the archeological findings, Crimea was under Makedonian rule. Protective armor from the Makedonian phalanx with the image of Medusa - today it is in the museum of San Petrovgrad.
''There Are Two Kinds of People - Makedonians, and Everyone Else Who Wish They Was Makedonian. '' - Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
The Battle of Ara Bellas (White Ara) was an armed conflict in 331 BC where the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy - Makedonia defeated the Great Ruler Dariy 3 - th - of Persia.The battle is also called the "Battle of Gaugamela", but it is an Arabic name.
- The Makedonian phalanx and allies under Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy with 7,250 cavalry and 40,000 infantry, (according to Arrian).
The detail is later, another story
- Persians under the Great Ruler Dario probably with 20,000 mostly heavy cavalry, 230,000 infantry (including about 10,000 Danai's mercenaries).The actual number of the Persians is not established, but it is known that they were much more numerous than the Makedonians.
The Persians were on the battlefield even before the battle itself began.The Great Ruler Dario recruited the best cavalry from his satrapies and from the allied Scythian tribe.The Great Ruler Dario also prepared the scythed chariots for which he had prepared a clear field in front of his troops.Also the Great Ruler Dario had 50 Kydean war elephants supported by Kydean chariots, although they played no part in the battle.Before the battle, the Great Ruler Dario ordered all vegetation on the battlefield to be uprooted so that he could operate the scythed chariots as well as possible.
The Great Ruler Dario himself stood in the middle with the best infantry, according to Persian military ruler custom.He was flanked, on the right, by Karian cavalry, Danai's mercenaries and a Persian cavalry guard.Between the center and the middle he placed his infantry guard (Immortals), Indian cavalry and his Mardian archers.
On both wings was the cavalry.Bess commanded the left wing with the Vaktrians, the Dachaean cavalry, the Arachrosian cavalry, the Persian cavalry, the Susian cavalry, the Cadusian cavalry, and the Scythians.The chariots were placed in front together with a small group of Vaktrians.
Madze commanded the right wing with the Syrian, Median, Mesopotamian, Parthian, Sakian, Tapurian, Xirkanian, Albanian, Sakesian, Cappadokian and Phrygian cavalry.The Cappadokians and Phrygians were placed in the foreground and led the attack.The Albanian and Saxezian cavalry were sent to surround the Makedonian left flank.
- “ A leader before a battle should think about how to win, not about the consequences of defeat ”,
- '' Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a beautiful thing, to live with courage and to die, leaving eternal glory,''- Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy
The Makedonians were divided into two parts, with the right wing under the direct command of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, and the left under Parmenion. The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy fought with his cavalry companions - Cheta Iroi. With them were the Payones and the light cavalry of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. The mercenary cavalry were also divided into two groups, with the veterans on the right wing, and the rest of them in front of the Agrianianss and the Makedonian archers who were right next to the Makedonian phalanx. Parmenion was on the left with the Dzetsalian cavalry, mercenaries and Thracian cavalry units.They were intended to hold back the enemy while the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy delivered the decisive blow to the right.
The Makedonian phalanx- inspection
Between the right side and the center were Kydonian (Cretan) mercenaries.Behind them was a group of Dzetsalian cavalry units under Philip's command as well as mercenaries. To the right of them was another part of the allied cavalry. There was also the phalanx, which was positioned in a double line. Due to the fact that they were outnumbered 5:1 in cavalry, the Persian line was 1.5 km longer than the Makedonian line, it seemed inevitable that the Makedonians would be bypassed by the Persians.
The second line of the phalanx was tasked with dealing with this situation if it happened.This second line consisted mainly of mercenaries.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx- inspection
The Makedonian phalanx- inspection
During the battle Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy used such an original strategy which no one in world history could repeat. His plan was to draw as many Persian cavalry as possible to the flanks.This plan aimed to create an opening in the enemy line where a decisive blow would later be struck at the Great Ruler Dario in the center. This required almost perfect timing and maneuvering as well as the requirement that the Great Ruler Dario was to produce first.
The Makedonian cavalry
The Makedonians attacked with their wings folded back at an angle of 45° to lure the Persian cavalry to attack.At the same time, the wings slowly moved to the right.The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy made the Great Ruler Dario to attack (and soon his army moved from the prepared ground, although the Great Ruler Dario did not want to attack first, but since he saw what happened in a similar situation at Is. In the endthe Great Ruler Dario was forced to attack.
The Makedonian cavalry
Now the Great Ruler Dario ordered an attack on scythed chariots.Some of them were intercepted by the Agrianians.However, the Makedonian phalanx had practiced tactics for dealing with these deadly devices.The front lines gave way, opening a gap. The horses refused to run into the lances of the front lines and got caught in the so-called"mouse trap", where they were stopped by the "sor and osa - soriosa" spears from the rear ranks.
Then the drivers were easily killed.The scythed chariots were useless.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian cavalry
The Makedonian phalanx - position
The Makedonian phalanx - attack
As the Persians advanced further and further into the Makedonian flanks, Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy slowly filtered his bodyguards behind.The Persians did the same, until a gap opened between Bes's left and the center of the Great Ruler Darius, when Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy sent his last cavalry reserves against them.The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy recalled his companions and prepared for the decisive attack against the Persians.Under his leadership, he grouped his units in the shape of a gigantic wedge, with Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy himself at the top of it.Behind him was a brigade of his bodyguards and battalions of the phalanx that he managed to pull out of battle.
The Makedonian cavalry - Cheta Iroi in a wedge formation under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy struck with all their might,...
..., and the Makedonian phalanx, led by Aron compacted and terrifying with the Makedonian spears - ''sor and osa - soriosa'', has already attacked the Persians and the Great Ruler Dariy,... everything around seemed terrible to him, and he himself, the Great Ruler Dariy, first turned and ran away. Were frightened by the strong attack of the Makedonian phalanx and those Persians, who were trying to block the right wing with horses from the strong attack of the Makedonian army...
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
What is not known (it was a military secret, so it could not be recorded publicly) is about the shields coated with Lorandite, they diverted the sunlight towards the enemy.The Makedonian phalanx moved from the west to the east, at noon when the sun's rays shine brightly and diverted the sunlight towards the enemy, so in the style of "Dze",... "The League of Dze - the army of Dze".
The reason that Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did not want to attack in the evening, at the suggestion of Parmenion, is that, amd they did not accept recruits from the liberated / conquered territories so as not to spread military secrets.
The Makedonian phalanx, compacted and terrifying with the Makedonian spears - ''sor and osa - soriosa'', has already attacked the Persians and the Great Ruler Dariy,... everything around seemed terrible to him, and he himself, the Great Ruler Dariy, first turned and ran away. Were frightened by the strong attack of the Makedonian phalanx and those Persians, who were trying to block the right wing with horses from the strong attack of the Makedonian army...
The phalanx of Dze
Not only the shields, but all the armor, the spear "soriosa", the iron part "sor", the helmets, waistcoats, and shins of the heavy phalanx, which were made of metal, not linen, were coated with Lorandite to make them shine when touched by the sunlight, and with the shields they directed the light to the eyes ofthe enemy and the animals involved in the fight.In that way, they intimidated, deconcentrated and demoralized the enemy further.At that time, people were superstitious, and this was used by the Makedonians.
Also the heavy Makedonian cavalry was equipped with armor, not only the riders but also the horses were properly equipped.
So the Makedonian phalanx "dazzled" and demoralized the enemy, while the Macedonian heavy cavalry broke up the enemy's compact battle lines and neutralized the key defensive points, so the infantry and cavalry worked in sync, to be maximally efficient.
This great wedge collided directly with the weakened Persian center, massacring the court guard of the Great Ruler Dario and the Danai's mercenaries.Bes on the left was now cut off by the Great Ruler Dario and fearing that he too would be attacked by this wedge he began to retreat.The Great Ruler Dario himself was in danger of being cut off and there are several different versions of what happened next.According to almost all versions, the Great Ruler Dario began to flee and so did the rest of his army.However, the only preserved document from that time says that the poorly trained Persian vassal army began to flee on its own.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
It is interesting that some of the Persian vassals broke through the Makedonian line of Parmenion, instead of attacking him from behind, they went to plunder the Makedonian camp, the mother of the Great Ruler Dario refused to come with them.
The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in battle - National Archaeological Museum of Taranto, Italy - 3rd century BC
Soon Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy came to Parmenion's aid and the victory was complete. After the battle, Parmenion surrounded the Persian luggage caravan, while Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and his bodyguards pursued Persian ruler Dario, hoping to capture him. As with Is, the spoils of plunder were enormous in this battle. 4,000 talents of gold were seized, as well as the personal chariot and bow of the Persian ruler Dario.
Persian rulers in an attempt to expand primarily used "their vassals" to deal with future vassals, meaning they did not disarm their vassals if they submitted. After seeing that "the matter is serious", after the defeat at the river Granica in 334 BC, the Great Ruler Dario personally took the defense of his country into his own hands as early as Is 333 BC. According to the namesof the vassal horsemen in the battle of Ara Bellas, the territorial size of the Persian state can be deduced in 331 BC. Of them, the Phrygian ruler Artahmo, was married to the daughter of Dario (the Great Lord of Persia) and led the attack onthe left wing in the battle, the rest of the nobles 334 BC... from the rest of the tribes of Dzenika (Asia Minor) and other territories of Persia, most likely they were already called as "hostages" in Persia, of course there were also mercenaries. Persia failed to subjugate all the Scythian tribes, but only a small part of them either joined it voluntarily, it is difficult to say why the records do not mention the exact names of which Scythian tribes took part in the battle of Ara Bellas, on the side ofPersia.However, Makedonia was at war with Scythia until the battle, in the same year 331 BC... an unsuccessful campaign against Scythia was undertaken by Makedonia.
After the Battle of Ara Bellas in 331 BC, the Persian Madze the commander of the left wing in that battle was won over by the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in the hope that the rest of the Persians would join him.The Makedonian ruler wanted to prove that he was a better ruler than Dario, perhaps a sign that the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy did not want to occupy the Persians completely.Probably the "Kydean Persian allies" - with elephants, cavalry and war chariots were from the state of Taxil - Tadhil - Tjail, who were passive during the battle.Then Tajil became an ally of Makedonia in the campaign against the state of Por - Kidespas in Lower Kydea (not India, ''india'' is Latin word).
Oriental military vehicles and infantry, more precisely the ASARIAN chariot, according to the supreme god AR, the first creator of the Universe, according to the Makedonian calendar, from here - ASARIA - As AR i a - and I am Ar, so not, ''As'I'ria'', not Assyria, because the noun is misread, we can note that Makedonians and Asarians, so not "Assyrians", could be understood without a translator in antiquity.In antiquity and even today from Karia not ''caria'' (K' ar ia - like AR and I) in Dzenika (Asia Minor) to former Asaria, after new "Mesopotamia", almost all important cities contain the name ofthe god AR or his granddaughter ARA
Oriental military vehicles
Oriental military vehicles
Oriental military chariot with a bow
Oriental military chariot with a bow
Oriental military chariot with a bowand a horseman with a bow
An oriental chariot with a bow, the Persians were militarily well equipped
Oriental military vehicles and bureaucracy
Oriental Asarian (Assyrian ruler) cavalry
Oriental Asarian cavalry
Oriental Asarian chariots and cavalry, the weaponry was similar to the Persian and as we can see they were well armed.
War elephants were also caught. A typical example, the Kydeans did not want to made to war in favor of the Persians. This is how the Persian rulers worked, they sent their vassals to fight wars for them, they attended only if they had no faith in the vassals.
Indian elephant and Kydean chariot, after the battle at the Battle of Kydeians (mot Hydaspas) in 326 BC, some of them were included in the assembly of the Makedonian phalanx
Persian Ruler Dario managed to escape the battle with a small group of soldiers.Vaktrian cavalry and Bes managed to catch up.Some of the court guard survivors and 2,000 Danai's mercenaries also joined them.
Now the great Persian state was divided into two halves - East and West- released.
Vasileos Makedono Alexandroy in Ara Bellas he proclaimed himself the Great LORD (the title of the Persian rulers), in Makedonian is : '' VASILEON '' - YOUR BRIGHTEST - LORD OF THE LORDS - VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY.
- VAS - (to) you, your,
- ILE - the god of the Sun,
- ON - he, is interpreted as the unique - the real - the original.
he said, and "historians" hide or do not know.
During his escape, Persian ruler Dario gave a speech to the rest of his army.He planned to go east and recruit a new army to attack Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy as he marched on Vavion.At the same time Persian ruler Dario sent letters to his eastern satrapies in which he asked them to remain faithful to him. Again the Persian Ruler Dario was forced to flee the battlefield, but this time Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy followed him to Arbela, from where he fled to Ekbatana.
After this battle Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was crowned ruler of Adzeia (Asia) in Ara Bellas BY THE MERCY OF GOD, .. which was according to the Persian custom.
Then Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy went to Vavilon.
The Makedonian phalanx in Vavylon
Makedonians of Makedonian party, an original fresco from the time
Vavilon fantasy, the city was spectacular, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was delighted with the city
Vavilon remains
Parts of Vavylon in foreign museums
Parts of Vavilon in foreign museums
Goddess of the Night - Vavilonian Goddess, a mixture of Nika - Goddess of Victory
The fall of Vavilon under Persian rule - fantasy
From Vavylon, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy proceeded to Susa,..
Remains of Susa
Guard of Dario the First - the Great Ruler - Remains of Susa
,.. Susa, one of the capitals of Persia, and won its legendary wealth.Sending the main body of his army to the capital of Persia, Persepolion, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroyattacked and conquered the Gates of Persia (today the Zagros Mountains).
'' The plan of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was to colonize the coast of the Persian Gulf and the islands;he actually estimated that this area could be as rich as Phenicia.His naval preparations were in fact directed against the Arabs, under the pretext that they were the only ones of all the nations who did not send him envoys.
In fact in my opinion, it was because he was still hungry for new conquests.
Most likely, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy planned the complete subjugation of the Persian state, which also extended into Arapia (Arabia).
As he descended to Babylon, he was met by envoys from the Libyans, who congratulated him on becoming ruler of Adzeia (Asia) and gave him a crown, and for similar reasons, envoys from Rome, the Britons, the Levites, and the Tyrrhenians arrived.It is also said that the Carthaginians sent envoys, and others arrived from Axion (Ethiopia) and the Dzeian (European) Scythians, Celts and Iberians to conclude friendship.
To the Makedonians and the members of the League of Dze (a lie is an alliance, but not ''hellens'' as a nation, but as a religion which is a Latin term, meaning later or absolutely not ''greeks'' which did not exist at the time of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy), then indeed for the first time they met their names and their names.Some of them, they say, asked the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to show them what he thought of the differences between them. And the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, he mostly realized, and so did his entourage, that he was the master of the whole land and of the whole sea.
Source: Arian, "Alexander's Anabasa”, book 6, 15 , pg. 220-221
Historians Aristide and Asclepius, who are among those who described the works of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, add that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was also visited by envoys from Rome.And that, he prophesied that they would be powerful in the future ''.
The Gates of Persia is a narrow gorge crossing on the road to Persepolion. Here the Makdonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, was attacked by the Persians under the leadership of the Persian general Ariel Barzanas at the top of the gorge at the place of Naras deep in the pass, they threw stones at the Makedonian soldiers after which they were forced to retreat momentarily toreorganize.
- This is the first time that the Makedonian phalanx led by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy retreats into battle, which is not actually a battle but a trap.
The Persians were very proud of this endeavor.
The battle is still remembered by the local population in that region.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is not loved by the Persians, .. which is normal, .. Mothers there even today scare children if they were not disciplined '' ALEXANDER WOULD COME TO TAKE THEM ''.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was very angry why he did not notice the trap ... From the local prisoners the Makedonians extorted information about another passage called Ariel, so that he could bypass the Persians and attack them from behind.
At 9 in the evening Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered a part of the Makedonian phalanx to cross that Ariel pass under the utmost secrecy and silence.When they reached the top of 7 - 8,000 meters, there was a clearing where they rested (they had a wonderful physical condition).And they planned around midnight: 3 infantry brigades: AMYNTOY, PHILOTAOY and KOENOY, under the command of Krater were to return to the pass where the Persians were from where they attacked the first time and attack from there. The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with the cavalry, one infantry brigade and archers, were to attack the Persians from behind, they were about 5 - 6000, and one unit under the command of Philotas was to attack the Persians on the northern part of the hills, while 3000 under the command ofthe military leader Ptolemaoy remained as a reserve.These were the Silver Spears, the bodyguards of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, but also to guard the spoils of war. Organized in this way, they began to approach the Persians,... it was very dark and cold and there was snow,... some of the young soldiers even cried, but they were encouraged by the older ones.
The Persians were surrounded and defeated, and the Persian collaborator the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was given 40 talents of gold.
He then rushed to Persepolion in front of his army, where they captured 4,000 tons of gold.During their stay in the city, a fire "broke out" in the palace of Great Persian Ruler Xerxes and "spread" throughout the rest of the city.
The fire was probably intended for revenge, but later the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy repented.
Remains of Persepolion
Remains of Persepolion
Remains of Persepolion
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Remains of Pers
Persian bureaucracy - drawing
After the conquest of Persepolition, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continued his pursuit of Persian Ruler Dario.By then, the Persian ruler had already been captured by Bes, his Vaktrian satrap and compatriot.As the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy approached, Bess ordered the assassination of Persian Ruler Dario, and then proclaimed his successor Artaxerxes 5-th, retreating to Central Adzeia (Asia) from where he organized guerrilla attacks against the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
The Persian ruler Dario 3-th Kommodan (Kommo dan - as day 380 - 330 BC) was assassinated by his allies, the rebels Bes (or Bess satrap of Vaktria), Barzaent (satrap of Archos and Drangiana), and the chief of the Persian cavalry, Nabarzan.The insidious murder took place in the summer of 330 BC.east of the Caspian Gate.The Caspian or Persian Gate was named after the narrow mountain pass on Mount Alborz (Elbrus) off the southern shore of the Kaspyan (Caspian) lake.
At the place: GERD AB - "WHERE IS THERE DRINKING WATER".The Persian Ruler Dario was mortally wounded by Bess, was found by Makedonian scouts wrapped in a blanket of blood.The Persian Ruler Dario left a message asking the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to take care of his family with honor.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy na to the Persian ruler Dario- the Persian ruler - the last Great Persian ruler arranges a lavish burial as befits a ruler.
The Adzana - Spartan Rebellion and the DISSOLUTION of the League of Dze by the Makedonian Phalanx
AT THE MOMENT WHEN EVERYTHING WAS OK, the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy received news from Makedonia.The Adzaians rebelled again supported by the Spartans,... The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy immediately sent financial support to Antipater who was in Thrace at the time, who gathered an army with the money and defeated the united insurgents, Adzaians, Elysians and Spartans.In doing so, he lost 4000 Makedonian soldiers, while he killed the Spartan avaxos-ruler Agis 3-th and 5000 insurgents, thereby putting them back under "control" of the Dze Peninsula.
The Spartans, who were not members of the League of Se and who did not participate in the campaign of the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, saw a long-awaited chance to impose their rule on the Peninsula of Se, after the terrible defeat at Leuctra and Mantinea.The Persians generously financed Sparta's ambitions and enabled the formation of an army of 20,000 fighters.After practically taking control of Kydon (Crete), Agis tried to create an anti-Makedonian front. While the Adzaians initially remained neutral.Some smaller city-states from the League of Dze, as well as the Elysians allied with him, with the exception of the important city of Megalopoliton and the Arcadian League (Argos, Metsanion and Megalopoliton - Arcadian League - alliance against Sparta), which was a particularly anti-Spartan capital.Agis set out in 331 BC.besieging the city with his entire army, causing general alarm in Makedonia.
In order to have no enemies at the moment, Antipater pardoned Memnon, and even left him in his former post in Thrace, while vast finances sent by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy reached him.This was possible with the help of Dzetsalian help and many mercenaries who together constituted a force twice the size of the army of Agis, which Antipater personally brought south to the Dze Peninsula in 330 clash with the Spartans.In the spring of that year, the two armies clashed at Megalopoliton and Agis himself died together with his best soldiers, but not without losses on the Makedonian side, 4000 Makedonian soldiers were lost. Utterly defeated, the Spartans went to Antipater to seek a truce;with his answer he set the conditions for peace through the League of Dze, but the Spartan diplomats wanted to meet directly with the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, who punished Sparta's allies with 120 talents and Sparta's entry into the league.But Sparta's leadership in the League of Dze was not very long, because the alliance was dissolved by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
At the news of Antipater's victory, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered the disbanding of the League of Dze soldiers in his service, but allowed the volunteers to remain as mercenaries. By this Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy 330 BC.disbands the League of Dze. There is no need anymore of this problem makers in the glory Makedonian phalanx.
Further three-year military campaign of the The Makedonian phalanx led by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, first against Bes and then against Spitaman, satrap of Sogdiana, took the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy across much of present-day Afghanistan and Tajikistan.In doing so, he formed several cities called Alexandreon (Alexandria), some of which still exist today, such as Kandahar in Afghanistan and Khujanat in Tajikistan.In those campaigns, his opponents were defeated, Bes in 329, and Spitamen in 328 BC..
Chasing his enemies in Sogdiana (today Uzbekistan) and on the way to Samarkand, a strange thing happened... somewhere in those hills in a small town Brankadl, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with the Makedonian phalanx came across a small town with people of white (Caucasian) appearance. The ancient ancestors lived on the eastern coastal zone of Aga Sey (Agaian Sea) - Xenia.The descendants of these people were priests of the temple of Didemi, and their ancestors were collaborators with the Persians 150 years ago when Macedonia was under Persian occupation.
Uzbekistan, location of the city of Samarkand
The next morning Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy came with part of the Makedonian phalanx to the town pretending to be friendly,.. soon the slaughter began,..until the last of them was killed, the Makedonians razed and burned EVERYTHING EVEN THE GRAVES OF THE DEAD.
The Makedonian phalanx under Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy 329 BCconquer the city of Samarkand, its Persian name was "Sogdian", it is possible that the Macedonians were the ones who renamed it Samarkand.
SAMARKAND - SA MA 'R KAN D - With Ma (A) 'r kan (lord, in this case, khan, otherwise it can also mean blood, but in Turkish) D.Only the word "kan" is not Makedonian, which means "master", that is:
Samarkand - At the top of the lord D.
The valley of Samarkand
The valley of Samarkand
The valley of Samarkand
After the Makedonians conquered the city of Samarkand, they continued to pursue the rebels, where they surrounded them in a high fortified place in the interior of the territory of Sogdiana.
There are rocks at the place "HAS RATI SULTAN" (probably it is a newer name, which is different from the ancient one), about 4500 meters high, and the last 1000 meters were very steep and inaccessible,.. There the rebels thought they were safe so thatthey send a message to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, with an inscription:
Ho 300 volunteers managed to climb to a higher point from that place and be able to attack them from behind... So that after Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy said to the local leader:
''Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy embarked on a seemingly impossible undertaking: the conquest of the last Sogdian fortress, perched on a cliff and surrounded by steep rock walls.The fortress had only one main entrance, the Sogdians had accumulated enough food to last for a long time, and they could count on the snow as a source of water. The inaccessibility of the fortress was such that, when the Sogdians were invited to surrender, they mocked Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, advising him to look for "soldiers with wings".Annoyed by this response, the Macedonian ruler promised to award 12 gold staters as a reward to the first person to reach the top of the rock, while those who arrived later would be awarded less, but would still be well-rewarded.
Three hundred brave soldiers with experience in climbing equipped themselves with the linen ropes and pegs usually used to fasten tents.To avoid detection, they began their ascent at night.It was a sensationally demanding undertaking, as evidenced by the fact that thirty of them died.The others, on the other hand, continued to climb and finally arrived at the top.When they had already reached the goal, the brave soldiers started waving white banners towards the Makedonian camp to signal that they had succeeded.When he saw Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, he sent a messenger to the enemies to tell them to surrender, because he found the "winged soldiers".Meanwhile, everything was ready for the coming attack! It was actually a simple bluff, because the Makedonians at the top of the fortress were relatively few, tired and lightly armed, while the main army had no opportunity and no way to reach them.But the Sogdians, seeing the enemy soldiers on top, panicked and stunned by the sight, agreed to surrender.Thus Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with minimal losses conquered the impregnable fortress in Sogdiana, the "spoils of war" included the Sogdian princess Roxana - Roshanak in Sogdian''.
The Yamchun fortress was built in the 3rd century BC, most likely by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
The Yamchun fortress, (Tajikistan, Yamchun is probably not the original name) built in the 3rd century BC, probably by the Makedonians
329 BCthe Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy TAKES ROXANA FOR WIFE the Sogdian princess Roxana - Roshanak in Sogdian,.. she was the daughter of the local leader Oxiartas (in persian "Vakhshunvarta").The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy fell in love with her and took her as his wife, but with that he wanted to end the war with the Persians, following the example of his father Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy (marriage with the daughter of the conquered ruler, after the war, or with the daughter ofthe stronger ruler).
The ceremony is performed in the city of Samarkand - Sogdiana.
In the future, part of Sogdiana with Samarkand was conquered, more directly by the Scythians, then by the Mongols, finally by the Uzis, from here UZ - Uzbekistan, it was the "ancient Turks" who migrated from "Upper Kydea'', it is obvious that the Uzis wiped outeverything Makedonian there. Uzbeks are a mixture of Sogdians, Mongols and Uzis, we do not deny Makedonians and possibly Scythians, while today Tajiks from Tajikistan, who are the true heirs of Sogdiana. The high mountains apparently helped them against assimilation by the Mongols and the Uzi, they took their name from Tajil. The names of the nations that bear them tell of their ethnic originality.
Tajik fashion
Tajik woman
Tajiks - ka Taji (il), like Taji, Tajil (Taxil)
The Afghan girl
The Afghan girl
From Makedonian cultural treasures in Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Vasilitsas Roxana, ceremonial chariot pulled by 2 lions
Part of the Makedonian military leaders were against it,.. So Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sends Parmenion to Bavylon to take care of the background.
The betrayal of Philota
But most Makedonian warlords were dissatisfied when Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy recruited Persians into the Makedonian phalanx.Parmenio's son Filita even tried to poison him, .. was discovered and tried together with his associates.
Part of the trial was noted:
-Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy first looked at Philota and said:
''The Makedonians decided to try you.I ask you, do you want to speak to them in your mother tongue (Makedonian)?''
Filota answered:
''Apart from the Macedonians, there are many other witnesses, who seem to me to understand my words more easily, if I use the (Danai's) same language, in which you have just spoken, which I did to you, I think, just so that they can,speech, more people to understand .''
Then, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy said:
'You see, Filota hates his father (Makedonian) language, because he himself refuses to express himself in it.But he can speak as he wants, you, to know that he has moved away from our (Makedonian) customs, as well as from our language .'' (Is very strange Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy did not speak the language of the Danai's, he used interpreter Eumen to communicate with them always, the Macedonians were masters, whay they have to speak foreign.)
( Curtius Rufusс, book 6, pg.36 ).
During the trial, the Makedonian camp was closed and no one was allowed to leave.Philota was sentenced to death along with his father Parmenio, .. although absent, who at the time was considered by the Makedonians to be responsible for his son's actions, .. Parmenion was killed by Klyto, who was then sent to Vabylon to execute hertask.
Samarkand grew into a strategic city of Vasileondon Makedonia, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and he got married there, for the first time in that city.From the end of 329 BC to the end of 327 BC (without the time manipulations that were made later) is the time period that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy used to penetrate deep into Upper India (North-East Asia), later the Makedonians go to Lower India, today's India.328 BC, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy returns to Samarkand (meaning the city became a base) and then again goes to the North-East.Considering the road that the Makedonians traveled and for the time period, they were in monogu, very good physical condition.
From the end of 329 BC to the end of 327 BC after conquering the Persian state and defeating the rebels (only those Persian territories remained in Arabia, which Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy planned to later ally with),the time has come for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to take revenge on the Scythians, for the victory over Zapirion in 331 BC, the entire Makedonian army led by 25 - 35,000 soldiers, together with the warlord, was massacred, why: "Who willthat lord of the lords of the earth, with such shame''.
SKITIA (not Scythia) - Skiti (not Scythians ) - s K i ti - "with K (god) and you", why were they in constant movement through the invisible territories of "India", the name "skiti" arose according to them (wanderers), it means that the Skiti (not Scythians) also have an ancient deity under the name "K". The name of the ancient gods and the name of the peoples according to them, differ from the "romantic stories" of such so called historians.
I will add here that the name of the continent "INDIA" is Latinized.The Makedonian name of the continent was: KYDEA - KY D E A - "at De I", while it is Latinized "in ("in" - is the Latin part of the noun) Di a" - "in (at) De I''.The ancients, until the Middle Ages, divided the continent KYDIA into two parts: Upper Kydea and Lower Kydea.From here it was noticed by the peoples of Upper Kydea that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy said to the inhabitants of the continent: "Makedonians and they have the same blood", so after the god "D" is also in the Makedonians' name of the state, the people andcustoms (the Makedonian calendar) - Ma ke (the Great Mother Ma) D (the creator) on (he) i (and) a (me) - Makedonia.
After the battle at Ara Bellas, the "Dzeian Scythians" recognized him as the "Master of the World", only the remaining Scythians from the so-called "Upper Kydea" remained:
''As he descended to Vavilon, he was met by envoys from the Libyans, who congratulated him on becoming ruler of Adzeia (Asia) and gave him a crown, and for similar reasons, envoys from Rome, the Britons, the Levites, and the Tyrrhenians arrived.It is also said that the Carthaginians sent envoys, and others arrived from Ethiopia and the Dzeian (European) Scythians, Celts and Iberians to conclude friendship''.
Source: Arian, "Alexander's Anabasa”, book 6, 15 , pg. 220-221
''To conclude treaties of friendship with the Scythians'', after the heavy defeat of Zapyrion, is little for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
The Scythian victory over the Makedonian phalanx led by Zapyrion in 331 BC
Thus the Makedonians under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy headed along the eastern coast of the Girkanian (Kaspyan - Caspian) lake.The water was very little salty than other seas and the level according to L.N.Gumliev 8 meters lower than today.
The Makedonians headed towards one bay of Girkanian lake that had the appearance of the horns of the new moon (Kara-Bogaz-Gol).The Makedonian logisticians remembered the position of the tribes that lay between their way:
''On the left was the land of the Kerkets, the Mosinians, the Albanians (who were erased in the transcript to hide the truth about their origin), the Halivinians, and on the other side - the Levoxirians and the Amadzeonians (Amazons);the former live towards the west and the latter towards the north''.
Unfortunately, not much is known about this campaign because the written evidence was destroyed or hidden somewhere, but through the weapons from the archaeological sites, as well as the works of art, coins, from that or a later period from those regions, we can state that the Makedonians under the leadership ofVasileon Makedonon Alexandroy were in Scythia.Probably the first time, considering the great victory of the Makedonians under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy over Persia, the Scythians submitted.Since they were surprised by the winter in the Kadzen area (Ka Dzen, like Dze, today's Kazan, "ta 't ar" - the land of the father, among the Tatars there is something Makedonian, unlike the rest), they had to spend the winter in that area. After wintering, the Makedonians probably reached Siberia, but there is no evidence for that.The evidence is currently 100% reliable archaeological evidence from the territories in one "arc": from today's Moldavia, the Crimean peninsula, the north of the Kaspyan (Caspian) lake, which was probably renamed by the Makedonians from Girkanian lake to Kaspyan (Caspian)lake, to Samarkand, the rest are legends of those peoples there, it is also possible some text on some clay tile, I have not seen it until now, but I have heard that there are such tiles from the claims of war veterans (local vassals) from the Makedonian phalanx (therefore research is needed, but at an academic level).Then the Makedonian phalanx returned to Samarkand in 328 BC.
''The arc''
- The Makedonian helmet found in a tomb in Moldavia, there were 6 in number, in the region it is meant,
Makedonian armored protection, archaeological finds from the Crimean Peninsula.
Crimean (Krim) C rime a - to Rome, is not Makedonian name but Roman. Crimea it is actually Romeian (so-called "Byzantine", which is a wrong term), there were never any Danai's colonies on that peninsula.
The Makedonian name of the Peninsula was KARON or KARON DZE - К Аr on - as Ar (AR - the first creator of the Earth) he, hence the name of the city - Karon Dze, location, where the city of Sevostopol is located today.
''Keron Dze'' - karvan - kervan (kAr = ker, van - outside), ''karvan'' - lightning or thunder - outside, today people confuse, it is not "Danai's word", but Makedonian К АR (kеr) ON (he) DZE, the creator ARON and his grandson Dze, the thunder lord.
Makedonians fighting with Amazons, proves that the Makedonians were somewhere north of the Caspian Lake, relief from Rodion,
A Scythian coinage from a later time period, which proves that the Scythians also used the script "Koinon Makedonon", justifies the claims that the Makedonians passed the script "Koinon Makedonon" to the Scythians, it is possible that apart from that letter, they also passed it on to the Scythians.and the demotic alphabet, on which are written the "plates - thanks cards" from Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, to the Scythians veterans who worked for Makedonia.
The Makedonians reached Siberia at that time, but there is evidence for that, the evidence is currently 100% reliable archaeological evidence from the territories in one arc: from today's Moldavia, the Crimean peninsula, the north of Kaspyan (Caspian) lake, which was probably renamed by the Makedoniansfrom Girkanian lake in Kaspyan (Caspian) lake, to Samarkand.
,, Then Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, no longer able to contain his anger, jumped to his feet and threw one of the apples lying on the table towards Klito and hit him, and then began to look for his sword. But one of his bodyguards, Aristophan, hid him before he could reach him, and the others surrounded him and begged him to refrain, when he suddenly jumped to his feet and shouted in Makedonian to gather the bodies of the silver spears - his bodyguards (and this was a sign of great anxiety) and ordered the trumpeter to blow and punch him because he was hesitant and did not want to do it. This man was later seen with great respect, because only because of him the camp was not confusioned.
But Klito did not give up and his friends pushed him out of the hall with a lot of noise.But he tried to enter through another door and very boldly and with contempt recited the following verses from Andromache to Euripidas:
,, Oh what bad customs are prevalent in Adzena now! ,,
And finally, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy managed to grab a spear from one of his bodyguards, threw it at Klito as he pulled back the curtain on the door and stabbed him''.
Explanation: The quote from Euripidas is in fact an insult and provocation to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian Guard.With a quote from Euripides, Klitas wanted to point out the bad customs imposed by the new rulers of Adzena - the Makedonians.
Klito, in his own "immersion" by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in Samarkand at the celebration, and his later participation in three battles of Kydeas (not Indus) and Kidespas (not Hydaspas). And this is, of course, very much unmistakable for the Black Klitas, the commander of the court garrison - CHETA HEROES, who always fought alongside the ruler and saved his life in the first battle with the Persians at Granika. Modern historians, noticing the contradiction, are in no hurry to comment on it, as the whole structure of the Indian campaign begins to crumble. In this case. it shows that after the battles of the Indos and after sailing on the Indus River to the ocean, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy returned to Samarkand, and it is logical to assume that the mouth of the Indus was where Smarkand was.
Klito the Black (375 BC - 328 BC) - Makedonian officer in the army of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy. He saved the life of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in the Battle of Granika, and was killed by him during one of their quarrels. He was the son of Dropida and the brother of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's nanny, Lanika. Takes part in the Makedonian campaign on Adzeia (Asia). During the Battle of Granika (not Granicus), Klitas (not Clytus) saves the life of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy as the Persian nobles Resak and Spitridat try to kill him. Then, Klito became one of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy's closest associates and friend.
In 328 BC, during a feast, Klytas enters into a verbal conflict with Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy. According to Plutarch, the reason for the quarrel was the songs sung at the feast, which mocked the Macedonian generals who had recently been defeated by the barbarians. Some of them resented, and especially Klitas was loud, who insisted that, when they are between barbarians and enemies, it is not good to insult the Makedonians. When Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy noticed that he called the coward unlucky, Klito reminded him that because of his "coward", he saved his life at Granika and added that:
- ''Because of the blood of the Makedonians and because of their wounds, you became so big that you despise the vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and call yourself the son of Amon''.
Klitas did not stop at these words and after Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy asked him if he thought he could talk like that with impunity, Klitas called on Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to let him speak freely or to invite people who are free and open-minded to the feasts, but to live withbarbarians and slaves, who will worship him according to Persian customs.
The others present meanwhile tried to calm Klitas and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and managed to take Klito out of the room.However, he soon returned and continued with insinuations, after which the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy grabbed a spear and killed Klitas.
*** First of all, Klita's first task was to protect the Makedonian ruler in battle and for that he was paid by the Makedonian people, without asking for anything in return, and was rewarded by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with his friendship.Klitas probably participated in the first campaign against the Scythians in Upper India, "he is there even after his death" and in Lower Kydea, why the "historians-copyists" made a mess during the transcriptions.
*** Secondly, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy presented himself as a deity in front of other nations: "Son of Ammon Dze", in order to conquer them more easily, so it was just propaganda, (in the future others, much, much more unworthy, declared themselves deitiesand they respect each other to this day, but notfrom the one who made the Makedonians into giants) but he always showed the Makedonians that he was an ordinary man, (the incident when he was wounded in the shoulder, he shouted at the Makedonians: "... do you see blood,I am not a god, be brave,..'' and etc., nor did he demand that the Makedonians worship him, nor anything else in addition, except that which was his and deserved. The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy only adopted some customs from the conquered, for the conquered, but thatit was not valid for the Makedonians.
*** Thirdly, Klitas was appointed as a strappy of Sogdiana, it was an important strategic position for Vasileondon Macedonia, but he thought of a degradation, probably he was not well explained about the importance of his further function, so he considered it an insult and degradation, instead privately, he publicly and in front of the conquered peoples (guests) tried to disparage Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, so Klitas went too far. The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had to react, he probably reacted instinctively to prevent disturbances and unwanted consequences (rebellions and etc), of course, Klitas advised the Makedonian ruler well, but he overdid it. "Everyone is needed, but no one is irreplaceable", of course naturally, except for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroj the Makedonian ruler, who later we can notice that the Makedonians turned from giants into dwarves.
In the "Saga of the English" the coast of Tanaskvily - Tanais was inhabited by the Aryan (Northern - vizi Goths - faces of the Goths, so-called) Asi, in the upper course, and in the lower course by the Scythians.
If we believe to Strulson, the mouth of the river was Scythian, hence the name of the people living in the eastern area - Ustrusyani (probably originally Ustrusyani).It was these people who started the anti-Makedonian uprising.
The warlord (admiral) Nearchas 328 BC.was summoned by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to come to Bactria bringing with him reinforcements.Thus, reinforced by reinforcements, the Makedonians dealt with the rebellions.
Don River (calm Don)
The Volga River
The Nile River - Egypt, is proof that it is possible to sail in the opposite direction, the Makedonian army knew the technique from there, the secret is in the sails
Because Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was angry, on his order the Makedonians razed 7 cities, killing more than 120 thousand people."Such cruel destruction was never in Zarafshan valley, before or after Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy" (B.G. Gufurov, evidence, mr., not only "romance"), where according to historians (alternative "historians")to provide evidence, not to use transcripts), Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy moved for two years, after the suppression of the revolt of the Ustruchans (For these "slanders", strong evidence is needed, they should say: the names of the destroyed cities and their exact location,not only that, you also need other evidence, otherwise it will remain only "romance").
Namely on this river Tanais was the city of Kireskhati (the name is associated with Kir (Cyrus) the Great Persian ruler), destroyed by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and consequently it is the obvious name "Kirova Reka - the River of Kir ", so the city of Kiron was destroyed, considering the artifacts there wereand a war with the amazonian women, and their ''matriahat society'' was completely destroyed, why didn't they want to submit. The name of the river Don, today, clearly shows that the Makedonians were in that region. When the Makedonians conquered the region, they renamed the river Tanais or Kiras river (probably in honor of Kiras (Cyrus) the Great from Persia, proof that he was also in that region before) to Don, in honor of the creator D, the second creator of the Earth according to the Makedonian calendar. D ON - he is D. So another additional proof that the Makedonians under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy were in that region, i.e. Scythia.
At that time the Macedonians under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy headed to the China Sea (which was then called the Karian Sea), where he built in the land of Darkness - the Iron Gate, against the peoples of Gog and Magog, who were probably the ancient Chinese, and sheThe "Iron Gate" is actually the inspiration for the future "Great Wall of China", built by the Chinese rulers, but now much, much longer.After that the Makedonians under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy return to Samarkand and undertake a military campaign towards Lower Kydea, so called today only India ( ''india'' is Latin word).
The ancient historians or "scribes", as if hiding about that campaign of the Makedonians towards North Kydea at that time, it is not important whether the Makedonians won or not (but it is evident that they won, they only failed to subdue Gog and Magog, because they were numerous,but they "put them under control with a door"), the truth is important, this campaign should be investigated here, but on an academic level, ... MORE
327 BC is birthTHE FIRST SON OF VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY, Arakvle, from his concubine Varsina (not Barsina).
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy consolidates his new positions in Scythia - Upper Kydea, in Central Kydea (through the marriage with Roxana), Adzeia (Asia - Persia and etc)) and calls all the tribal leaders from Gandhara, a territory north of present-day Pakistan,to obey him and go with him.Ambi, the ruler of Tajila, whose kingdom stretched from the Kydeas (Indus) to the Jhelum, did so.But the leaders of some clans, such as the Asapsios and the Asakenois, known in Kydean texts as Ashwayans and Ashvakayans (the names associate the nature of their communities, in Sanskrit Ashwa means horse), refused to submit.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy personally took command of the shield-bearers, infantry, archers, Agrians and horsemen and with them went to attack the Aspasios clan in the Alishang and Gurea valleys, as well as the Asakenois clan in the Swat and Buner valleys.According to modern historians, it was quite difficult for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to subdue these tribes, among which the Masaga and Aornu tribes put up strong resistance.Particularly dramatic were the battles with the Aspasios clan, in which the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was wounded in the shoulder by a spear, but the clan still lost the battle.40,000 warriors were captured.
The Assakenois opposed the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with an army of 30,000 chariots, 38,000 infantry and 30 elephants.They fought bravely and put up strong resistance in many fortified places such as the cities of Ora, Bazira and Masaga.It took several days of fierce and bloody fighting in which the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was seriously wounded in the lower leg to break the fierce resistance at the Masaga fortress.
When the chieftain of Massaga died in battle, command of his army was assumed by his mother, Cleophis, who was also determined to defend her homeland to the last breath.The example of Cleophis shows that the female population of the fortification was also involved in the battle.the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to conquer Massaga had to constantly supply fresh troops in order to maintain the morale of his army.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy not only destroyed the army and the rest of the inhabitants of Massaga he also razed it to the ground, razing the city to ashes.In a similar way, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy later expressed his anger at Ora, the next stronghold of the Asakenos.
At the end of the battles fought by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy at Massaga and Ora, a large number of the Akachenos moved to a fortress high in the mountains called Aornos.the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was constantly on the heels of these troops.Only after four days of bloody battle, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy captured this fortification, which was considered impregnable.Devastation like in Massaga was repeated in Aornos.
Diodorus reports that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy divided the army into three parts.At the head of one part he placed the general Ptolemeaoy, where he ordered him to ravage the coast.For the same purpose, Leonat sends him to the foot of the mountain region which has become a ruin.Fires broke out, robberies and murders were committed, the number of victims is estimated at more than ten thousand people.
To Justin you can read that on the ninth day of the attack of the Massagi, the Queen Kleopfidas (Cleophis) realized that the city could not be held. In order to save the people, she surrendered herself to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy against the Asakenos:
''Although he promised the besieged Asakenos that he would spare their lives if they surrendered, he executed all the soldiers who were captured.Their strongholds at Ora and Aornas were also destroyed''.
Sisikotos, who assisted Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in these battles, was later appointed ruler of Aornas.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continues the conquest,.. in the place of Kalash (beautiful) today known as the land of infidels, but it is not so, they cherish the ancient Makedonian faith and Hunza (Qu Dze - ''to Dze'' or KON Dze - ''towards Dze'', but it is probably more logical: ''So Dze - with Dze'', which gradually passed into: ''Hun Za'' - Hunza. After half of 1800 ''they with Dze'',under pressure they accepted Islam, while the Kalesh people did not."The beautiful people" are still faithful to Dze - Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy) , he leaves the sick and wounded soldiers and a small part of the army together with a treasurer, his usual procedure in the conquered places.
A girl from the Kalesh people, with the symbol of Dze, is still faithful to her ancient Makedonian faith of Dze and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, who are under constant pressure.That is why the state of Makedonia urgently needs to help them.
Lorandite crystal
Сertainly in the time of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, the "lorandite" was not named that way, the Makedonian ruler surely possessed beautiful samples of this mineral. According to one tradition, the Makedonian phalanx led by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy somewhere in northwestern Lower Kydea came across a valley with many stones that refracted the light - diamonds in ''open''. Gold, silver, and copper have healing properties, while Lorandite, in addition to coating shields to deflect the light, as well as a decorative property, also had a mystical property for the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, as did light-refracting diamonds. The Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy donated his bravest soldierswith these stonesfor luck. Thus diamonds spread over time and after Dzeia (Europe).
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy consolidates his new positions in Central Adzeia (Asia) that is West Central Kydea, Upper Kydea and East Adzeia /Asia) to be exact.In 326 BCVasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is finally ready to devote himself to the conquest of Lower Kydea.
After defeating Aornas, the Makedonian phalanx led by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy crossed the Indus River and engaged in an epic battle against Porus, ruler of the Punjab territory at the Battle of Kidespas in 326 BC..
After the final defeat of the Achaemenid State under the leadership of Bes (Bess) and Spitamanas in 328 BC.and the state of the Scythians - Kydea, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy began campaigns against various Kydean rulers in 326 BC.of Lower India. According to some sources Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy 120,000 army, while according to others the army numbered no more than 35,000 soldiers, of which the cavalry was a third, the rest were scientists, logistics and probably some members of the families of the Makedonian phalanx.
Khyber Pass
The main baggage caravan passed through the Khyber Pass (Ky ber Pass - At the White Pass), but a smaller group of soldiers under the command of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy crossed north, capturing the fort at Orno (present-day Pir-Sar, Pakistan) en route. In the early spring of the following year, he combined his forces and allied with Taxilus (also known as Ambi), who was the ruler of Taxila, against his neighbor, the ruler of the Kidespas.
The Battle of Kidespas
The Battle of the Kidespas (not Hydaspas) River took place in 326 BC, the Makedonian phalanx led by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and the army of the Kidespasian ruler Poras (Sanskrit: Pururava) near the Kidespas River (present-day Jhelum River) in the Punjab region.The state of Poras extended into the part of North-West Lower India which today belongs to Pakistan.
- THE VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA - the Makedonian phalanx, Persian and Taxila allies led by the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with about 4,000 cavalry and 50,000 infantry and 2,700 troops under the warlord Krateras who played a diversionary role. In that battle, Seleyk led the Makedonian phalanx against the elephants of Poras.Seleyk - ''Hyda - spas - pi - s - tai'', since then it was at the disposal of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
- Hydaspas on Porus with 200 war elephants, 6,000 cavalry and 30,000 infantry.
The battle took place on the east bank of the Hydaspas River, (present-day Jhelum which is a tributary of the Indus River) near present-day Lila and Bora in Pakistan.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
Poras, the ruler of Kidespas, settled on the left side of the river to prevent crossings.The Kidespas River is deep and swift enough to carry away anyone willing to cross it.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy therefore waited for several days, with many marches and countermarches as well as information warfare (by "letting" the locals know that he thought the river was too deep to cross, a fact he learned from Poras). One night, feeling well in the camp of Poras, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy gathered a small army and crossed the river 17 km downstream.Seeing the main army with Krateras still ahead of him, Poras sent only a small army to meet the attack.However, he misjudged and the army was destroyed along with his son.
The Kidespas River
When the battle later began, the Makedonian cavalry was positioned on the right flank, but the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sent a group of cavalry to flank the Kidespasians and attack them from behind.The Kidespasians had cavalry on both wings, war elephants in front and infantry behind the elephants.
The Makedonian phalanx
These battle elephants made the situation very difficult for the Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.Almost all Makedonian victories were due to the ability of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, to separate the enemy and charge with his cavalry companions - a ''Company of Heroes'' through the opening.However, the elephants scared the Makedonian horses.So the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had to change his strategy.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy began the battle with the usual charge on the right wing (the left of the Kidespasians) with predictable results, the Kidespasian left wing weakened and Poras reinforced that side with cavalry from the right wing.This left the Kidespasian cavalry with no one to defend them against a flanking attack from behind.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy wanted just this.He destroyed the Kidespasian cavalry without bringing his horses near the elephants. If the Kidespasian cavalry were not destroyed, they would certainly pose a threat to the phalanx later in the battle and the Makedonian cavalry would not be able to support the infantry in the fight against the Kidespasian cavalry due to the proximity of the elephants.
The Makedonian phalanx - attack
Meanwhile, the Makedonian phalanx and Persian infantry surged forward to meet the elephant charge, which was halted, albeit with heavy consequences for the infantry.The elephant mahouts were killed and some were wounded, so the Makedonian phalanx of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy managed to outflank the Kidespasian army.After the loss of a huge number of lives, Poras, who was wounded in the fight, surrendered.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
After the battle of Kidespas - fantasy
Poras was one of the many Kidespasians who impressed the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.Hit by at least six arrows in the battle, but still on his feet, he was questioned by the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy:
''How you want to be treated?''
The answer was:
''As a ruler'', - that's how the Makedonians treated Poras.
Poras was almost 210 cm. tall.
The Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian phalanx
It's hard to becount the victims, but the Kidespasians are known to have lost all of their cavalry, much of their infantry, and over 100 war elephants.The Makedonians captured 80 elephants, but lost many infantry in the battle.The Makedonian cavalry had much fewer casualties, but that does not mean that they had an easy task either.It is possible that in this battle the Makedonian phalanx lost as many as 4,000 soldiers, mostly phalanx, but they still fought bravely.They were the ones who had to face the elephants because the horses wouldn't even come close. Seleyk who commanded the "left wing", came from the background, a typical "career man", did not have any special military knowledge, then in the Makedonian phalanx there were Persians and Taxilaeans who were not properly trained.Elephants are still animals, which if they were to be burned, would be more of a danger than a benefit, most likely a sabotage of the demoralized elders.
Poras' bravery and war skills impressed Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.Although Poras was defeated, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy spared his life and made him re-ruler of the Kidespas in his name.This was the furthest point that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had reached due to the refusal of his army to advance not only because it was demoralized, but also because it saw for the first time the proper use of elephants in battle. The Persian ruler Dariy or Darias had previously used elephants in battle, but they did not play a significant role.Here the Makedonian phalanx first encountered an onslaught of elephants, and it is a wonder that it managed to repel them at all because of the enormous psychological effect they had on the soldiers.
This battle was the last bigger war collision of the Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.Although the Makedonian army won the battle, because of demoralization, it refused to go deeper into Lower India despite the wish of the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
Although Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy managed to conquer only northwestern Lower Kydea, his campaign had a great impact.By defeating the dangerous local rulers in the Kikyde Kush and neighboring regions, he prepared the ground for the future Moorish state, the second state to conquer all of Lower Kydea.
As a result of this battle, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy founded two cities, Nikea (Victory) on the site of present-day Jalapur and Bukephilia (probably) on the site of present-day Bera, Pakistan.Bukephil was the horse of the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.There are no exact data on how Bukephil died, it is a mystery, sabotage is not excluded, why the horse was around 18-20 years old, so it is a bit too early to have died of "old age", why horses live from 25-30 years at least and until50 years some.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Bukephil, in battle - coinage from the north-west Lower Kydea
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Bukephil
Buke F Il - More stubborn (Beech tree) - the strongest - and brighter
A characteristic of Bukephil, apart from his fiery temper, was that he had a white mark on his forehead, and he was all dark
Nika is an ancient Makedonian goddess of victory.
- NIKA but also NIKEA- the name of the goddess - sprouted,
- NIKE- goddess of victory,
- A- I
VOYNIK (soldier) - VOY
(comes from '' boy '' - battle) NIK - victorious in battle.
NIKEA was worshiped by Vasileon Makedonon Alexandrou in his military campaign together with the Makedonian Phalanx.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was constantly accompanied by the goddess Nika.
Dzе - Obverse, the god of light with the helmet ofQudze and on the other side, ReverseNika - the goddess of victory - coin of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with his favorite ancient Makedonian divinities, but some coins also have his image.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy gold coinage.Nika coins were made exclusively of gold.
East of the state of Por, near the river Ganges, was the mighty Magadha under the rule of the Nanda lineage.Fearing a clash with another powerful enemy army, tired from years of military campaigns, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's army halted at the Biyas River, refusing to march further east.Biy as - I fight - Biyas or Bias.
The mouth of the river, Biy as - I fight - Biyas
The river, Biy as - I fight - Biyas
So this river - Biyas also marks the border where the Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy penetrated to the east.Here, near the river, a city named Alexandreion - East was built.
After the battle with Poras, the morale of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's army declined for further campaigns.Besides, they had to face a far more powerful enemy (perhaps it is propaganda disinformation).The army of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had at his disposal about 40,000 infantrymen, probably half of them Makedonians, and about 3,500 horsemen, of which probably 2000 were Makedonians.The army openly opposed the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's insistence that they also cross the Ganges River, which was, they heard, 6.5 kilometers wide and 183 meters deep.And on the other side of the river, a strong army of well-armed and warlike infantry, horsemen and elephants was waiting for them.
Some sources even say that the rulers of Ganderit and Praeshi were waiting for them with an army of 8 thousand cavalry, two hundred thousand infantry, 8 thousand war chariots and 6 thousand war elephants (the numbers are unrealistic).- Plutarch, Vita Alexandri, 62.
The soldiers decided not to follow the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy further in the final conquest of Lower
Kydea and wished to return to their homes.However, none of them dared to tell him this at first.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy realized what was happening, called a meeting of his officers and gave them a speech in which he reminded them of all the achievements they had gained with the campaign against Persia.
Кoen was one of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's most trusted generals.The year of his birth is unknown, but he is thought to have died in 326 BC..He accompanied the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy during the campaign in Adzeia (Asia), so that in the autumn of 334 BC.he returned to Makedonia together with other soldiers and officers who received leave, after which he joined the Makedonian army in Dzenika (Asia Minor) Gordianon - Phrygia.It was the spring of 333 BC. Then he participated as the commander of the infantry and the phalanx in the most significant battles of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.However, in written sources, Koen (Cohen or Koenon) is remembered for his speech that he gave before the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and which is largely preserved by the historian Arrian.
''After this speech of his (the speech of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy) the officers were silent for a long time, and then Koen gathered courage and addressed him.Koen told the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy that the officers were very grateful and satisfied with what they had so far achieved and received from their ruler, but that the time had come to end further advances.Among other things, Koen said:
''You know the number of Makedonians who started this conquest, and you can see for yourself how many remain today.You sent The Dzetsalians home from Vaktria because you knew their hearts were no longer in this business.You have acted wisely here.
Others were settled in the new cities you founded where they stayed not quite by choice.
The rest, together with our Makedonians, remained to share the dangers and hardships of the war.Some of them were killed and some disabled due to severe wounds, whereupon they were left in various parts of Adzeia (Asia) and Kydea, where many of them died of disease.And so only a few remained from the great army, mostly with impaired health.Their vitality and determination were gone.Each of them wants to see their parents again if they are still alive or their wife and children.They all yearn for a family life and a home, hoping that they will no longer live in poverty and want, but glorious and rich with the riches that You have provided for them.
Don't try to lead people who no longer have the will to follow you.If their hearts are not brought into it you will never find in them the old spirit and the old courage.Devote yourself more diligently to return to your mother (a bit offensive) and home.... And then, if you wish, you can again undertake a campaign against Lower Kydea or Arapia, (These territories have already surrendered, from Arrian's transcript: "if you wish, to the Pyon Sea (Black Sea) or to Carthage and the Libyan territories", - there is no logic).
It's up to you to decide.Other units of Makedonians will follow you - young and fresh units will replace your veterans.''
(Arrian,, p.292 - 298).
At the end, Koen pointed out that everyone should know when to stop with some work (very offensive, this may have been added later, by foreigners).The officers present applauded him, and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy disappointedly told them that whoever wanted to, could go home.
*** Many historians claim that the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy fought with the same soldiers, that was his strength, but also his mistake.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had to "rotate" the soldiers and constantly have new recruits available.The fact that the morale of the Maedonian soldiers was weak was seen during the war in the Kikyde Kush, the morale of the soldiers was improved by the supply of fresh troops, during the siege of the enemy's fortresses.
Then, as is known, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy angrily retreated to his tent, secretly hoping that the officers (they were the basis of demoralization, especially the older ones, already wanted to "spend" the accumulated wealth from the war) would change their minds.But when this did not happen, he informed the officers that he had decided that the army should stop its conquests and turn back.
And this speech of Koen, Arrian took from the lost history of Ptolemaioy (Ptolemy).
'' Are you still to learn that the end and perfection of our victories is to avoid the vices and infirmities of tho se whom we subdue? '' - VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, after a meeting with his officer Koen, he was convinced that it was better to abandon further campaigns and send the veterans back to Makedonia.
The Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was forced to turn south.On the way to the south, the Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy clashed with the Mali clan, (modern day Multan). The Mali clan was one of the most warlike clans in Lower India during that period.But the Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy after fierce battles subdued the Mali clan.In one of the assaults on the fortifications the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was seriously wounded by an arrow.Peukest (he was a Danai, probably from Adzena), saved the life of the Makedonian ruler at the fortress of the Mali clan's, a big security breach of the bodyguards.The Makedonian army, thinking that their ruler is dead, capture the fortress and take out their fury on the captives.After this, Mali was occupied by the Makedonian army, and the core continued to move.
- Here Roxana, the wife of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Makedonian vasilitsas (queen), gives birth to a son, but unfortunately dead, most likely due of the mother's stress, the child did not survive.
Vasilitsas Makedonon Roxana - fantasy
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroyand Vasilitsas Makedonon Roxana - fantasy
The City of Vadzera is now called today Bazira
As is known, the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy built many cities along his path, one of which was Vadzera or so called today ''Bazira'' on the river Swat, Pakistan.
In the foreground the horse Bukephil and the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and behind Vasilitsas Makedonon Roxana salutes, relief/statue from Museum Swat, Mingora, Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
The statue was probably discovered in 1988 or 1969, but it was believed that it was Buddha from Gandhara
The relief/statue seems to want to emphasize to us that in that city Vasilitsas Makedonon Roxana was forthcoming, while the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was at war against the Kidaspasians and Poras.
Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
In the foreground the horse Bukephil and the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and behind Vasilitsas Makedonon Roxana salutes, relief/statue from Museum Swat, Mingora, Vadzera on river Swat or so called today ''Bazira'', Pakistan
The greater part of the Makedonian phalanx the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy directs it towards Karmania (Carmania) - Alexandreion of Arachosia led by the warlord Krateras, and one part builds a fleet to explore the Persian Gulf under the leadership of Admiral Nearchas, while with the rest of the army he returns toPersia along the southern route through the Gedrosian desert (present-day part of southern Iran and Makran in southern Pakistan).
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy enjoyed great confidence in Ephexion, and he did everything without objection.When they reached the Indas he was ordered to build ships in 30 days with which to cross the river, which Ephexion built five days earlier.
At the Battle of the Kidespas in 326 BCE, Ephextion led a good portion of the Makedonian cavalry.On his return, he was awarded half of the elite army and 200 elephants.
Part of the army including Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy traveled in ships that were made under the command of Ephexion.Along the way Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was wounded in a fight with the Mali tribe.And here the duty of order and peace was taken by Ephexion.There he also organized the making of the fleet, a harbor and a fort in Patala.
Ephexion was commander at Patala, and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy continued.When he joined him in Rhambahia he projected a city in that zone.At the Kydeas River in 326 BC. In Kidespas 326 BC.Nearchas was assigned a scouting task in search of elephants, then he was appointed admiral of the Makedonian fleet.
'' Towards the end of August 325 BC the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy left Patala and headed west, in order to make preparations to welcome the fleet, while Nearchas had to wait for the onset of the northeast monsoons in October.He first traveled through the countries of Arapita and Oreita which were conquered after a long war.
Kydeas upper course
Was appointed strapia Ileophan, and Ephexionwas left behind and ordered to build a city called Alexandreion near Rambalia, the main village of Oreita.Leonatas, who was to wait for the fleet on the seashore, was to build another city named Alexandreion (probably today's Karachi - Ka Ra chi - how Ra).
The Kydeas Delta (not Indias, ''india'' is Latin word)
Kydeas in the sea
South Pakistan coast
South Pakistan coast near the city of Gwadar (the city is located to the west of the Kydeas delta, but it is beautiful, the sea part of Gedrosia, perhaps the most beautiful beach in the whole region there) - today so called "French Beach"
The Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy reached a little further south of the Kydeas Delta, how far precisely, it is difficult to emphasize.
The march of Dze into the Gedrosian desert actually had a religious-propaganda goal, a symbolic occupation of the whole of continental Persia, rather than a military action.Apart from part of the Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, there were old people, women and children who took part in the march.The Makedonian logisticians failed seriously here, why didn't they provide safety and logistical security, provide enough food and water for all participants of the "Dze march".There is a legend that it rained in the desert during the march.
The phalanx of Dze - the Sun - the symbol of the Makedonian phalanx
The Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy regularly washed his hair with saffron extract to make it brighter, all in the style of DZE.
The march through the desert was in honor of Dze.
The Makedonian phalanx under the leadership of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy now penetrated the Gedrosian desert and the further it penetrated the more difficulties and lack of troops there were.The utter desolation and lack of water on the sea-coast forced him to penetrate deeper inland, so that he could not make depots for his fleet.The heat did not allow them to speed up their journey, except at night.
The sea part of Gedrosia is a paradise today, if only there were water and food
The scouts who were sent to the sea described the poor people as feeding on fish and shellfish and living in huts.
The longer it went on, the more the army suffered from hunger and thirst and the maintenance of discipline became more and more difficult, but the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy bore it and had a humane attitude towards the plight of his men.Thousands of people lay by the wayside, and many horses and masks were killed and eaten.It was much less common to get food from the villages along the road.
Eventually they were able to pass along the sea coast where they found food and drinking water and then passed through very fertile regions.They arrived at Pura, the capital of Gedrosia, sixty days after leaving the state of Oreita.Although here and there the descriptions of the sufferings of the units are rhetorically embellished, they are not exaggerated in their entirety.
Gedrosia Desert
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy went along with them on foot, to give them an example by enduring the difficulties, in order to continue the way and persevere.When some of the soldiers who were lucky enough to find water offered him in their helmets, he thanked them but poured the water into the sand.It strengthened and encouraged his army, says Arrian.How great were the losses in men and animals cannot be calculated, because it is not known how many departed from Patala.But they must have been awfully big.
Gedrosia Desert
It is assumed that the women and children who accompanied the army suffered the most.Even here in the sandy desert of Beluchistan, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had his scientists examine the flora and there are many results of those investigations.
It is also interesting to read that the Phoenician traders who were in the accompanying caravan took the opportunity to collect resin from myrrh bushes and fragrant spikenard roots, the value of which they already knew from the domestic market.
The survivors of the army could fully refresh themselves and rest in the abundance of Pura.The annexation of Far Adzeia (Asia) was completed by the conquest of Gedrosia and was united in a fiefdom with Arachosia, which bounded it to the north.About the beginning of December 325 BC, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy marched westward to Karmania - K ar ma nia (Carmania), which had submitted to him as early as 330 BC, when he was in Pers (Prsepolion), but in which stillhe had not set foot.
In Karmania, according to the agreement, met Krateras - K ra te r as.With his military division and all the elephants, Krateras left Lower Kydea by the passes of Moola and Bolan, took the road to Arachosian Alexandreion (Kandahar) and Drangiana, subdued the rebels, among whom were Ordans, whom he now carried in chains, andthen proceeded to Karmania to meet the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
Moola Pass
Bolan Pass
Thus, with the exception of those who had perished at Gedrosia and the units he had left behind in Lower Kydea, the entire land army was reunited.After heavy losses in Gedrosia, a large number of camels and pack animals brought by Stasanor, the governor of Arya and Drangiana, were welcomed.After joining Krateras, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy held a festival in thanksgiving to God for the conquest of the northwestern part of Lower India and for his rescue from the deserts of Gedrosia.
Sacrifices were offered to the gods, and a musical and gymnastic competition was held.Peukest, who saved the ruler's life at the fortress of the minors, was enrolled as the eighth of the court bodyguards.These revels and the joyous mood of the army and closer experiences passed into a legend, which is set in the imagination of Clitarchas, that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and his troops marched through Karmania in a bacchanalian revelry of seven days, imitating the triumphal procession of Dionas.
''Lumping, imitating the triumphal procession of Dionas''
While in Karmania the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy relieved the great anxiety about the fleet, of whose fate nothing had yet been heard, Nearchas had to set out a month earlier than the time agreed upon with the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy owing to the threatening attitude of the population of Patala since the departure of the ruler.He set sail around September 20, 325 BC, before the onset of the northeast monsoons.A short time later there was no wind off the coast of Arapita for twenty-four days, which caused a great difficulty (a typical example of indiscipline, if he had obeyed orders he would not have had that problem, Eumenas and Python were there for protection).
Based on the ship's log that he kept, Nearchas later wrote an account of his voyage and discoveries, which are contained in the work "Indike" by Arrian, very abbreviated but also very valuable.Particular notices are given of the various moments encountered by the fleet, from which the voyage may be traced from day to day with its principal events.
On the other hand, many descriptions, which by the order of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroyg and Nearchas made about the flora and fauna, about the customs of the local population, about the appearance of the sea coast and much more, have been lost.Besides, it was heard, for example, about a people who did not know iron and used sharp stones, so they were still in the stone age.
It is Nearchas to whom we owe the introduction of the mangrove tree to the Persian Gulf, as described in Theophrastus' On Plants.On the whole, the voyage was a success, with no great loss of ships, and met with only one armed resistance.However, the crew suffered from a lack of food, and especially from a lack of drinking water.They soon got used to the ebb and flow.
But the first meeting with the whales was terrifying and caused astonishment.When they saw the occasional large columns of water, which seemed to them to be coming out of some mechanism, the sailors there asked them what it was.It was explained to them that they were being thrown out by large animals.Then out of fear the rowers dropped their oars.By order of Nearchas they attacked the whales with the tops of the ships, which seemed to be intended for a sea fight, and with battle cries, as Nearchas later wrote, they encouraged themselves and by beating their drums frightened them, so that the whales went deep into the water.
After this and other exciting events they came to the Armadzeia - Harmosia (Hormuz) sea stream, where opposite the Carmanian sea coast they saw the Maketa nose.Onesicritus, who on the Indus was the helmsman of the admiral's ship, wished to follow the sea-coast of Arapia instead of entering the Persian Gulf.However, Nearchas as a senior officer, immediately refused this, adhering to the instructions of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
A few days later his obedience was rewarded.Near Armadzeia when he reached the mouth of the Annam River, he received word that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was only five days' journey inland.Nearchas' account of the way he met the ruler is very moving in its clarity and is one of the treasures of the literature on the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
Part of the fleet problems of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
Some of his men met a Danai (Adzaian) coming from the camp of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy towards the seashore.With pleasure they sent him to Nearchas, who agreed with the commander of the sea coast that the man should lead him to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.However, while Nearchas rowed to the shore, bypassing the rampart, the Danai, hoping to be rewarded, hurried along the short route to convey the news to the ruler about the arrival of the fleet.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was delighted at first, but the days passed, and Nearchas was gone.He became increasingly impatient and finally decided to imprison the man who had given him the news.Meanwhile, several messengers sent by The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to confirm the news met Nearchas, who together with Archias, the second in command of the fleet and five other souls, searched in vain for the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's camp.
Nearchas and his companions were much changed by the fatigue of the expedition, pale and emaciated, with long hair and torn clothes, so that the messenger did not recognize them.They were almost dying when, on the advice of Archias, Nearchas asked them where they were going, and when they answered that they were looking for Nearchas and his fleet, Nearchas told them:
- ''I'm Nearchas and this is Archia.Be our leaders, we want to tell the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy about the trip''.
Then the messengers took them in their chariots, took them to the camp, and announced that Nearchas and Archias had come with five men.However, they were unable to answer the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's questions regarding the fleet.Then the ruler thought that the whole fleet was destroyed, and when Nearchas and his companions, who could hardly be recognized, came before him, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy extended his right hand to his friend Nearchas, took him by the side, and wept for a long time''.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy left part of his forces in northwestern Lower Kydea, probably planning another campaign to the east.In the river Kydeas territory he nominated his officer Python (Peyton) as strap, a position he held for the next ten years until 316 BC, and in the Punjab he left Eumenes in command of the army under his rule.of Poras and Tajil.Eumenas becomes the strapia of Punjab after the death of these two (under the command of Eumenas, there were 3000 mercenaries, former members of the League of Dze, who remained as mercenaries in the Makedonian army).
Python had about 10-12,000 soldiers under his command, Eumenas commanded 4,000-12,000, mostly mercenaries, Krateras in the campaign against the rebels from 326 to 325 BC, commanded 15,000-20,000 soldiers with about 100 war elephants.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy crossed the Gedrosian desert with about 10,000 to 15,000 troops, mostly veterans, the others there were civilians.In 325 BC, probably in VASILEONDON Makedonia, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had under his command about 120,000 soldiers, in total, but could have recruited a much larger number, given the financial power.
One interesting fact is that when Eumenas remained in Lower Kydea, and he was the chief "scribe" of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and the Makedonian army, since the time of vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, Eumenas was replaced by another"scribe", who listed the data in the "Military Diary" with invented and incorrect things.The new scribe was caught and executed.
Both strapps (Python and Eumenas) return to the west in 316 BC.with their army, and in their place Chandragupta Maurya established the Maurya Empire in Lower Kydea.
Coins from Vasileondon Makedonia
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, in battle - coinage from the north-west Lower Kydea
A coin of the origin of northwestern Lower Kydea, with military innovations
A coin of the origin of northwestern Lower Kydea, with military innovations
After the campaign in Kydea
Passing through Pers (Persepolion), Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy lamented the fire of 331 BC.and gave orders to rebuild the city, as evidenced by this relief, below:
Remains of Pers - The lion is stronger than the yak (the bull) - Makedonian propaganda
The Persians also made similar propaganda, an example is this Phoenician coin before 334 BC.,:
, where the Persians demonstrate that the "Persian is stronger than the lion" and depict (disparage) the lion as a puppy, but, after 331 BC, on this Phoenician coinage:
- The lion is stronger than the yak (the bull) - Makedonian propaganda
The ancient lineage of the Persian rulers came from "Bactria", which actually the real name is Vaktria, Vak tri a - the land of Vak - "yak" or the bull, while the inhabitants of Vakria are "Vaktrians" - worshipers of the yak (the bull).
Traveling to Susa, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy found that many of his satrapies and military governors had misbehaved in his absence and put a number of them to death as an example.
In Susa, Efexion was decorated for valor, for which he became THE VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY'S DEPUTY IN BATTLE.
In gratitude, the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy paid the debts owed to the soldiers and announced that he would send the older veterans back to Makedonia, about 10,000 - 12,000 souls under the leadership of Krateras.
The Makedonian phalanx
But the Makedonian army did not understand the intentions of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and revolted in the city of Opis, in fact they all wanted to return to Makedonia and criticized his newly adopted Persian customs and closer relationship to his new Persian friends.Actually the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was tired of the rebellions in the Makedonian army, he didn't want to depend on anyone anymore."Persian" soldiers were mainly recruited from Sogdiana, the land of Roxana, but there were mercenaries from all the newly conquered territories in the army of VASILEONDON Makedonia.
The goal of the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was to become the ruler of the whole world, to get to know the world, in addition to adventure and a life followed by glorious deeds. The Makedonian ruler did not keep the glory only for himself but shared it with the Makedonian phalanx and the Makedonian people, but the greed of some individuals or groups from the Makedonian army hindered him, so he had to make detailed and strict reforms, especially among the veteran Makedonian officers who contributed to demoralize the Makedonian phalanx. He should have put in retirement all those officers who "applauded" Koen's speech in Lower India. The Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sent the Makedonian veterans to a well-deserved retirement by sending them to Makedonia, he tried to make some reforms among the Makedonian officers, but they were not enough.
The rebellion and rejection of the Makedonian army in northwestern Lower Kydea for a further campaign caused great problems in the strategy of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.Should also to be reminded of the loss of his newborn son there, due to the new situation, his wounding, stress on the mother Vasilitsas Roxana and etc..
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy should have prepared more seriously and removed the saboteurs, before starting a campaign towards the Arapian Peninsula, which was actually half already conquered.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy got on a podium and with all the determination started a fierce rhetorical argument, he shouted to the Makedonians:
- The purpose of my speech is not to stop you from going home, as far as I'm concerned you can go home whenever you want.
The purpose of my speech is to reveal to you what sort of people you have become now, and what gratitude you offer to those who have bestowed upon you so much wealth and magnificence. Before I talk about what I did for you, let me start with my father, the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
- When my father found you, you were wandering and poor, dressed in animal skins and tending a few sheep on the mountain slopes.
He found you when you were defending yourself with little success against the Illyrians, Tribals, and Thracians. Instead of your animal skins, he clothed you in robes.From the mountains, he brought you down to the lowlands.But most of all, it gave you courage, the courage to fight the barbarians, who were everywhere.
You were no longer in a hurry to take refuge in the secluded places and crevices in the rocks of your impregnable mountain stronghold.You stood your ground and fought for what was rightfully yours.
He made you colonizers and introduced laws and customs that not only looked after your safety but also ushered in the dawn of a new age of culture and living. From slaves and impoverished subjects, he made you rulers not only of your own country, but also of the barbarians who had previously threatened to ravage your possessions and seize your gains.
He made you rulers of the Dzetsalians, of whom you always had a deep and mortal fear.By defeating the Phocians, he secured our access to the Peninsula of Dze, by roads that were wide and passable, not narrow and inaccessible.
He humiliated the Adzaians and Dzevans to such a great extent, and in that campaign, I personally assisted him at Aroneia so that instead of these nations constantly invading Makedonia and paying tribute to the the firsts and live as vassals of the latters, they are nowrely on our help and intervention to ensure their safety.
He entered the Peninsula of Dze and after securing control over their affairs, he was chosen as the chief commander - Agamemnon, of the entire Peninsula of Dze in the campaign against the Persians, a glory which he did not appropriate only for himself, but also gave to the entire Makedonian people.These were the advantages you got from him, they are great if you look at them separately, but they are small in the light of what you got from me. Although I inherited only a few silver and gold cups from the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, I was faced with an empty treasury and the huge debts of the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.I lent in your favour, to conduct an expedition from a country which could not support you, and immediately opened a passage to the Illepont through the dangerous sea, which was controlled by the Persians.
Having subdued with our cavalry the vice-rulers of Dariy, we conquered Madzeia, Xenia, Phrygia, and Lydia, and took Milasion by siege.All other nations voluntarily surrendered to us.I have granted you the privilege of appropriating the immeasurable wealth that we have found in each conquest.
The riches of Egypt and Kyrana, which I won without a fight, have come into your hands.The riches of Asaria, Palestine and Mesopotamia are yours, and the riches of Vavilon, Susa, Persia and Vaktra are all yours.The treasuries of the Persians, as well as the immense riches of the Kydeians, are also yours. You are the vice-rulers, the warlords and the leaders of this campaign. For me I took nothing but this purple robe and the diadem.
I have taken nothing for myself, and no one can show my treasures, except these possessions of yours, or this that is kept for you. For I have no reason to keep them to myself, for I eat the same food you eat and sleep the same as you, and not like some of you who live in luxury. I also know that I wake up before you and see you sleeping peacefully in your beds. Which of you has cared for me as much as I have cared for him? Or, here, let someone who has scars take off his clothes and show them. And I will show mine. For there is not a single part of my body that is not scarred. There is no weapon that has been used at close range, or thrown from afar, of which I have no trace. I was wounded by both sword and arrows, I was also hit by a catapult. Many times I was struck with both stones and wood, for you, for your glory and for your good. I led you as conquerors who suffered no defeat, in every land, over every sea, over every mountain and river.
No one can say that I own anything except what you own or what I protect for you.And now, when I want to send home those who are old and sick, and I believe they will be the envy of everyone at home, you all want to go away. Go, then, and tell the people at home that your Vasileos, who conquered the Persians and Vaktrians, who subdued the Hyxians (here is the proof that the Makedonians were at the river Don), who crushed the Parthians, and who marched across the Caucasas and through the gates ofPersia, and crossed the great rivers Oxas and Kydeas, which had not been crossed since the time of Dion, who reached the mouth of the Ocean, and who marched through the Gedrosian Desert, through which no army passed alive, go and tell the people at home, that afterall these efforts, you have left behind the man who led you through all this and that you have left him in the hands of the people he conquered.
Perhaps your words will be dear to them and make you a source of envy and respect in the eyes of men and women and godly in the eyes of God.
Go back to Makedonia.Leave.
After this speech, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy retired to his tent and did not appear for two days.The speech had a hypnotic effect on the Makedonian army.They rushed to the palace and waited for him to appear and said that they would not move until the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy came out to meet them.When he finally appeared, he was so moved by their wailing that tears welled up in his eyes.An officer of the Hetairoes stepped forward and told him:
Oh, Vasileon, we Makedonians do not regret the most that you made some Persians your relatives - they have the honor to call themselves "Alexandroy's relatives" and may greet you with a kiss.And yet, none of the Makedonians has enjoyed that honor so far.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy interrupted the elder officer:
- "But I consider all of you, without exception, to my relatives, and from now on I will call you that".
All misunderstandings were overcome.And as in the moment of worship, when everyone turns to their neighbors, shakes hands and says goodbye:
, all the soldiers shook hands, patted each other on the shoulder or hugged their comrades.
IIn an attempt to establish a lasting harmony between Makedonian and Persian citizens, in 324 BC the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy organized a mass wedding between Makedonian officers and Persian and other noble women from Susa.It is said that there were about 10,000 married couples, the wedding was remembered as "The wedding of Dzeia (Europe) and Adzeia (Asia)''.
- The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy himself took the daughter of the Great Ruler Dariy, Stateira as his second wife.
Efexion already took as his wife Dripeti, daughter of the Great Ruler Dariy, and also the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy married Dariy's daughter Stateira, so the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy thought that their children would be related.
Detail from "The wedding of Dzeia (Europe) and Adzeia (Asia)" - fantasy
The Macedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy attempts to unite Makedonian and Persian culture included Makedonian military training for Persian boys.Most historians believe that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy also adopted the title "Shahanshas" (meaning "LORD OF LORDS'').
Coins from Vasileondon Makedonia
Coinage from Vavilon
Coins from Vasileondon Makedonia
Other artifacts from Vasileondon Makedonia
Other artifacts from Vasileondon Makedonia
After traveling to Ecbatana to claim most of the Persian wealth (wealth = corruption), his best friend, Efexion died of poisoning.the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy mourned his dead friend for 6 months.There is good doubt that the "conspiracy" was also planned by the bureaucracy in Vavilon.
The overseer (regent) of ethnic Makedonia, Antipater slandered by Vasilitsas Olympias for irresponsible "supervision" on behalf of the ruler in absentia, therefore Antipater was ordered by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, to come to Vavylon, to defend himself from thoseslander.As for the bad "supervision" by the Macedonian strappers, it is known for sure that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy executed them, THAT'S WHY ANTIPATAR sends his son Katsandr as his defender.
Katsandrson of Antipatar
Katsandroy when reached Vavylon he saw an opportunity: HE ORDERED HIS YOUNGER BROTHER Yolay who served as a trusted servant to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to poison Efexion with it and test the effect of the poison he brought with him.Efexion's cause of death has not been determined.
Yolayson of Antipatar
The Persian Great Ruler Dariy was prophesied years ago that "a child" would take over his country, Dariy did not believe the prophesier.But the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was also foretold that "if he enters in Vavylon again, he will not leave the city alive", he also acted skeptically.
In Babylon, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy personally oversaw the construction of a naval base, where Makedonians, Vavilonians, Kydeas, and Persians worked and learned from the Phoenicians, the most skilled shipbuilders of the ancient world.After one of the celebrations in honor of the commissioning of their new base, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy caught a fever, after an evening of heavy drinking, a few days before the campaign in Arabia.
SO AFTER A FEW MONTHS WHEN THE SITUATION AROUND EFEXION'S DEATH HAD CALMED DOWN and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was POISONED IN THE SAME WAY AS EFEXION BY KATSANDR'S YOUNGER BROTHER, Yolay, on the orders of his brother Katsandr, son of Antipatar.Most of the Makedonian officers - veterans did not want to fight anymore, there are more suspects, or they did not want to fight in Arabia because of the desert.More than half of the Arapian Peninsula was already occupied by the Makedonians.
Outside, the Makedonian soldiers were waiting for news and when they realized that his health was deteriorating, they asked to come in and say goodbye to him.As the soldiers gathered at the bedside of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.He was too humiliated to speak, but he returned their greetings and wished each of them well by nodding, waving, or blinking.
When he felt that he was on the verge of death, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy called his warlords and told them his last three wishes:
- To carry his coffin on the shoulder of the best doctors.
- May the riches he acquired along the way be scattered along the path to his grave.
- Let his hands be placed outside the coffin for all to see.
One of the warlords, astonished by the unusual wishes of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, asked him for an explanation of the reasons.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy answered:
- I want the best doctors to lift and carry my coffin, to show everyone that they too are powerless in the face of death!
- I want the earth to be covered with my riches so that everyone can see that what we acquire here will stay here!
- I want my hands out of the coffin so that everyone can see that we come into this world empty-handed and leave empty-handed when the most precious thing we have is over - the time!
Our time here is limited.We can make wealth, but not time.When we devote time to a given person, we give him a part of our life.Do we value enough what we give and receive?Why time slips through God's fingers.
On 10 or 13 (28) Panon (June) 323 BC, the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy died in Vavylon.It was just a month before he turned 33 years.
Speculation, before he died the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was asked who should be the overseer of Vasileondon Makedon, because Roxana was pregnant and the gender of the child was not known, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy answered:
- '' Кrateroy''!
, NOT the strongest, but, KRATER - KPATEPOY'', his warlord, such as Alexandroy -
Philippoy - '' ФIΛIППОY '',... Ho the wish of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was not adopted by other more ambitious military leaders,... and not only that and many other orders of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
In the spring of 324 (after the wedding of Dzeia and Adzeia) BC.Efexion left Suca and sent the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to Ecbatana.Winter arrived there.During the games and festival, Efexion fell down with an illness and a fever.After seven days, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy canceled the games because Efexion was seriously ill, but it was not over yet.Since Efexion was young and a great warrior, he disobeyed his doctor, who at that time went to the theater.
Ephexion had a good breakfast, eating chicken and drinking wine, then he fell ill and died.(He is obviously poisoned, there was something in the wine).
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy lost control of difficulty.He ordered the horses' tails to be cut off the walls of the houses to be torn down, he banned music and all kinds of parties in the district.
He fell on top of his friend's decomposing body and for a whole day they could not remove him from his friend's dead body.At the end of force, his friends removed him from the dead body.
He wanted to execute the doctor Glaukias because he did not heal him.He ordered the temple of Asclepias at Ecbatena to fall to the ground and broke the cup from his own head.
Then a rebel tribe called the Coseans were massacred, as a gift from the gods to the spirit of Ephexion.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy did not take care of his body and its needs for a long time out of pity for his friend.
He ordered a period of mourning in VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA. It's Named one unit of the elite cavalry, Ephexion.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sent messengers to Egypt to the prophet of Shiva to pray to Amon, so that Ephexion would declare everything to be God.The answer was that Ephexion could be worshiped as a God.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was pleasantly pleased and ordered that from that day Ephexion be worshiped as God.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy also built temples in honor of Ephexion.
Ephexion was given a lavish funeral worth 10,000 - 12,000 gold talents.Personally the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sent the plundering procession to Vavilon.
On the day of the burial the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered the holy fire in the temple to be extinguished,.. an honor only for great rulers.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy made funeral games in honor of Ephexion, where 3,000 participants took part.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy considered spending 10,000 talents to decorate the tomb of Ephexion, for that work he commissioned Stasicratas because that artist was famous and innovative.
Dripetti his wife fell in love with Ephexion and mourned him even after his death, when and after four months when the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy came to visit her.
'' In fact, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sent orders to Cleomenas of Naucratas to build two tombs of great scale and of extraordinary splendor at Ephexion, one in the Egyptian Alexandreion and the other on the island of Pharos (the beam - far - pharaoh, not Danai's word).This was so close to his heart that he was said to have promised Cleomenas a general pardon for past and future wrongs if he would carry out the mandate.But the death of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, immediately afterwards stopped the execution.
Ptolemaioy, the new strspia, on whom Cleomenas relied, had no understanding of the construction of tombs.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy intended these monuments to be built in the Egyptian Alexandreion, indicating that, according to his plans, this city was to play a special role in his world god-state - VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA'',...
The Lighthouse - Faros of Alexandreion, actually the "Monument of Ephexion", one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, was later destroyed by an earthquake.
Later coins testifying to what he looked like the Faros of Alexandreion
- There is no doubt that the monument of Ephexion was built on the island of Pharos, the "Eternal Monument" was the lighthouse - "pharos-beam" in Egyptian, "eFe - Ksi - on" - the strongest and the brightest - Efeksion - Ephexion, whichfaithfully reflects and symbolizes the name of the faithful friend.
Efeksion, coinage is from that period, somewhere immediately after the liberation of the city from the Persians or thereabouts, it is just to make sure of the name. By appearance the coin is in honor of Nika - goddess of victory, the favorite goddess of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, the coin in honor of the city.
- E - is,
- FE - the strongest,
- KSI (KSE the god of light) - the most illuminated,
- ON - he,
EFEKSION - He is the strongest and brightest.
,... '' After the message from Ammon arrived, the actual burial of Ephexion took place in Vavylon.The Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy ordered general mourning throughout the country.Ephexion was no longer dead but a hero, and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was the first to offer a sacrifice befitting a hero.
A very difficult problem arose over the great monument after the death of Ephexion that Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy ordered to be built in his honor in Vavilon.The describer Diodorus gives fantastic data, which are based on truths.The work was entrusted to the architect Deinocrates, who sketched the plans for an Egyptian Alexandreion.
Egyptian (AG - EY) Alexandreion
On the surface of a square stadium, the monument was supposed to rise high over 130 cubits, on five floors, narrowing upwards, the city grew into a large, cultural and scientific center in antiquity, one can say one of the most civilized, until it fell under Roman rule.occupation, from when the decadence of the city begins.
The outer walls of the floors were to be magnificently decorated.On the lower outer side were to be placed 240 gilded prows of fifty large types of ships, and on them were to be placed kneeling archers and other figures 4-5 cubits in height.On the second floor there were to be huge torches (15 cubits high), decorated with golden crowns and soaring eagles watched by snakes below.There was supposed to be a hunting scene around the third floor;around the fourth – gilded satyrs (centaurs);around the fifth lions and bulls in succession.
The Tower of Vavylon
Above all, the building was supposed to end with ancient Makedonian and "barbarian" weapons, certainly not, as Diodorus thought, to signify victory and defeat, but to symbolize the merging of the ancient Makedonians and Persians into one army, which the ruler was then supposed tocommands.Undoubtedly, the barbarian weapons were Persian.On top were to stand giant mermaids, hollowed out from the inside to house singers who could not be seen, who were to sing songs from within'',.,..
I have to clarify again, this is what the real Makedonians were like:
- ''Face your enemy, face to face.. with weapons equal... and after you defeat him, respect him and make him your friend, on the contrary, YOU ARE NOT MAKEDONIAN'' - The Makedonian proverb, which many Makedonians have forgotten even today.
The Makedonian ruler, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, gave only respect to all whom he ruled, a virtue that rarely any other ruler can identify with.
'',... The cost of this fabulous and beautiful building ranged from 10,000 to 12,000 talents.It is interesting to see how in this last artistic design of the epoch of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy the ideas of ancient Makedonian and oriental art were mixed.Thus, the Vavylonian ziggurats, although they did not step into a building like this, pursued such plans, no doubt influencing the form of this building.
All authors, including Arrian, call this structure a pyre, and it is assumed that it was burned with the corpse of Ephexion.But this could not be true, nor is it confirmed by the historian Diodorus, to whom we owe the above-mentioned description.In fact, as we learn from the aforementioned notes, the building was still unfinished when the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy died.
How can it be understood that that gigantic building, with its wealth of various artistic values, was built in a few months, in the time between the death of Ephexion and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy? It was never completed: after the death of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy by order ofthe councilof the army its construction was stopped forever.
Vavylon fantasy, the city was spectacular, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was delighted with the city, as every big city had positive sides, but also its own "debauchery"''
According to the sources, Justin and Plutarch are probably right when they call this monument a pyre, not a tomb.the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had the idea of making a lasting monument to his venerable friend, which in size and value would be on a par with the colossal buildings of Vavylon, and in the heart of Adzeia (Asia) should for ever radiate the glory of Ephexion, aswhat would the monument in Egypt's Alexandreion do for the Western world.The ornamentation and the external appearance were supposed to show the relationship of Ephexion with the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
In the hunting scene there is obviously an illusion of the courtly pursuit of the chase.The prows of the ships and the ancient Makedonian and Persian arms indicate that Ephexion was a faithful assistant to the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in his naval plans and in his policy of annexation.These, in fact, were the ideas that later preoccupied the Makedonian ruler.
The decision on the period of mourning and festivities in honor of the new hero was immediately followed by the final preparations for the start of the Arab campaign, which was to begin in a few days.Meanwhile, the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy offered sacrifices for the successful outcome of the campaign, other sacrifices were addressed to the prophets, and then with his friends organized a celebration that lasted all night.
Ancient artists appeared and competed by reciting scenes from Euripides' Andromeda.He also made a feast for the army and brought the meat from the sacrifices and the wine among the military units.On the morning of 17 Panon, according to the Makedonian calendar (June 2, 323 BC), when he was about to go to bed, his friend Medias invited him to a small party in which he participated.After waking up in the evening of the same day, he again went to Medias and the party continued until dawn.This night, between the seventeenth and the eighteenth, he developed the first symptoms of fever.
Makedonians of Makedonian party, and original fresco from the time
It was a malarial fever which was easily contracted during the summer in the marshy regions of Vavylon.The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy drank a little at the party, as reliable sources assure, contrary to the inventions of enemy lore.He just kept his friends to talk to them.Thus, the many celebrations, together with the excesses he had been exposed to since arriving in Vavilon, may have diminished his power to resist the disease.
It is touching to follow his struggle with the fatal disease through the newspapers of the last days, which were later published, probably to refute with official documents the lie that he was poisoned.It is seen how daily, as long as his power lasted, he offered ordinary sacrifices to the gods.Above all, one can see how his whole thoughts were devoted to the coming campaign in Arapia.On the 18th, though feverish all night, he sent orders from his hospital bed to the commanders that the infantry should be ready to march on the 22nd, and that they should sail on the 23rd.
On the evening of the 18th he was taken from the ruler's palace, where he lived on the west bank, across the Euphrates River to the ruler's garden, where he hoped the fresh air would restore him.However, he seemed to feel worse the next day, the 19th.
He talked to his friend Medias (this Medias is very suspicious) and gambled with him.He sent orders to the generals to appear the next morning.After the fever he had had during the night, on the morning of the 20th he received a report from Nearchas of the state of the preparations for the departure of the fleet and of his experiences on the ocean, and the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy repeated to him and the other generals the order that the navy should set outen route on the 23rd.
Although the fever of the 21st did not leave him, he again summoned the generals and ordered them that everything should be ready for the inspection of the fleet and for the start, as he constantly hoped that he would recover from his illness and be ready to set out with the others.
However, on the 22nd the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy felt very ill, although he spoke to some of the generals about the appointments and again issued orders for the sea voyage.Being very ill on the 23rd, he was unable in person to give his orders to the generals for the campaign;that was the day he hoped to be able to start the campaign.On the 24th he ordered the generals to assemble at night in the courtyard, and the other officers to be at the doors (it is possible that there was an assassin from the Arabian Peninsula to prevent the coming military campaign, this Medias is most doubtful).
Disquiet over the reported poor condition of the ruler was evident.The next day, the 25th, as his condition worsened, he himself went across the Euphrates River to the palace.When they arrived there, he recognized the military leaders one by one, but he could not say a word to them.During the night and following day of the 26th, the fever was very severe.Since the ruler did not see anyone that day, his units, especially the Makedonians, became very upset.
The procession for the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
Rumors spread that he was dead and that an attempt was being made to keep the news out.So by threats they forced the adjutants of the 27th to open the doors to them, and now his old Makedonian companions in arms passed by his bed in long lace, quietly and with deep feeling.He could now only with difficulty nod to some and silently greet them with his eyes.It was a very exciting moment, in which anything bad between the ruler and his people was forgotten.
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's friends were desperate.Human power could do nothing;only the gods could help.They did not turn to any God of their own, but to the most important God of Vavilon, Marduk-Bel, who was from ancient times revered as the God of healing.On the evening of the 27th six of his friends went to Marduk, to receive an answer to the question, by way of sleeping in the temple, whether it would be better for the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to be brought to his temple and to be healed by God as his supplicant.
After their overnight stay was over, on the morning of the 28th (13 Pannon), they received the answer from God that the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy should not be brought to the temple, but that it would be better for him to remain where he is.In the night of that day the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy closed his eyes forever''.
From the Lord of the ancient world - the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, the end, from God more
THE TESTAMENT OF VASILEON MAKEDONON ALEXANDROY The will was made by the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, son of Amon Dze (Sun God) and Olimpias.
1. If my child from my wife Roxana is male, he should be the RULER of Vasileondon Makedonia before all others, and in the meantime, the son of the former ruler the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, Arideas, should be the leader of the Makedonians.If the child of my wife Roxana be female, let the Makedonians see that she is brought up and married in a manner befitting me and my rank, and let her choose a LORD - a man whom they think is worthy of it.The man thus chosen should be the RULER of Makedonia...
2. I grant to my mother Olimpias the right to live in Rodion, a place she desires and the RULER of Makedonia should check every year whether she is given everything that was given to her during my lifetime. While the Makedonians decide to name a RULER, THE VASILEON MAKEDONON Alexandroy, the son of Dze and Olympias, appoints Krateras as the overseer of all Vasileondon Makedonia and gives him Kinani, the daughter of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, the former ruler of Makedonia, as his wife. Lysimahas, I put him in charge of Thrace and give him Dzetsalonikas as his wife,..
Dzetsalonikas, the daughter of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, ruler of Makedonia
,.. the daughter of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, the former ruler of Makedonia (PS. - Call. 3.33.13).I charge Leonantas to Illepont and give him the hand of Holkid's sister, Cleona.I appoint Eumenas, my secretary, ruler of Cappadokia and Paphlagonia.
3. I declare, the islands to be free: to retain their former possessions and to be autonomous.
4. I appoint Antigonas governor of Pamphylia, Lukia, and Greater Phrygia, and give him authority over Karia and Asandar, as well as the territory which lies below the river called Halys, through this country I appoint Antipatar ruler.The ruler of Silisia is Nicanor, and Python of Asaria, as well as of the so-calledMesopotamian Line.I assign Vavylon and its associated territories under the command of Seleykas, who is my military companion.For Phenicia and Kele - Asaria I authorize Melagar.I leave Egypt to the Ptolemaioy and approve their marriage with my sister Cleopatra.
5. For the rule of the regions that lie between the borders of Vavylon and Vaktria (Bactria), I appoint Berdikas.The people of Rodion are to be rewarded with 300 talents of gold from the sovereign wealth for the beautification of their city, also 40 trimers and a free annual compensation of 20,000 medim of Egyptian grain and 20,000 medim of wheat from the regions of Adzeia (Asia), added to Rodion.I also give orders to move the garrison, which I have left there.Priests in Egypt to be rewarded with 2,000 talents of gold from the public revenue.
6. I the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy do not want my body to be buried, BUT thrown into the river Euphratas, certainly not to know the place of MY grave. '' CREMATE MY BODY AND BUILD NO MEMORIAL.HOLD MY HANDS OUT, SO PEOPLE WILL KNOW HE THAT CONQUERED THE WORLD HAD NOTHING IN HIS HAND WHEN HE DIED ''.
7. To the Dzevans of Voioa, to be granted 300 talents for the renovation of their city, and to those who have been forced to flee from there in consequence of the war, I compensate them for their property of which I have deprived them.I think they were sufficiently punished by their wholehearted opposition to me.The Adzaians were to be granted a golden throne for the temple at Nikaea and golden robes of office.My personal weapons and decorations and 1000 talents of silver to be left in the temple of Ara at Argos, while in the temple of Dze at Delphi all elephant weapons and two snake skins, and also 100 golden vessels with which the Gods were honored.150 silver talents to be given to the people of Miles and of Knidia.
8. Tadze (Tajil - Taghil - Taxil, the original ally against Poras) to be the ruler of those parts of Kydea bordering on the river Kydeas, Poras (Per) of those parts between the river Kidespas and Indas.I appoint the father of my wife, Roxana, Oxyartas, ruler of Paropanisada and Sibirtia (a proof that the Makedonians were as far as the sea of Upper Kydea - Siberia), to rule Arachosia and Gedrosia.We hand over the command to Stamen (Stasanor) of Soli to rule over Aria and Arangia. Philipas to rule the Bactrians (Vaktrians).The party accompanying Kyrkalia (Hyrcalia) I give to Frataphernaeus, and Karmania to Tlepolemas.Petze (Beucestas) is to rule over the Persians.Of all dominions, let Oxidatas be left out, and let Krateras rule Medea.Argoy to be removed from Susia, and Koen to rule in his stead.
9. I appoint Holkias as ruler of the Illyrians and reward him with an order of 500 requisitioned, confiscated horses and 3000 talents of silver, which he is to use to make statues of Alexandroy, Dze, Nicaea, Arakleon, Olimpias and my father Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and to themplaced in the tomb of Olimpias.To the men I gave high offices to set up gilded statues of Alexandroy at Delphi, Aga and Bellas.Ptolemaioy to set up gilded statues in Egypt of Alexandroy, Dze, Nikaea, Arakleon, Olimpias and the former ruler of Makedonia, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
10. Witnesses to this are our ancestor Makedon (Arakleon), Nikaea (Goddess of Victory), Amon Dze (God of the Sun) and the success of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.If any of the listed acts contrary to my provisions, I implore the Makedonian Gods and the Makedonians, not to leave him unpunished for those weeks and to be responsible for the perjury before Gods and people.
Strange about the son of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with Varsina (not Barsina) - Arakleon, there is no mention, nothing, very suspicious.
Of all the historical sources, the ancient historian Diodorus Siculus gives the most detailed description of the hearse and the entire funeral ceremony of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy:
''First they made a golden coffin with a hammer, according to the size of the body (of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy);they filled it halfway with fragrant substances, to spread a pleasant smell and preserve the body from decomposition;
Above the ark they placed a golden cover, so precisely adjusted, that it surrounded the entire outer side (of the ark).Over all this they passed a porphyry covering, beautifully embroidered with gold;around it were the weapons of the deceased, which gave an insight into the acts he had committed.
Then they cars pulled up, on which the body was to be transferred; on the upper part of the car there was a golden vaulted "chamber" made of precious stones; it was eight cubits long and ten cubits wide.
Under the top of the vault of the chamber was a square golden throne, on which were represented the heads of "tragelaphs" in the size of two palms;multicolored wreaths, like flowers, were attached to the rings as decoration;
On the top was a netted curtain, on which hung huge bells, so that the approaching chariot could be heard from afar; At the corners of the arch, on each side stood Nika (Victory), with a trophy in her hands;
The vault was supported by a golden peristyle with Makedonian capitals;inside the peristal, there was a golden net, one finger thick, over which were placed parallel four plates, on which there were represented figures;these slabs were equal in size to the walls of the burial chamber'',....
The Lord of lords of the ancient world - the Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
,... The first plate shows a chariot, richly wrought in metal;on her sits the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with a handsome scepter in his hand;around the ruler under arms rise the Silver Spears and Persians, called "melliphores";soldiers were walking in front of them, carrying their weapons;
- '' I do not
separate people, as do the narrow-minded,
into Makedonians and barbarians. I am not
interested in the origin, or race of
people, under my government.
I only distinguish them on the basis
of their virtue. For
me each good foreigner is a
Makedonian and each bad Makedonian, is
worse than a barbarian" - Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.
On the second panel was represented a column of elephants, decorated according to military custom;on them, Kydeians rode at the head, and Makedonians behind, with their usual weapons;
The third plate shows the cavalry companies, which show how a battle unfolds;
On the fourth panel are ships of honor, arrayed for battle;At the entrance of this "chamber" there were golden lions, which seemed to look at those who entered;From the middle of each pillar upwards, up to the capitals rose a golden acanthus;
The Navy of Dze
Above the "vaulted chamber" above the middle of the vault, a porphyry carpet was spread out in the open, on which was laid a large golden crown with olive branches;when the sun touched it with its rays, they created a lightning and flickering light, so that from time to time it seemed to cause lightning;
From the sides of the chariot, above which this whole structure was situated, ran along two axles, on which four Persian wheels revolved, the obstacles of which were gilded;only that part of the wheels, which touched the ground, was iron;The ends of the shafts, which ran out, were of gold, and on them were golden lions' heads, whose mouths held spears.;
Around the middle of the length of the car, in the central part of the "chamber", there was a mechanical axle, which gave balance to this whole structure, so that the car could move without swaying even on uneven places;There were four slits;a four row yoke was attached to each of them;four mules were yoked to each yoke, so that the total number of mules was sixty-four;they were most carefully selected for size and strength.
Each mule had a gilded crown on its head, two bells hung from either side of its mouth;around their necks they had necklaces of precious stones''.
The Navy of Dze
The Makedonian ruler the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy exists as a mythical figure in the myths of many European, Asian and African nations.
The thunder (the weapon) of Dze
Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy said:
1. '' There are so many worlds and I have not yet conquered even
2. " It's better to burn out than fade away ".
4. '' Is it not worthy of tears that, when the number of worlds is infinite, we have not yet become lords of a single
one? ''
6. '' There are no bad times, only bad people ''.
10. '' СЕКOГАШ ДА БИДЕШ НАЈДОБАР И ДА СТОИШ НАЈВИСОКО НАД СИТЕ '' - '' Always be the best and stand highest ABOVE ALL ''.
11. ''There is nothing impossible to him who will try " .
14. '' Fortune favors the bold".
15 '' TRUE LOVE NEVER END '' - '' True love never has a happy ending, because there is no ending to true love''.
18. ''I will not steal a victory. The end and perfection of our victories is to avoid the vices and infirmities of those whom we subdue".
19. '' Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame''.
20. '' My logisticians are a humorless lot ... they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay ''.
21. '' The end and object of conquest is to avoid doing the same thing as the conquered '' .
22. '' On their side more men are standing, on ours more will fight! ''
23. '' A tomb now suffices him for whom the whole world was not sufficient ''.
24. ''I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well".
25.'' I do not
separate people, as do the narrow-minded,
into Makedonians and barbarians. I am not
interested in the origin, or race of
people, under my government.
I only distinguish them on the basis
of their virtue. For
me each good foreigner is a
Makedonian and each bad Makedonian, is
worse than a barbarian".
26.'' Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied ''.
27. ' Let us
conduct ourselves so that, all men
wish to be our friends and all fear,
to be our enemies ''.
28. '' In the end, when it's over, all that matters is what you've done. ''
29. '' A leader before a battle should think about how to win, not about the consequences of defeat '' .
30. ''Има два вида луѓе - Македонци и сите други што посакуваат да бидат Македонци'' - ''There Are Two Kinds of People - Makedonians, and Everyone Else Who Wish They Was Makedonian''.
31. '' Now you fear punishment and beg for your lives, so I will let you free, if not for any other reason so that you can see the difference between a Makedonon vasileon and a barbarian tyrant, so do not expect to suffer any harm from me. A vasileos does not kill messengers ''.
32. '' How great are the dangers I face to win a good name
to Makedonia ''.
33. '
I would rather live a short life
of glory, than a long one of obscurity
34. ' I send you a kaffis of mustard
seed, t hat you may taste and acknowledge the
bitterness of my victory." - the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in letter for the Great Ruler Darias - Komodan of Persia''.
35. ''In faith and hope the world will disagree, But it's united in charity".
36. ''I would rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent than in the extent of my powers and dominion ".
38. '' I am involved in the land of a leonine and brave people, where every foot of the ground is like a well of steel, confronting my soldier. You have brought only one son into the world, but everyone in this land can be called an Alexander''.
39. '' My treasure lies in my friends ''.
40. ' I am not afraid of an
army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a
41. ' Our enemies are Medes and Persians,
men who for centuries have lived soft
and luxurious lives; we of
Makedononia for generations past have been
trained in the hard school of danger
and war. Above all, we are free
men, and they are slaves''.
42. '' With the
right attitude, self imposed limitations vanish
'' .
43. '' Through
every generation of the human race, there
has been a constant war, a war
with fear. Those who have the courage
to conquer it, are made free and
those who are conquered by it, are
made to suffer until they have the
courage to defeat it, or death takes
them '' .
44. '' I consider
not what Parmenion should receive, but
what Alexander should give '' .
45. '' I
will accept it, if I am ALEXANDER,...
And I, if I am Parmenion '' .
46. '' There is something noble in hearing
myself ill spoken of, when I am doing well '' .
'' Are you still to learn that
the end and perfection of our victories
is to avoid the vices and infirmities
of tho se whom we subdue?
48. '' As for a limit to
one’s labors, I, for one, do not
recognize any for a high-minded man,
except that the labors themselves should
lead to noble accomplishments ''.
'' It's a shame to steal the victory,
Alexandroy Makedonon NEED TO WIN CLEARLY
AND WITHOUT DECEIT, hiding attack under
cover of night, will be justify for
Dario, to not recognize that he is
the worse military commander, in the
worse army '' .
'' I foresee a great funeral contest
over me... '' .
51. '' '' Bury my body and
don't build any monument. Keep my hands
out so the people know the one
who won the world had nothing in
hand when he died ''.
Women of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
It is not possible to emphasize how many children Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had. The Makedonians, out of the great honor they had for him, brought her daughters to sleep with Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in the hope that they would bear fruit from our Makedonian ruler, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy wives and lovers are recorded by ancient authors:
The Roman writer Justin, who wrote in the 2nd century after Pompey Trogus's lost book "World History" in 44 volumes, said that:
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy went to the Daedalian mountains and to the state of the Queen Cleopida. She surrendered to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and in gratitude he appointed her to rule there again in his name. What she could not get with weapons, she achieved by surrendering herself completely to him. The son born to her, she named Alexander. He then ruled the ''Indian Kingdom"....
The Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, according to Plutarch, was not a depraved man. The women approached him alone. Felestrida, the Amadzeian (Amazionian) Queen, she was riding in a saddle for thirty days to give birth to a son. However, they say, the Amadzeian son, like all the other sons of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, died before reaching adulthood and consequently left no offspring.
Only Cleopida's son reached adulthood.That is why he is interested in us, the "descendants" of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy (but for that historical fact we need more evidence).
The city in which the ruler Cleopida ruled was called Massaga.
Makedonian folk songs for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
Does it thunder or does the earth burn
Suzana Spasovska - Alexanda King Makedonian
Македонска народна поезија за Василеон Александар Македонски
Стани, стани Александре Македонски
за да видиш како твоите синови
се борат за Македонија...
Од ка сé е зора зазорила
од тогаш сé е, мила моја мајчице,
војска заврвела.
Коњ до коњот, мила моја мајчице,
Јунак до јунакот.
И најнапред е, мила моја мајчице,
царот Александар.
Царот Александар, мила моја мајчице,
царот Mакедонски...
Цар Александар сакаше да ходит да земит бесмртна вода. Но кој одеше, никој не се врашчаше назад; зашчо дури да стигнит некој до неа, требаше да патуват три дни се во ношна темнина, во која љугето се заскитвеха и не можеха да се вратат на бел ден. Цар Александар зеде со себе си кобили и ждребина. Во темнината врза кобила; и в растојање шчо можит да се чует гласот, врза ждребе; потамо кобила, после ждребе, и така подалеку дури стигна до бесмртната вода, која стоеше меѓу две планини, кои се отвораха и затвораха. Тој со голема брзина нацрпи едно шише и по гласовите од кобилите и ждребината, кои ржеха, находваше патот и така се врати на бел ден. Шишето остави на прозорецот за да се напие утрината во недеља; и нарача на сестра му да вардит, да не некако истурит бесмртната вода. Сестра му метеешчем не догледа и скрши шишето. Цар Александар кога чу това, страшно се наљути, а сестра му, избегвеешчем љутината негова, се фрли в море и се престори делфин, кој, кога чует Александровото име, се криет во морските глобини.
Господ создал луѓе со различна боја на кожата. Ова Господ го направил пред Потопот. На белците Господ им го пратил својот син, што се викал Македон и сите белци отпрвин се викале Македонци. Подоцна најпознат цар на Македонците бил Александар Македонски. Тој еднаш пронашол бесмртна вода и ја дал на сестра си да ја чува и да внимава да не се истури. Но, таа кришум се напила и водата се истурила. Плашејќи се од лутината на брата си се фрлила во Егејското Море. Но, бидејќи не можела да умре, наеднаш се престорила во половина риба, половина девојка. До ден денес кога парабродите минуваат оттаму, плашејќи се да не ги преврти, луѓето од парабродите на сет глас викаат: ''Жив е Александар!''. Така ја плашат сестра му на Александар и таа бега од нив, а парабродите безбедно заминуваат.
The Kresna Uprising of 1878 also seeks its support from the famous military leader and King. The constitution of the uprising, i.e. its rulebook, literally says in article 1:
„With our blood that we shed in the mountains and mountains of Macedonia, we serve as the Makedonian army of vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy for freedom with our motto '''Freedom or death''.
Според Никола Андонов (род. 1883) од македонското село Конопиште (Танас Вражиновски: Македонски народни преданија, цит. дело, стр. 26-29).
Едно време Цар Александар беше дете. Он имаше татко. Татко му беше стар, а цар Александар беше дете малечко. Дојда време персискиот цар донесе којн у Македонија, сакаше да го продаде на цар Александар. Ко го донесе и му го занесе на татко му на цар Александар за да го купе. Ка му го занесе којнот, којнот бил многу плашлив. Hикој не можел да го jaa. Дојде време цар Александар као 12 годишно дете се качува на којнот и летнува. Сонцето иде за да зада, а он оде спроти сонцето. Majкa му и татко му кога тргна тој кога e jaнa којнот си рекоа дека детто загина. По време на вечерта детто си дода со којнот и му вика на татко му:
- Татко - рече - фај којнот дека овој ке биде мој.
Татко му го послуша. Персискиот цар му го остави којнот и си отиде. Тогин Александар како дете немаше презето цар, татко му одговараше. секојa вечер тој ки легне да спие, се моле да умре татко му, за да презеде тој. И у кратко време татко му умире. Ка умре он беше дете 15-16 годишно. Ка умре презе он да располага со војската. Персискиот цар му прати на цар Александар, му вика: "Цapje, ти честитам сега на теб, оти ти си цар на местото на татко ти и ти располагаш со твојот народ и затоа да станиш да дојдиш да те учам као да станиш цар".
Цар Александар као дете му вика на персискиот цар: "Ти не си вреден мен да ме учиш. Многу си далеку".
Шо прави персискиот цар? Му прака тиникиња од конзерви, клопотарки и му вика: "Со овие можиш да си играш по улицата".
Цар Александар се замисли: "Aјдe, ајде - вика - ќе дојде време jac да ти расправам". Каде дојде у годинте му прака назад. Му вика: "Царе, ти шо ми праќше кутијте и клопотарките за да се занимавам по улицте со децта, jac ќи дојдам со се војскa да те видам теб, а не идам ти да ме учиш, не си поспособен да ме учиш!" И царот си вика: "Да станам у години!" Персискиот цар се насмеja: "Ех, то детто, тоа мисле да ме бие мен. Добро!"
Ко цар Александар дојдe на 20 години фаќа му вика: "Ајде да се спремаш за војна!" Цар Александар му вика. Персискиот цар: "Ех, ех - се Hacмeja - цар Александар ки дојде мен да ме бие!" Фака товара 3, 4 - 5 камили просо, му ги праќа во столицта на цар Александар. Со пратеници (тогајн немаше телифон) со којнтe, со камилите му испрака и му вика: "Еве ти царе Александре вие камилите просо, ако можиш да го изброиш во просто, тогин можиш ти Персија да ja победиш!"
Цар Александар му веле на војскатa:
- Ајде, деца - вика - удрети ги чизмите - вика - удрете ja македонската гајда, едно оро ќи Haпрајмe да пулат пратениците. Едно дробно ситно оро ќе напрајме, ќи сокршме сендуцте и ќи го согазме просото и така - вика - персискиот цар ќи го согазме!
И удрија Македонците една гајда. Фатија едно оро ситно и ги сокршија сандуцте со нозите. Ги изгазиja просто и му велат на пратениците:
- Еве - вика - го видовте просто како го согазивме, не го броjaмe, и така Персија ќи ja согазме! - Цар Александар уште вика -Ajдe, да ти пратам jac нешто од Македонија. Зева од вие чушките ситните едно кило, му вика. - На, ќи му ги дајте на царот ваш, ако може да ги изеде вие чушките, тогин може Македонија да ja повладе.
Фатије пратениците ги зeja чушките и ги зaнecoja во Персија. Ка му ги зaнеcoja на персискиот цар, му викат:
- Велики царе - вика - Македонецот направка едно оро, една гајда свиpeja, го согазија просто и викат дека така ќи не согазат. Туку ни дадоа - веле - вие чушките и ми велат: "Ако можиш да ги изеиш, тогајн цар Александар ќи падне!"
Зеве персискиот цар, каснува една. Не бре, брате, не се јаде никак, не се клава во устата. Се чуде, се уме да зеве друга, ама ништо, така го залути, не се јаде:
- А, не бива ва работа! Цар Александар му jaвувa:
Aјдe - рече - војнa!
И почна војнатa. Оде, оде, оде до река Илини. Дојде на река Илини. Оде cja, ќи влезе во персискиот цар. Ко дојде на река Илини, не можат да минат Македонците. Се чудат, се умат. Цар Александар као Македонец му вика на војскатa:
- Е, деца - рече - вие тука ќи окрепте. Jac ќи одам - вика - при царот да го видам шо му е планот, како работе и шо има. Да му го видам домакинството.
Му викат нејнитe, официрте, командири што му 6eja:
- Как - рече - велики царе, ти ќи одиш тамака. Ќи те фате персискиот цар, ние шо ќи npaјмe?
И вој му веле:
- Не бојтe се вие, jac ќи одам и ќи си дојдам!
И така прегазе преку ректа, преку река Илини и отиде. Отиде во персискиот цар. Отиде во персискиот цар, по патот си направи книга као од цар Александар иде, а он истиот. Ка отиде тамака:
- Добро вечер!
- Добро вечер!
- Велики царе, цар Александар ме прати менека ва писмото да ти го дам - вика - и да ми одговориш. Туку едно ќи ти кажам. устаj го!
И персискиот цар рипнува:
- Как - рече - да гу уставам. Голку илјади војскa ми натепа, толку жени има сираци, море ќи го терам сега, туку на река Илини да минам!
А он цар Александар си слуша, зева мерки. Еден беше од Солун, со цар Александар биле заедно во едно кафене. Му веле:
- Ех, абре, ти како те умее да си цар Александар?
И вој му веле:
- Да, истиот сум - веле - така приличам и за тоа мен цар Александар ме прака на на тешките работи. И во војската коа врвам, сета војскa ми стое, веле: "Цар Александар иде!"
И nepсискиот цар се замисли. Му вика на вој од Солун:
- Слуши ваки, добро е ако е он. Ќе те кладам на десната страна, ами ако не е он, ако не е цар Александар, шо прајмe?
Зеле да се чудат:
- Абре, он е, заедно ние, го знам - вика - он е!
- Иди - рече - питaj го пак. Оде там. Му вика тој:
- Абре, истиот сум - веле - ти кажувам оти истиот сум, на него прилегам. Ви велам затоа цар Александар ме прака мен.
Ајде вие пак застанаа. Дојде да вичерат:
- Ајде, - веле - сум изморен, да вичераме!
- Как ки речиш!
Дојде да вичерат. Му давале златни чеши. Boj цар Александар си ja испи чешта, си ja кладе во цебот. Му вели другарот:
- Е, ej - вика - шо правиш? Колку чеши ќе пиеш, толку златни чеши ако земиш, шо прајш?
- А, аа - веле - как ќи ме знае цар Александар оти колку чеши пи вино. Ќе му речам: "Ja, колку богат бил царот, колку чеши ми даде вино и чеште ми ги остави у цебот да ги земам!"
И царот се усрами, му даде уште една чаша. Тури, цар Александар си ги кладе у другте чеши. Персијскиот цар зе да се чуде. Не може ништо - дојден е. Вика:
- Мислејте, cлaгaјтe - му вика цар Александар - jaзикa да одам да приспијам тро и да ни правиш книга как да му одговорам на цар Александар.
- А, ќи му одговорам сега jac. Ќи ja соберам целата војскa и ќи те терам тебе!
- Добро!
Отидоа, му Haправијa тамака еден кревет. Си легна да спие. Ка легна да спие, шо праве? Клаве едно дрвце на креветот, клал една перничка и оде. На првиот стражар му вика:
- На ова чеша од царот, за как се врнам да си ja зевам! Оде на другата стража:
- На, на теб ваа чеша, ќе се врнам, ќи си ja зевам!
Оде на третата стража и нему му ja даве и таа чеша и станува си го вјaнyвa којнот. Цар Александар си избега. Вие мислат, кројат како да го фатат, а он си отиде сиромавиот.
Дојде времето персијскиот цар му вика на тој од Солун;
- Оди, бре - веле - разбуди го, белки ќи го докачиме на нешто. Оде вој. Ja дека спие. Се враќа назад и му веле:
- Ja го, нека спие!
- Ми, aj нека преспие уште тро. Дошло времето:
- Ајде, бре, оди скорни го, шо сака нека биде!
Ко одат да видат, во креветот нема го. Цар Александар си избегал сиромавиот. Излегват надвор:
- Бре, мина човек тука?
- Мина. Ми даде чеша златна!
Одат на другиот - чеша златна. Одат на третиот - чеша златна. Toj му ги дал и сега он ќи мине ќи си ги зеве чеште. И отамка летат и дошле на ректа Илини. Ко притераа они до реката Илини, пуле војскa. Цар со се војската лете на ваки. Му вика:
- Ej, не ги тепајте колите, jac сум истиот цар Александар, што дојдов да ве вида. Туку згазете се да не умира војската!
Цар Александар ja испулел ректа. Му вика на војската:
- Деца, - вика - на царот сега ќе му ja фатме целата војскa.
- Што? - Му вика војскатa. Рече:
- Ќе ja навртиме река Илини позад нив. Едно ќе секне водта, нијa на суво ќе поминме и Персија ќи ja победиме.
Ех, дошло времето как рекол. Фаќат војскатa копaj, копaj, ja навртеле ректа. Вие на ваки тргнуват и одат и го победуват. Тере, тере, как одел цар Александар го нашол царот легнат, ранет. Персискиот цар го фаќа цар Александар и му вика:
- Кажи, дали мојaтa војскa те рани или твојатa? И он му веле:
- Не од твoјтa - вика - мојтa војскa. Туку ти се молам цар Александре - му вика - скоро да стигнеме на палатот. Ќерка ми Илена да ти дaj столица, да ти биде домаќинка и царството да ти го потпишам!
Цар Александар киниса. Го зетна којнот, го занесоа персијскиот цар без којн. Ко го занесоа, му вика на ќерка му:
- Синку, керко - рече - скоро 3eвaj царските столици, туриј двете само колку да ве видам оти ти си кралица на Александар. Едно - вика - ќе ви кажам - на ќерка му и на зет му. - Да не се гордејте со вашто богатство. Jac бев најпрвиот богат, најголемиот цар, а дојде времето едно дете да ме падне и да ми го земе царството.
Александар Цар Македонски
Имаше еден македонски цар кој живеел деведесет години, а деца немал. Тогај се помплил на бога он:
''Дај ми боже едно дете па макар и да е еден сфетиот дуx''
И он како се на Бога помолил, Бог така му дал. Тоа дете се викаше Александар. Преди Крале Марко бил тој.
Кога Александар напуни петнаесе години изговорил на татко си:
''Море татко многу малку земја држиме ние, ќе се биеме, ќе земеме повеќе''.
Татко му рече:
'' Нека ти, синко, ако имаш јуначка сила, а народ да не пропастиш''.
Тоа дете, Александар цар македонски, зеде да се бие,
.... прегази цела Земја и кога немаше повеќе, влезе во Темнина Земја. Одиле тамо три години. Најпосле наближија до Божјата Градина, а војската ја запре. Тамо он го најде свети Петар, се најдоа cвети Јовани, побратими и си отидоа зедно во Божјата Градина.
Свети Петар му рече:
''Побратиме ќе ти дадам нешто да однесеш во вашата земја од овие слатки плодови. Знам ја дека во твојата земја сите растенија диви са. И му дате пресад да ги калеми дивите растенија.
Александар виде дека таа земја не е за народ, се вратил ма не дочекал да скрши едно дрво кое било најслатко за јадење и кое го немало во наштата земја.
Се вратиле од Божјата Градина во Темнина Земја и цар Aлександар рече на војската:
'' Од оваа земја кој ќе земе пишман ќе биде, а кој нема да земе пак пишман ќе остане ''.
Така некој зел, ма некој не зел, земја. Излегнаа од тамо во Светлина Земја. И видел народот, тие што земале земја од каде газиле, оти таа златна земја била... И сите пишман биле. Tој што зел вика:
''Оти малку земав''.
А тој што ич не зел, викана: ''Оти ич не зедов''.
И тие шо не земале им посакале земја од тие што земале, ма тие што земале земја не давале. Се збиле самите, еден по еден, еден по еден,
.... се избиле сите до еден. Тогај Цар Александар видел дека пропастил
цел народ.
Кога му загинало царството Aлександар се прибрал кај Бога оти имаше божја сила.
Tој Александар цар македонски беше, светиот дух, на овој свет, прегази Земја цела.
И он си беше како Крале Марко, со божја сила, божествен човек.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in foreign legends
There are legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy among many peoples!The Romeian (not ''bizantin) legend was published in 1388!The grandiose role that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy played in world history made him the most famous Makedonian of all time.His travels, mostly due to his desire to discover new territories and gain new knowledge, as well as his messages of brotherhood among nations, have made him respected to this day.His character remained in a positive connotation in the legends and traditions of many peoples.Legends and legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy began to emerge and develop immediately after his death..
Over time, they got more and more fantastical elements in their content.Thus, in some of them, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy explores unusual phenomena in the sky and under water, encounters various monsters, meets strange peoples, comes to the source of immortality, etc.It is believed that legends and lore about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy gained a strong impetus in the Middle Ages.
The famous scholar of this subject, Dr. Ellis, after studying the legends and traditions about the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, concluded:
"Legends of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, true or false, exist in eighty languages, from Iceland to Malaysia" ("History of Western Civilization" by Dr Ellis L. Knox Boise State University, USA, 1996).
And indeed, there is hardly a case of another person in history about whom there are legends among at least eighty nations.Regarding the general characteristics of these legends and traditions, in the continuation of his text, Dr. Ellis writes:
"Everything related to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is exaggerated beyond normal, both in his researches that actually happened and in those that were invented.Throughout antiquity, great military leaders dreamed of imitating Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.In the Middle Ages, his character became an indispensable figure in legends".
Many articles and books have been written in the world today about the legends of various peoples, related to the Macedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.In 1977, a symposium was held in Groningen (Holland) on the subject of the lore and legends associated with the death of Vasileon (light of light or lord of lords, king of kings) Makedonon (He is Makedon) Alexandroy. The papers from this symposium were published in the collection "Alexander the Great in Middle Ages" Groningen, Netherlands, 1977 - "Alexander the Great", ''Alessanro Magno'', ''Alexander Magnus'', ''Megas Alexandros'' it's political names, incorrect and all with the aim of erasing the Makedonian identity of the Makedonian ruler, thereforedo not use them.
More recently, Richard Stoneman's book: "Legends of Alexander the Great''. London and Rut- land, Vermont: J. M. Dent and Charles E. Tuttle, 1994, from which we will cite some data below.and other books partially devoted to this topic, which we will mention below. Due to the fact that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy appears in the legends of so many nations, it is certain that a special paper should be prepared for that topic in our country.
IRAQI LEGEND: In this legend, it is said that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy had two horns on top of his head, which he hid under his hair.Every week he hired a barber to cut his hair, but because he was ashamed that the barber would reveal his secret, after each haircut he immediately ordered the barber to kill himself.Soon the town ran out of barbers and only one old Jew remained.
Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy thought:
- "If I kill this barber too, then who will cut my hair?"
So Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered to the barber to swear that he would not divulge the secret to anyone.Otherwise, he threatened to lose his head.The barber kept the secret for weeks, but finally he couldn't stand it.On the one hand, the interesting realization pressed him to tell someone, but on the other hand, he was afraid for his head.Then it occurred to him to tell his secret, but no one would hear him.He went outside the city and entered a cave, where he began to shout at the top of his voice:
- "Alexander has horns!Alexander has horns!"
Thus his soul was relieved and he returned home satisfied, sure that no one had heard him.But a stream passed through the cave, along which reeds grew.One day, a shepherd entered the cave and cut a reed to make himself a flute.When he started to play, the words poured out through the flute:
"Alexander has horns!Alexander has horns!"
Many heard it and this miracle soon reached the ears of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.He became very angry and ordered the barber to be brought to him immediately.When the barber came, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy told him that he would order him killed.The barber began to beg Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy not to kill him and told him what had happened.Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, when he heard the story, forgave him and let him go home.
From this legend came a wise and less comical Iraqi proverb, which reads:
"If emperors can have horns, then cavemen can have ears" (Iraqi Jewish legend; Edoth I: 184-185 A. Ben Yaakov. English language source: Patai. In: The Classic Tales: 4,000 Years of Jewish Lore. Ed. Ellen Frankel NJ: Jason Aronson Inc., 1989).
ROMEIAN LEGEND: There is a Romeian (not ''bizantian) legend related to the causes of death of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.This legend was published in 1388.According to her, when Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy returned to Vavylon, a woman gave birth to an unusual child, who was half human - half monster. The human part of the body was dead and the monster part was alive.On seeing this, one of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's soothsayers told her that Alexander would die in Vavylon and his successors would continue to rule.That's what happened to her.In Makedonia, Antipater rebelled against the rule of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, causing Olympias to call Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy (her son) for help.
To prevent his return, Antipater sent poison, which was so strong that it had to be carried in an iron box.The poison was put into the wine of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy by his wine-bearer Jolaj (son of Antipater).While Alexander was dying, his wife Roxana cared for him until the last moment.Before his death, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy called Berdika, Ptolemaoy and Lysimah, to whom he told his last wish.Then Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy went to the sky, and from there a star fell straight into the sea.At the same time, the statue of Dze in Vavylon crashed to the ground.Then the star from the sea returned to the sky again, followed by an eagle.Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was buried in Alexandria by Ptolemaoy (W.J. Aerts in: "Alexander the Great in Middle Ages", Groningen, Netherlands, 1977).
Alfonso the Tenth of Castile in 1280 published a legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy!
And the Persian poet Nisami in the 12th century published a legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy!
The Romanian legend of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy probably dates from 1560. Its content is similar to the content of a Serbian legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy. And this legend is dedicated to the death of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in Vavylon. When Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy returned to Vavylon, he was reunited with Roxana there. Then the prophet Jeremiah appeared to him in a dream, who foretold his death. Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy woke up upset, but was comforted by Ptolemy and Philota (as when Philotas was dead, then). Then Aristotle and Olympias came to Vavylon. A priest from Jerusalem arrived in Vavylon and informed Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy that the prophet Jeremiah had died. Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy ordered Jeremiah to be buried in Alexandria. But Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was also killed after poisoning the son of Minerva, who came from Makedonia. Before his death, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy divided "Vasileondon Macedonia" among Ptolemaoy, Philotas, Roxana and Olympias. He predicted that in the future Makedonia will be ruled by an Asian power (meaning the Osmanli ''Ottoman'' Empire). He asked to be buried in Alexandria and said that a man like him will never appear, ie. that there will never be a "second Alexander". Then, by the deathbed, his horse Buchephil came and shed tears for his master. In order not to make Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy suffer in his death agony, Bukephil hit him with his hoof and thus he died. Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy died in Jerusalem and all the forests, rivers and mountains mourned him. Unfortunately, Roxana committed suicide after impaling herself with Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's spear (A.N. Cizek in "Alexander the Great in Middle Ages" Groningen, Netherlands, 1977).
SPANISH LEGEND The Spanish legend of the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was published in 1280 by Alfonso the Tenth of Castile. According to this legend, a woman gave birth to a half-man and half-monster. Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy's soothsayer explained this by saying that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy would soon die and there would be war between his successors. Then Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was indeed poisoned, and the poison was prepared by Antipatar, who sent it from Makedonia in an iron box. The poison was brought by the son of Antipater, named Katsandr, and he gave it to Iolay, who poured it into the wine of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy. After Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy realized that he was going to die, he tried to commit suicide by throwing himself into the Euphratas, but Roxana saved him. Before he died Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy said his last wish. He said he wanted to be buried in Alexandria and gave instructions for his burial and the grave. At the moment when Vavylon was dying, he was hit by a strong storm and an earthquake, and there was an eclipse of the Sun. Before he died he sent a letter to Olympia, in which he asked her to organize a great celebration after his death. She did so, but none of the invitees came to the celebration. Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was buried in Alexandria in a golden coffin. (W.L. Jonnxis-Henkemans in: "Alexander the Great in Middle Ages" Groningen, Netherlands, 1977).
ENGLISH LEGEND The English legend of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy appeared sometime around 1300. Accompanied by Antiochas and Ptolemaoy, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy entered Vavylon, where he expected to find the treasure of Darias. Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was preparing to declare Vavylon the capital of his state. At the same time, he was preparing to conquer Africa, which is why he raised taxes. Complaints came to him from Makedonia that Antipater had ruled badly and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy decided to judge him. Therefore, Antipater ordered that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy be poisoned. Before he died, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy named nine of his successors. He left Makedonia, Adzena and Carthage to Berdika. He left Egypt and Portugal to Ptolemaoy. He left Philotas the lands from the Caucasus, all the way to India, and Antiochas took Rome and Northern Italy (Italy did not exist then). The other five heirs (whose names are invented, but Antiochas did not exist then, perhaps Seleyk is meant, his son is Antiochus, also Philotas was killed before) divided the lands of the Macedonian Peninsula, around Pyon Sey (Black Sea) and Persia. After Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy died, a bird told the heirs that Alexander's body must be buried in Alexandria, according to the wishes of the gods. But the heirs, instead of dividing their lands according to the wishes of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, started fierce wars among themselves. (G.H.V. Bunt in: "Alexander the Great in Middle Ages", Groningen, Netherlands, 1977).
A PERSIAN LEGEND This legend of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was recorded by the Persian poet Nisami in the 12th century.According to its content, during his expedition to the east, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy also came to China, where he arrived from India via Tibet.Nisami described the competition between the artists that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy led with him and the Chinese artists (Ulrich Wilken, op. cit., p. 351).
LEGEND DISCOVERED IN RUSSIA This legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy will be transmitted from an old Russian manuscript from the 9th century, which most likely represents a Russian translation of an older text written in ancient Makedonian or Latin.
In this century, Yaroslav reigned in Kiev.He built the church "Saint Sophia" and made a rich library.He gathered many scribes and had them translate books from other languages.Thus, a legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was found in a book in the 9th century library.
We read in it:
"And Alexander saw many woods with beautiful trees and all kinds of fruit. All that land was surrounded by a river, whose water was as clear and white as milk. There were also many dates, and they were hanging on the vines thousands of beautiful bunches".
In the following are described all the miracles that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy encountered, such as: people with dogs' heads and with eyes and mouths on their chests, blessed lands in which the sun does not shine, but the dawn rises without the sun, etc. (Миљин Е. Сегал: "Како је човек постао див", књига друга, Ново покољење, Београд, 1948, стр. 312-313). Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy also fought with supernatural forces!
DUTCH LEGEND The Dutch legend of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was published around 1260 by the monk Jacob van Merlant.
According to this legend, this world was too small for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, so he decided to conquer other worlds.This angered the supernatural forces, who decided to take revenge on him.So the creatures from hell created a poison that was strong enough to kill Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.This poison they gave to Antipatar.Meanwhile, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy advanced into India, together with his new ally Porus.He came to regions where neither men nor gods had set foot before.
In one of those lands he came across two trees - the Tree of the Moon and the Tree of the Sun. On these trees appeared the message of his imminent death. His soldiers, who accompanied him, saw it, but Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy warned them not to spread the news. When he returned to Vavyilon, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy received envoys from Gaul, Carthage, Germany (such a state then did not exist), Spain (such a state then did not exist), Italy (such a state then did not exist), Sicily, Britain (such a state then did not exist), Norway (such a state did not exist then) and Denmark (such a state did not exist then). When they saw Porus next to him, they realized that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was a king who forgave easily and that it was best to surrender to him. He told them that he wanted to conquer the whole world. But the next morning Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was poisoned, after drinking the poisoned wine.
Before his death, he told his soldiers that four giants planned to conquer heaven and overthrow his father Dze, so the gods decided to call Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to heaven to fight against the giants and help his father.Then Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy died.Thus, the man for whom the whole world was small, was left lying in a five-foot grave.Later, Ptolemaoy transferred his body to Alexandria (K.A. de Graaf in: "Alexander the Great in Mid- dle Ages" Groningen, Netherlands, 1977).
Even Filipinos have a lore about the Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy!
FILIPINO LEGEND We will also mention a Filipino legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.In particular, it is about the Moro (MaRa) people, who live on the second largest (southern) Philippine island of Mindanao, as well as on the Philippine archipelago of Sulu (smaller islands off the coast of Indonesia).
This tradition was recorded by researcher Vic Hurley in his book "The Story of Moro".This book was first published in English in 1936 and was republished in the Philippines in 1985.According to the tradition published by the author Harley, the members of the Filipino Moro people considered themselves as direct descendants of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy descendants of part of his army, which came across the Indian Ocean to the distant Philippine islands.
According to this tradition, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy personally resided in the territory of today's Philippines, where he built his own palace.In connection with all this, in Harley's book we read:
"There are folk legends in SuluMoro, according to which, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy made his own palace in Jolo. Many of the members of the Moro people proudly emphasize their origin fromthis great Makedonian conqueror".
(Vic Hurley:"The Story of the Moros", Original publication, 1936, E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc, препечатена во издание на Filipiniana Reprint Series, 1985 Cacho Hemanos, Inc).
AZERBAIJAN LEGEND This legend is related to the mystery of the origin of Sunken Castle, which is located near Sabail in Azerbaijan.The Azerbaijani historian Sakina Nasirova has published an extensive article, dedicated to the undiscovered origin of this castle, which is located on an island.Analyzing the legends associated with the origin of this castle, Ms. Nasirova writes that, according to one legend, the origin of the castle is closely related to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.She writes about this:
"Another legend connects Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy with the name of the city ofSabail.Iskender (Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy) wanted to capture a city on the coast of Caspian Lake, but the inhabitants of that citythey did not surrender. Thus, Iskender tookadvice from his teacher Aristotle. The citywas located below sea level, and onea big rock prevented the water from reaching himflooded the city. Aristotle invented a specialliquid, which could the stoneturn into a lemon. With this fluidIskender removed the stone and the waterentered the city,
after which it was submerged. Residents fled to the city of Gilan tothey save their lives. The name ofthe flooded city was Sabael".
(Sakina Nasirova: "Mystery of the Sunken Castle Sabayil" State Historical-Architectural Museum, Azarbaijan International 8.2, 2000).
TRADITION OF THE PEOPLES AROUND THE CASPIAN LAKE This tradition exists among the peoples around the Caspian Lake.According to him, in the area around the Caspian Lake there used to live a mysterious people, who bore the unusual name "Red Jews".
The legends about the origin of this mythical people were investigated by the historian Colin, who wrote in his book "The Red Jews: Anti-Semitism in the Apocalypse Period 1200-1600" that, according to one tradition, this people was settled in the area around the Caspian Lake by Vasileon MakedononAlexandroy (Gow Andrew Colin: "The Red Jews; Antise- mitism in an Apocalyptic Age, 1200 - 1600" Leiden, Netherlands, 1995).
OTHER LEGENDS AND TRADITIONS Apart from the above, of course there are many other legends and traditions about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.There are a certain number of Islamic legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, and of course we should also mention the well-known legends and traditions found in the works of his ancient biographers (Plutarch, Arrian, Diodorus, Quintius Curtius Rufus and Justin).
Some of these legends and traditions are related to his birth, others to his childhood, others to his travels, etc.But we think that these things are still better known in our public, so we will not repeat them.The researcher on this topic, Stoneman, in his book "Legends of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy" states that most of the legends of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy were also based on the "Romance of Alexander", written in the 10th century, as well as on a number of Latin, Spanish and Hebrewtexts, related to the Arabic texts of Hunayan Ibn Ishaq (9th century) and of Yahya ibn Batrik (10th century) which, in turn, expanded the ancient Syriac texts related to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.Of course, there were other numerous legends, which are not related to these texts.
Stoneman mentions the legend of the Letter that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy sent to Aristotle concerning India.This legend was created in Latin in the 7th century and was translated into English in the 10th century.Stoneman concludes that it was the first text about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy translated into a medieval language.Stoneman also mentions the legend of the Magical Wonders of the East.This legend was created in the 11th century, and then it was also translated into English.
Here is also a Romeian legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, written in the 9th century by the monk George.In it are represented fantastic experiences during the journey of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy in India and in other countries.There is an Indian legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy from the 2nd century BC!
Марко Поло запишал четири легенди за Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy!
Уште во 5 век легендата за Животот на Брама ја запишал некој Паладие, кој најверојатно бил бискуп во Битинија. Во неа е опишан замислен разговор меѓу Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy и Браманот Дандамис. Легендата поврзана со наводната Преписка меѓу Александар и Диндим, претставува варијанта на легендата запишана од Паладие. Легендата за Патувањето на Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy во рајот се смета дека е настаната некаде околу
12 век.
Stoneman also cites an old legend recorded from the 2nd century BC that mentions a conversation between Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and an Indian.He also mentions an English legend from the 15th century, dedicated to the fantastic experiences of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy during his travels, and also mentions a medieval English version of the conversation between Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and Dindim, in which elements of English literature of the time are inserted.He also mentions a Scottish legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, recorded in 1450 by Gilbert Hay.Stoneman also mentions the existence of French legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.(Detailed in: Richard Stoneman: "Legends of Alexander the Great". London and Rutland, Vermont: J. M. Dent and Charles E. Tuttle, 1994)
The German historian Ulrich Wilken mentions several legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.So, for example, he mentions the German poem with fantastic elements dedicated to Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, written by the priest Lamprecht in 1130.
He then points to the 11th century French poem by Alberich of Besançon.
Of course, the Egyptian legends are also here, in which Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy is presented as the son of the last Egyptian pharaoh Nectanebo 2.
A Persian poet considered Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy a descendant of the Achaemenid House, and thus their national hero.
Wilken mentions that even among the Jews there were legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.(Ulrich Wilken, op. cit., pp. 352 and 353)
Author Franz von Schwarz writes that the people of Badakstan (a region in Turkestan) considered themselves to be direct descendants of the generals and soldiers of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, who remained there.In the Ferhana area, the men deeply respected the silken red flag that they believed Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy used in his campaigns.Franz von Schwarz assumes that this population is the descendant of the Makedonians settled in Vactria and Sogdiana, whose descendants were once exiled from there by the Mongols, so they brought with them the memory of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy to Turkestan. (F. von Schwarz: "Alexandros des Grossen Feldzuge in Turkestan", 1906)
THE LEGENDS RECORDED BY MARCO POLO Legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy were also written down by the world-famous medieval navigator and travel writer Marco Polo. He was born sometime around 1254 in Venice. His father and uncle were famous merchants. Because of their trade, in 1260 they set off on a journey from Uzbekistan to China, from where they returned after nine years. After two years, they took Marco Polo with them and set off again for China. They passed through many Asian countries. They were the first Europeans known to have visited the Gobi Desert and the Pamir Plateau. Marco Polo met with Kublai Khan and got a job in his administration. He was governor of a Chinese city for three years, and his father and uncle also worked in Kublai Khan's service. The three remained in China until 1292, after which they left for Iran. They have previously visited Sumatra and India. They returned to Venice in 1295. In 1298 Marco Polo was imprisoned for participating in the war between Venice and Genoa. In prison he told the prisoners his whole journey. The following year he was released and returned to Venice. His writings were published in 1300 in the work "The Travels of Marco Polo" and they are considered the most famous travelogues in history. For the first time, medieval Europeans encountered more detailed records of life in China and other distant Asian countries. It is believed that that book also sparked interest in Christopher Columbus to undertake his voyages. Marco Polo died in 1324. What is Marco Polo's connection with Makedonia and the Makedonians??
First of all, let us say that he passed directly by the Makedonian coast in the Aegean Sea before returning to Venice in 1295.Previously, his father and uncle Niccolò and Maffeo Polo passed here in 1260.But that's not all.
During his travels, Marco Polo wrote down four legends about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and published them in 1300.
The first legend "The Lonely Tree" was recorded somewhere in the northern part of Iran.There Marco Polo was told that in those lands there was a solitary tree in the middle of a vast desert.The tree is said to have grown at the site of the great battle between Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and the Persian emperor Darius.Polo wrote that the tree was of enormous size and had green leaves on one side and white leaves on the other.What is very interesting is the fact that the oldest preserved representation of the Battle of Issus (the Pompeian mosaic from 80 BC) actually shows a solitary tree in the background.
The second legend about Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, which Marco Polo recorded in Asia, is entitled "Alexander's Successor".According to this legend, Alexander married the daughter of Darius somewhere in the territory of present-day Afghanistan.From that marriage they had children, who grew up, got married and got married, and so their offspring reached up to the 18th century, that is.until Marco Polo's visit to those parts.He recorded that he arrived in the country of Badakhshan, whose rulers considered themselves direct descendants of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy and his Persian bride.In honor of their supposed ancestor, they bore the title "Zulkarnian" (it is an Islamic descriptive name for Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, under which he is thought to be mentioned in the Qur'an).
According to the third legend entitled "The Last Unicorn", the famous horse of Alexander - Bukephilus, was supposedly a unicorn until the fourteenth year of his life.In the previously mentioned land of Badakshan, there was a herd of unicorns, which originated from Bukefil.This herd was owned by a wealthy member of the royal family.The king wanted to get even one unicorn from that herd, but the rich man refused.Because of this, the king ordered to kill him.To get revenge on the king, the rich man's wife ordered her servants to kill all the unicorns.Thus the line of Bouquefil was broken.
The fourth legend of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy recorded by Marco Polo is entitled "Alexander's Compartment".This legend refers to an event that allegedly took place on the territory of present-day Georgia.According to the legend, the advance of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy was stopped in this country, because a dangerous strait appeared in front of him.On one side was the sea, and on the other there were impassable mountains with thick forests in front of them.Here Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy decided to build a barrier in the strait between the two mountains.
In this way, he stopped the tribes that were attacking him and cut them off from the civilized world.That partition was named "Iron Gate".It is interesting that later many people tried to find that "Iron Gate".So, for example, some medieval Arab geographers believed that this partition was actually the Great Wall of China, while others believed that it was located in Dagestan.
More recently, at the end of the 17th century, the Mongols have stated on several occasions that they are direct descendants of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.In the book published in 1692 and 1705, "Northern and Eastern Tartary", the mayor of Amsterdam Nicolai Witsen wrote:
"In 1675, four Mongol ambassadors reportedly arrived in Moscow.The first of the ambassadors said that he was a descendant of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, about whom he told many things".
Quoted by M.I.Kazanin:
"September 24, 1686in Daurskuya country, several Mongolian envoys from Gagan Hutukhti Ochisaray Shain Khan and other princes of this country appeared to the plenipotentiary Russian ambassador, Okolia and Brian governor Golovin.One of them said that the Mongol princes are descendants of the Makedonian king Alexander".
Tatars and Mongols are changed names.
„Tatars in ancient times were conquerors and ruled most of the tribes, including the Mongols, and stood out from others with their greatness, power and honesty.They were the richest nomads.Their number was 70 thousand homes.And as the Tatars were victorious, so all other Turks began to be called Tatars".
Interpretation of the name:
Very interesting is the name of the Tatars and all 100% Makedonian words:
- ТАТАR - ТА Т ' АR - land (ar) of father (tаtа).
So if Macedonia means land of Ma - the Goddess Great Mother, Tatar means ''the land of father''.
''The word "Mongols" first meant "harmless" and "simple-hearted". Later, about 400 years before, when divine help was brought to the Mongols and their numbers increased and surpassed other nations, then due to the power of the Mongols otherTurkic tribes began to call themselves Mongols; just as before when they all called themselves by the name of Tatars.
The Bodrichs (Reregi, Rarogi) are a tribe belonging to the Polabian Slovenes (not "slavs"), who in the 6th century settled in the eastern part of the lower Elbe, between the Bay of Wismar on the Baltic Sea and Lake Schwerin.
According to Yegor Ivanovich Klasen, the Bodrichs were a mysterious tribe that settled on the shores of the Baltic Sea, and some of them then moved to Ilmen and Lovat (Novgorod region) as early as the 4th century BC.ADThey were known as Makedoniyani (Makedonians), who settled there after the collapse of the Vasileondon Makedonia.
According to Klassen:
'' Before moving to the southern coast of the Baltic region, the Bodrichs called themselves Makedoniani (Makedonians) and their tribe formed the skeleton of the Makedonian kingdom of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy.The Makedonians moved to the region of the Cimbrian peninsula in 320 BC.- immediately after the collapse of the kingdom of Makedonia, with inherited military skills from Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, his coat of arms and intangibles...''
The prominent researcher of Slovenska (not ''Slavic) antiquity Egor Klasen then writes:
"After the fall of the Makedonian kingdom, part of the Makedonians, around 320 years before our era, moved to the coast of the Baltic Sea and established new settlements called Bodriceja.They retained the coat of arms of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, the figure of Bukephilus and the griffin until the fall, and soon a part of them again moved to Ilmen and Lovat ".
Coat of Arms of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy
As is known, the Makedonian kingdom fell apart as a result of the rivalry between the generals of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, and then a series of military defeats by the then growing power of the young predator - ruthlessly cruel slave-owning Rome.
''The Macedonians who migrated from the coast of the Makedonian Sea (Ionian Sea) to the coast of the Baltic Sea, for many centuries preserved their hatred towards the Romans - bearers of ... the idea of complete enslavement of the conquered countries and peoples.
The rest of the Makedonians in inaccessible mountainous areas of the Macedonian Peninsula (the Balkans) managed to preserve their ethnic culture and national ideology until our time'' - writes Klasen.
There is a legend that Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy hid huge quantities of various weapons in the area of Lake Turucedo.
„This is confirmed by an inscription on the map of Semyon Remezov "Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy reached this place and hid weapons and left a bell with people."It is true that Remezov mistakenly placed this inscription at the mouth of the Amur River, and he had to place it in the Mangu area (part of the mouth of the Yenisei), which the Tungus call the Amur." - says Nikolai Sergeyevich Novgorodov, the Russian author of "Siberian campaign ofVasileon Makedonon Alexandroy".
4.. Dyad is considered to be the father of modern military engineering, who in the time of Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy invented a series of siege machines, including the catapult.
During the time of BASILEONDON MACEDONIA, the territory of Babylon was renamed ARAKLEON or ARAKLEONIA, hence abbreviated ARAC. But later with the modification of the sounds and letters of the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON", in Roman times and Arabic transcripts the holy letter ''Н'' instead of being read as ''А'' or ''Е'' depending on the position in the word, it was renamed and read as "I", from here: ARAK = IRAQ.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: WHAT fellow art thou, who darest thus to lie at thy ease in our presence, when all others, as thou seest, rise to do us homage? dost thou not know us?
- Diognas: I cannot say I do: but by the number of thy attendants, by the splendour of thy habit; but, above all, by the vanity of thy appearance, and the arrogance of thy speech, I conceive thou mayst be Alexandroy the son of Philippoy.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: And who can more justly challenge thy respect, than Alexander, at the head of that victorious army, who hath performed such wonderful exploits, and, under his conduct, hath subdued the world?
- Diognas: Who? why the tailor who made me this old cloke.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Thou art an odd fellow, and I have a curiosity to know thy name.
- Diognas: I am not ashamed of it: I am called Diogenas: a name composed of as many and as well-sounding syllables as Alexander.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Diogenas, I rejoice at this encounter. I have heard of thy name, and been long desirous of seeing thee; in which wish, since fortune hath accidentally favoured me, I shall be glad of thy conversation a while: and that thou likewise mayest be pleased with our meeting, ask me some favour; and as thou knowest my power, so shalt thou experience my will to oblige thee.
- Diognas: Why then, Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, I desire thee to stand from between me and the sun; whose beams thou hast withheld from me some time, a blessing which it is not in thy power to recompense the loss of.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Thou hast a very shallow opinion of my power, indeed; and if it was a just one, I should have travelled so far, undergone so much, and conquered so many nations, to a fine purpose truly.
- Diognas: That is not my fault.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Dost thou not know that I am able to give thee a kingdom?
- Diognas: I know thou art able, if I had one, to take it from me; and I shall never place any value on that which such as thou art can deprive me of.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Thou dost speak vainly in contempt of a power which no other man ever yet arrived at. Hath the Granica yet recovered the bloody colour with which I contaminated its waves? Are not the fields of Is and Ara Bellas still white with human bones? Will Susa shew no monuments of my victory? Are Darias and Poras names unknown to thee? Have not the groans of those millions reached thy ears, who, but for the valour of this heart, and the strength of this arm, had still enjoyed life and tranquillity? Hath then this son of Jupiter, this conqueror of the world, adored by his followers, dreaded by his foes, and worshipped by all, lived to hear his power contemned, and the offer of his favour slighted, by a poor philosopher, a wretched Cynic, whose cloke appears to be his only possession!
- Diognas: I retort the charge of vanity on thyself, proud Alexander! for how vainly dost thou endeavour to raise thyself on the monuments of thy disgrace! I acknowledge indeed all the exploits thou hast recounted, and the millions thou hast to thy eternal shame destroyed. But is it hence thou wouldst claim Dze for thy father? Hath not then every plague or pestilential vapour the same title? If thou art the dread of wretches to whom death appears the greatest of evils, is not every mortal disease the same? And if thou hast the adoration of thy servile followers, do they offer thee more, than they are ready to pay to every tinsel ornament, or empty title? Is then the fear or worship of slaves of so great honour, when at the same time thou art the contempt of every brave honest man, though, like me, an old cloke should be his only possession?
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Thou seemest, to my apprehension, to be ignorant, that in professing this disregard for the glory I have so painfully achieved, thou art undermining the foundation of all that honour which is the encouragement to, and reward of, every thing truly great and noble; for in what doth all honour, glory, and fame consist, but in the breath of that multitude, whose estimation, with such ill-grounded scorn, thou dost affect to despise? A reward which hath ever appeared sufficient to inflame the ambition of high and exalted souls; though from their meanness, low minds may be incapable of tasting, or rather, for which pride, from the despair of attaining it, may inspire thee to feign a false and counterfeit disdain. What other reward than this have all those heroes proposed to themselves, who rejected the enjoyments which ease, riches, pleasure, and power, have held forth to them in their native country, have deserted their homes, and all those things which to vulgar mortals appear lovely or desirable, and, in defiance of difficulty and danger, invaded and spoiled the cities and territories of others; when their anger hath been provoked by no injury, nor their hope inspired by the prospect of any other good than of this very glory and honour, this adoration of slaves, which thou, from having never tasted its sweets, hast treated with contempt?
- Diognas: Thy own words have convinced me (stand a little more out of the sun, if you please), that thou hast not the least idea of true honour. Was it to depend on the suffrages of such wretches, it would indeed be that contemptible thing which you represent it to be estimated in my opinion: but true honour is of a different nature; it results from the secret satisfaction of our own minds, and is decreed us by wise men and the gods; it is the shadow of wisdom and virtue, and is inseparable from them; nor is it either in thy power to deserve, nor in that of thy followers to bestow. As for such heroes as thou hast named, who, like thyself, were born the curses of mankind, I readily agree they pursue another kind of glory, even that which thou hast mentioned, the applause of their slaves and sycophants; in this instance, indeed, their masters, since they bestow on them the reward, such as it is, of all their labours.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: However, as you would persuade me you have so clear a notion of my honour, I would be glad to be on a par with you, by conceiving some idea of yours; which I can never obtain of the shadow, till I have some clearer knowledge of the substance, and understand in what your wisdom and virtue consist.
- Diognas: Not in ravaging countries, burning cities, plundering and massacring mankind.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: No, rather in biting and snarling at them.
- Diognas: I snarl at them because of their vice and folly; in a word, because there are among them many such as thee and thy followers.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: If thou wouldst confess the truth, envy is the true source of all thy bitterness; it is that which begets thy hatred, and from hatred comes thy railing; whereas the thirst of glory only is my motive. I hate not those whom I attack, as plainly appears by the clemency I shew to them when they are conquered.
- Diognas: Thy clemency is cruelty. Thou givest to one what thou hast by violence and plunder taken from another; and in so doing, thou only raisest him to be again the mark of fortune's caprice, and to be tumbled down a second time by thyself, or by some other like thee. My snarling is the effect of my love; in order, by my invectives against vice, to frighten men from it, and drive them into the road of virtue.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: For which purpose thou hast forsworn society, and art retired to preach to trees and stones.
- Diognas: I have left society, because I cannot endure the evils I see and detest in it.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Rather because thou canst not enjoy the good thou dost covet in it. For the same reason I have left my own country, which afforded not sufficient food for my ambition.
- Diognas: But I come not like thee abroad, to rob and plunder others. Thy ambition hath destroyed a million, whereas I have never occasioned the death of a single man.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Because thou hast not been able; but thou hast done all within thy power, by cursing and devoting to destruction almost as many as I have conquered. Come, come, thou art not the poor-spirited fellow thou wouldst appear. There is more greatness of soul in thee than at present shines forth. Poor circumstances are clouds which often conceal and obscure the brightest minds. Pride will not suffer thee to confess passions which fortune hath not put it in thy power to gratify. It is, therefore, that thou deniest ambition; for hadst thou a soul as capacious as mine, I see no better way which thy humble fortune would allow thee of feeding its ambition, than what thou had chosen; for when alone in this retreat which thou hast chosen, thou mayest contemplate thy own greatness. Here no stronger rival will contend with thee; nor can the hateful objects of superior power, riches, or happiness, invade thy sight. But, be honest and confess, had fortune placed thee at the head of a Makedonian army.
- Diognas: Had fortune placed me at the head of the world, it could not have raised me in my own opinion. And is this mighty soul, which is, it seems, so much more capacious than mine, obliged at last to support its superiority on the backs of a multitude of armed slaves? And who in reality have gained these conquests, and gathered all these laurels, of which thou art so vain? Hadst thou alone past into Adzeia (Asia), the empire of Darias had still stood unshaken. But though Alexander had never been born, who will say the same troops might not, under some other general, have done as great, or perhaps greater mischiefs? The honour, therefore, such as it is, is by no means justly thy own. Thou usurpest the whole, when thou art, at most, entitled to an equal share only. It is not, then, Alexander, but Alexander and his army are superior to Diogenas. And in what are they his superiors? In brutal strength — in which they would be again excelled by an equal number of lions, or wolves, or tigers. An army which would be able to do as much more mischief than themselves, as they are than Diogenas.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Then thy grief broke forth. Thou hatest us because we can do more mischief than thyself. And in this I see thou claimest the precedence over me; that I make use of others as the instruments of my conquests, whereas all thy raillery and curses against mankind, proceed only out of thy own mouth. And if I alone am not able to conquer the world, thou alone art able to curse it.
- Diognas: If I desired to curse it effectually, I have nothing more to do, than to wish thee long life and prosperity.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: But then thou must wish well to an individual, which is contrary to thy nature, who hatest all.
- Diognas: Thou art mistaken. Long life, to such as thee, is the greatest of curses; for, to mortify thy pride effectually, know, there is not in thy whole army, no, nor among all the objects of thy triumph, one equally miserable with thyself; for if the satisfaction of violent desires be happiness, and a total failure of success in most eager pursuits, misery (which cannot, I apprehend, be doubted), what can be more miserable, than to entertain desires which we know never can be satisfied? And this a little reflection will teach thee is thy own case; for what are thy desires? not pleasures; with that Makedonia would have furnished thee. Not riches; for, capacious as thy soul is, if it had been all filled with avarice, the wealth of Darias would have contented it. Not power; for then the conquest of Poras, and the extending thy arms to the farthest limits of the world, must have satisfied thy ambition. Thy desire consists in nothing certain, and therefore with nothing certain can be gratified. It is as restless as fire, which still consumes whatever comes in its way, without determining where to stop. How contemptible must thy own power appear to thee, when it cannot give thee the possession of thy wish; but how much more contemptible thy understanding, which cannot enable thee to know certainly what that wish is?
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: I can at lead comprehend thine, and can grant it. I like thy humour, and will deserve thy friendship. I know the Adzaians (Danai's, Diognas is - Adzao-Danai) have affronted thee, have contemned thy philosophy, and suspected thy morals. I will revenge thy cause on them. I will lead my army back, and punish their ill usage of thee. Thou thyself shalt accompany us; and when thou beholdest their city in flames, shalt have the triumph of proclaiming, that thy just resentment hath brought this calamity on them.
Diognas: They do indeed deserve it at my hands; and though revenge is not what I profess, yet the punishment of such dogs may be of good example. I therefore embrace thy offer; but let us not be particular, let Diognas (not Corinth) and Lacedaemon share the same fate. They are both the nest of vermin only, and fire alone will purify them. Gods! what a delight it will be to see the rascals, who have so openly in derision called me a snarling cur, roasting in their own houses.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Yet, on a second consideration, would it not be wiser to preserve the cities, especially Diognas, which is so full of wealth, and only massacre the inhabitants?
Diognas: Yes their wealth; I despise it.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Well, then, let it be given to the soldiers, as the demolition of it will not increase the punishment of the citizens, when we have cut their throats.
Diognas: True. Then you may give some of it to the soldiers; but as the dogs have formerly insulted me with their riches, I will, if you please, retain a little, perhaps a moiety, or not much more, to my own use. It will give me at least an opportunity of shewing the world, I can despise riches when I possess them, as much as I did before in my poverty.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Art not thou a true dog? Is this thy contempt of wealth? This thy abhorrence of the vices of mankind? To sacrifice three of the noblest cities of the world to thy wrath and revenge! And hast thou the impudence to dispute any longer the superiority with me, who have it in my power to punish my enemies with death, while thou only canst persecute with evil wishes.
Diognas: I have still the same superiority over thee, which thou dost challenge over thy soldiers. I would have made thee the tool of my purpose. But I will discourse no longer with thee; for I now despise and curse thee more than I do all the world besides. And may perdition seize thee, and all thy followers!
[Here some of the army would have fallen upon him, but Alexander interposed.
VASILON MAKEDONON ALEXANRDOY: Let him alone. I admire his obstinacy; nay, I almost envy it. Farewell, old Cynic; and if it will flatter thy pride, be assured, I esteem thee so much, that was I not Alexander, I could desire to be Diogenas.
Diognas: Go to the Gibbet, and take with thee as a mortification; that was I not Diogenas, I could almost content myself with being Alexandroy.
Василеон Александрој Македонон и го подари светот на македонците, а тие како му возвратија,.. го отруја, фамилијата му ја уништија,... а денес наместо Македонон (Македонски) го нарекуваат ''велики''
или ''the great'', додека државата на латиница му ја нарекуваат ''Мacedonia'' - Мацедониа, итн,.. а да ќе заборавев,... дозволуваат некој друг да и бира име.
Ќе се најде ли некој да ги ''подисправи'' работите?
На ден 05 - 03 - 2009, е конструирана страната на Македонија е СЕ: Тој ден и се смета за роденден на организацијата Македонија е СЕ.
На ден 02 - 16 - 2016, е конструирана peзepвнaтa страната на Македонија е СЕ:
страница која е по погодна за посета со мобилни апарати кои имаат инсталирано андроид софтвер.
Уште на самиот почеток интернет страницата на Македонија е СЕ, бидејќи зборува за Вистинската Историја на Македонија со историски факти, но и актуеллни политички настани, СТАНУВА ТРН во очите на сите непријатели на Македонската Држава, ма и трн во очите на некои политички организации во Р. Македонија.
Страницата на Македонија е СЕ, е конструирана како резултат за потребите на Македонскиот Народ и друѓите да се запознаат со Вистинската Македонска Историја, политика и болното Македонско прашање.
Страницата на Македонија е СЕ е конструирана за да помогне за зачувување на македонскиот идентитет, земја, култура, јазик, право за слободен говор, мисла, движење, соживот cо другите национални малцинства во Македонија, слободно искажување и потик на искажување МА и негување на националниот идентитет како во Македонија така и во светот.
Македонско Име вечно нема да загине.
Глава даваме, Македонија и Mакедонско име не даваме.
Од Македонија и Алекcандрoj Македонон, славeн Василeoн Македон нема да се откажеме.
Cлава македонска ќе повратиме,
Алекcандрoj Македонон славен Василeoн Македон обожaваме,
Македонија, земја нај мила уважуваме.
Малку сме на број, ЕЈ, ХЕЈ,
силни сме во бој, ЕЈ, ХЕЈ.
ЕЈ, Алекcандрoj, OJ, OJ,
ЕЈ, Македонон, OH, OH.
Алекcандрoj Македонон славен Василeoн Македон, нас не предводи.